Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 408 Childhood Sweetheart 15

Chapter 408 Childhood Sweetheart 15

Chen Xiaopang and others returned to the classroom with a panic expression.

“What’s wrong?” Shao Sijia hurriedly asked, “Feng Meixin lied to the teacher that Zhao Ying had bullied her, didn’t she?”

Kang Liyang swallowed saliva and said, “She... She...”

Zhao Ying nervously looked at Chen Xiaopang, who pushed Kang Liyang away, “She sneaked out of school and was missing!”

Zhao Ying and Shao Sijia were astonished.

“What do you mean?” Zhao Ying was so scared that her face was twisted, “She... How did she run out of school?”

The gate of the school was locked every day. Had she gone out by climbing over the wall?

Chen Xiaopang didn’t know. They secretly heard the dean of students office say so, but the details were unclear. All they knew was that Feng Meixin had run out of school. And at present her family had been notified and the police had been called.

“What if she meets bad persons?” Zhao Ying held her face and said, “It’s too terrible.”

Soon, other classmates knew that Feng Meixin had run away. And this was the case for children. They had forgotten what had happened just now, and they were all worried whether Feng Meixin would be taken away by the bad guys.

“It was my fault...” Zhao Ying was sad, “I shouldn’t have quarreled with her.”

Chen Xiaopang tugged her hair, “What did it have to do with you? She ran away by herself.”

“Yeah!” Shao Sijia also said, “It’s not you who wanted to quarrel with her. It was her own fault.”

The two female classmates who were good friends with Feng Meixin suddenly said.

“If it weren’t for you, she wouldn’t have run out!”

“Yes, Chen Xiaopang, you pushed Feng Meixin over. It was your fault!”

Zhao Ying glanced at them and silently groveled on the table. While Chen Xiaopang stared at them fiercely, and the two girls were afraid to speak.

Perhaps their words reminded him, so Chen Xiaopang immediately ran to the back of the classroom and secretly took out his mobile phone to send a text message to Wang Cailian. Wang Cailian quickly called him and Chen Xiaopang ran out of the classroom to answer the phone.

“Mom, if Feng Meixin disappears, will her family come to bother us to take the responsibility?”

Wang Cailian was startled when she saw the text message. Otherwise she wouldn’t call at this moment.

“You have no class now?”

“No, the teachers are not here. They all go to look for Feng Meixin.”

Wang Cailian thought about it, “You told me the truth just now, didn’t you? Did she throw Zhao Ying’s book first, and then you pushed her over?”

“Well, I didn’t push her hard.” Chen Xiaopang also felt wronged, “I just pushed her lightly and she fell down.”

“I see.” Wang Cailian said, “You go back to the classroom. I shall go to your school now.”

She thought that Feng Meixin’s parents must have arrived at the school. It was inevitable that they would get agitated because the child disappeared. If they transferred the anger on Chen Xiaopang and Zhao Ying, it would be troublesome. Therefore, she quickly changed her clothes, explained the matter to Xiaopang’s grandparents and went out. She also called Chen Qing on the way.

“So...” Chen Qing hesitated over the other side of the phone for a few seconds, “Then I’ll go, too. See you at the school.”

When Wang Cailian arrived, Feng Meixin’s mother was losing her temper in the principal’s room.

“Our child was sent into the school, and you tell me now that the child has run out? Let an eight-year-old child run out of school. You are too irresponsible!”

The principal looked pale. The dean of students office and other teachers were apologizing to her aside.

Luo Ping fiercely pointed at them and scolded, “My daughter has no news till now. If something really happens to her, it won’t be easy to be over. Also, didn’t you say that she ran out because she was wronged by her classmate after a bitter quarrel? Where is the classmate? I want to meet his parents!”

“Sorry, I’m late.” Wang Cailian pushed the door open.

The teacher was surprised when seeing her, “Jinjin’s mother? I haven’t notified you!”

“I just sent messages to my son and asked, and he told me. Thus, I hurry to come over.” Wang Cailian said with a worried tone, “Oh, Mrs. Feng, don’t worry. Meixin is a blessed girl. It’s going to be fine.”

Luo Ping was stunned when she saw Wang Cailian, and it took her a long time to react. It turned out that Chen Xiaopang was the classmate who had bullied her daughter. She didn’t know that she should be happy or angry...

“Mrs. Chen, sorry to bother you to come.” She smiled and said, “It is not a big deal for the children to have a little conflict. Our Meixin was not sensible. She ran out by herself.”

The principal and teachers next to her were shocked. She hadn’t said so just now!!

“Anyway, my child was wrong because he pushed his classmate.” Wang Cailian paused, “We should find the child first now! Other things can wait until the child is found.”

At this time, the police called to say that a taxi had carried a child just now. The child had gotten out of the car, and then the driver felt that something was wrong and called the police. It happened to be Feng Meixin who had disappeared at school.

“The police said that Feng Meixin had gotten off at the west gate of Xiaguang Department Store on Xiaguang South Road.” The principal hurriedly asked Luo Ping after hanging up, “What’s that place?”

Luo Ping exclaimed, “Her dad’s company is there!”

“Then you call Mr. Feng quickly and see if the child has gone to look for him.” Wang Cailian was also relieved. If that girl really disappeared, their family must have had responsibility then...

Luo Ping quickly called her husband and knew that Feng Meixin had gone to her father a few minutes ago.

“This girl. I shall teach her a lesson when I get home!”

After hanging up, Luo Ping felt embarrassed to apologize to the principal and other teachers first, “I didn’t have a good attitude just now. Please don’t mind. I was too anxious then!”

“It’s okay!” The principal also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had gone to heaven from hell, “You were just worried about the child! Besides, we were also responsible originally. Later we will have a meeting to carry out a school safety investigation just for this matter, to put an end to similar situations in the future.”

A terrifying matter of student missing ended like this. Fortunately it was threatening but not dangerous. The teacher sent Wang Cailian and Luo Ping out of the principal’s office and then hurried back to the classroom. Wang Cailian saw Chen Qing running towards this way in a distance.

“Has the child been found?” Chen Qing asked as soon as he came over.

Luo Ping responded, “Oh! Is this Mr. Chen? Sorry to bother you to come here, too. My daughter has already been found. The child ran to her father’s company by herself. Sorry about the mess...”

“Is that all right?” Chen Qing only cared about this, “That’s good. It is fine that the child isn’t missing.”

Luo Ping thought this to be an opportunity and quickly said, “It’s noon, or I’ll invite you to dinner! I am so sorry to bother you to go so far.”

“Thank you for your invitation, but you needn’t.” Wang Cailian smiled and said, “It was also because my son was naughty. I’ll teach him a lesson later.”

Luo Ping quickly waved her hand when she heard so, “Don’t. I’ve asked the teacher that it was Meixin who threw Zhao Ying’s book first. Your son definitely would protect his sister. It was not his fault.”

“But he still shouldn’t push others, especially pushing a little girl.” Wang Cailian patted Luo Ping’s hand, “You don’t have to worry about it.”

“As for the lunch...”

Chen Qing said immediately, “Thank you for your kindness, but my parents who stay at home have cooked for us. If suddenly we don’t go back, they should be unhappy.”

“Well...” Luo Ping looked regretful, “That’s OK. Please let me have an opportunity to treat you next time, otherwise I will feel bad about it!”

After separating from Luo Ping, the couple returned to their car. Wang Cailian said angrily.

“I’ve fed up with the child of this family. She always bullies our Ying. Fortunately, your son knows to protect his sister, otherwise Ying will feel wronged by the unkindness. Then how can we explain to her mother Cong Fei?”

Chen Qing started the car and sneered, “Don’t you see that? Mrs. Chen obviously wants to acquire relationships with us. After you said it last time, I went to investigate their family. They have an advertising company and the business is not too bad.”

However, Feng Family had always wanted to find a big company to rely on so that they could get large orders without hard work. And they could also enter the upper class and have the opportunity to expand the operation. It was a pity that they hadn’t had their way. So far, the only people they can acquire relationships is their family...

“I thought that she was so enthusiastic about me because she wanted to know those wealthy ladies. I didn’t expect them to be so ambitious.” Wang Cailian snorted, “If it’s someone else, I will not disagree. But I do look down upon them for their characters.”

Chen Qing nodded, “Then you can ignore them. Isn’t it said that the students will be divided into classes when they are in the fourth grade? At that time, we should tell the teacher that our children won’t be in the same class with Feng Meixin.”

Wang Cailian secretly sent a message to Chen Xiaopang, telling him that Feng Meixin wasn’t missing and had been found. Chen Xiaopang immediately told Zhao Ying and saw Zhao Ying obviously relieve.

After eating dinner at home in the evening, Big Yellow came around and wanted to be taken out to play by them two, carrying the tow rope in its mouth. Grandpa took the initiative to go but was rejected by Big Yellow.

“Huh! I’ve wasted feeding you so much meat.” Grandpa sit on the sofa angrily, and decided to ignore Big Yellow, the conscienceless dog today.

Big Yellow just wanted to hang out with two children at this moment, and forgot about pleasing Grandpa. It happened that Wang Cailian felt that she had eaten too much at dinner and decided to go with them together.

“Wait for me!” As soon as the two children came out, they took Big Yellow to run. Wang Cailian couldn’t keep up with them.

She originally had thought that it would be inconvenient to walk the dog for the two children, thinking of pulling Big Yellow’s tow rope herself. But she was exhausted halfway and lagged behind...

Wang Cailian suddenly felt that she might not gain weight in the future...

At this time, there were many people walking dogs in the community. Basically there were top breed dogs, white and round Samoyed or Husky, Teddy, and a few big German Shepherd Dogs and Border Collies. Rural dogs like Big Yellow stood out.

But the two children didn’t mind, and Wang Cailian paid little attention to it.

After two laps, Big Yellow ceased, so the children stood aside to rest and waited for Wang Cailian to keep up with them.

Just then, a strong Husky came, and suddenly pounced on the two little children.

Wang Cailian was startled for the Husky looked too strong. If it hit the children, both children would fall. She immediately shouted, “Xiaopang! Zhao Ying!”

But it was too late.

Then they saw Big Yellow that had originally been tired of running and lain prone aside suddenly stood up, barked a few times and rushed up to bite the Husky.

It was only half the size of the Husky. However, it was unknown how Big Yellow did it. Soon the Husky fled with barking.

A large tuft of fur was left on Big Yellow’s mouth.

Zhao Ying quickly took the fur down to prevent Big Yellow from eating it. Wang Cailian was relieved. But at this time, the master of the Husky came over.

He was also dragging his own silly dog, probably preparing to come to ask for an explanation. But that Husky was not willing to come over at all, just keeping barking “Ao ao ao...”

Wang Cailian saw that they didn’t come and went over by herself. The dog master was really way out of line to walk the big dog without pulling the tow rope.

But she went over and immediately saw that Husky had had a bald patch on its head, which was very funny.

When Wang Cailian was negotiating with the other dog owner, Chen Xiaopang squatted down to praise Big Yellow, “Big Yellow, you should fight like that in the future. You can’t bite other dogs, but you can bite off their fur...”

“You’ve performed very well today. When we go back, I shall add a can of dog food for you!”

“Woof woof woof!” Big Yellow barked happily.

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