Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 362 Sweet Orange

Chapter 362 Sweet Orange

After waiting for two hours, the phone rings. It is Xiaowen’s voice, but Ning Lingshan can hear that it is not Xiaowen. She talks with Xiaowen for a while as usual and then hangs up.

Just after hanging up, Tang Ming calls again, “Miss Ning, if you want your brother to come back as soon as possible, you should marry Tang Cao quickly. Don’t challenge my patience anymore, or I can change a person. You have only one younger brother.”

Tang Ming fiercely hangs up the phone. Ning Lingshan looks at Lang Ruoxian with apprehension.

“Hua, now you can decide whether to send her brother abroad for surgery or let them stay in Yanjing.”

Tang Duo looks at him blankly, “What’s the difference?”

Lang Ruoxian touches her head, “If she goes abroad, she will be free. I will let someone stare at her. If she stays in Yanjing, she will be arranged to kill the fetus tomorrow.”

“If we stay in Yanjing, my brother’s operation...” Ning Lingshan asks carefully.

“Your brother’s operation can be done at home.” Lang Ruoxian says, “What I promised you will not change.”

Ning Lingshan immediately says that she has no objection. For her, her brother’s operation is the most important. As for the child... Her pregnancy reaction is not good. She begins to see blood these days. She is a nurse. She knows that the fetus will stop developing soon.

Tang Duo looks at Ning Lingshan’s belly, “Send them to abroad.”

Abortion is not virtuous. Chang Pei’e tells her before that in order to accumulate happiness for the family, just let it be!

“Okay.” Lang Ruoxian asks Shu Sheng to arrange. Tang Cao looks at Ning Lingshan when he leaves.

Tang Cao says coldly, “I hope this is the last time I see you.”

“Sorry...” Ning Lingshan bows deeply.

Tang Ming is crazy. How could the child disappear? The bodyguard who was sent to look after the child said he didn’t see the child when he woke up. Who took the child away? Or did the child run away by himself?

He can’t figure out what was going on. He has to stabilize Ning Lingshan first. Anyway, she can’t see her brother. She doesn’t know there is something wrong with her brother. But Tang Ming knows he can’t keep it from her for long. In case Ning Lingshan wants to video with her brother next time, it will show up.

“Go to look for the child. If he is taken by someone, there will always be a trace.” Tang Ming tells the bodyguard, “If he runs by himself, it will be easier for you to catch him. I give you three days! You must get him back in three days.”

Tang Ming has no doubt that the child has been taken away by Lang Ruoxian, because he thinks Ning Lingshan won’t change sides. Especially after bearing Tang Cao’s child, the Tang Family will not forgive her. They take her in the Tang Family for the sake of her baby.

Ning Lingshan and her brother are sent away soon. Lang Ruoxian asks someone to stare at her until the baby in her stomach is gone. Tang Cao also flies to find Fang Diandian. But when he arrives at the address provided by Chen Xiaopang, the landlord tells him that Fang Diandian has left yesterday.

“She’s gone” Tang Cao is surprised, “Where has she gone?”

Of course the landlord doesn’t know. The landlord just says that Fang Diandian has refunded the rent and left with luggage.

Tang Cao calls Chen Xiaopang.

“She has gone?” Chen Xiaopang is dumbfounded, “I saw her yesterday.”

“Where did you see her?” Tang Cao is angry. Chen Xiaopang can’t even look at a person.

Chen Xiaopang says, “I saw her go back. She goes back every afternoon and she doesn’t come out at night.”

“So she left last night. Why didn’t you stare at her at night? You live across from her!” When Tang Cao says this, he hangs up and goes back to the house Chen Xiaopang rents.

Chen Xiaopang stands up suddenly and says, “She is very good every day. She never comes out at night. How could I know that she would run?”

“You went to the bar last night!” Tang Cao smashes him with a pillow, “Will you die without a woman in a day?”

“No...” Chen Xiaopang thinks for a moment and says, “I met a white woman with big breasts. When she was on the bed...” Seeing that Tang Cao wants to kill him, Chen Xiaopang shuts up.

“Who are you calling? Are you calling the police?”

Tang Cao says angrily, “I am calling my brother-in-law to see if he can find out where Diandian is.”

The next morning, Shu Sheng tells Tang Cao that Diandian has returned home. It seems that there is a relative of her family who is married. She goes to the wedding.

“Okay!” Tang Cao breathes a sigh of relief and kicks Chen Xiaopang, “Hurry up! We are going to the airport.”

Chen Xiaopang never gets up so early. He holds the quilt and shouts, “No! I’m still a baby. I want to sleep!”

“Hurry up, or I won’t wait for you.”

Finally, Chen Xiaopang has to get up and go to the airport with Tang Cao.

When Tang Cao is on the plane, Fang Diandian is sitting in the cafe with Tang Duo.

“That’s what happened.” Fang Diandian is stunned after listening to Tang Duo, “It’s like making a movie.”

“That’s it.” Tang Duo shrugs and says, “Tang Cao should tell you in person. But I’m afraid he is too stupid to make it clear. Then you will be angrier.”

Fang Diandian scratches her face, “I... I...”

“Think about it for yourself! When he comes back, he will definitely confess to you this time.” Tang Duo smiles, “You know our family like you very much. So if you want, you will be my sister-in-law in the future!”

Fang Diandian flushes.

But she’s happy now. She cried every day in foreign countries during this period of time. She was very sad. Tang Cao had a child with another woman. Even if Tang Cao said it was an accident, she couldn’t accept it.


Although the child still exists, Tang Cao is still a virgin.

So Fang Diandian waits for Tang Cao to come back obediently. Tang Duo goes back to talk to Lang Ruoxian.

“This is Diandian. If it is me, I will ignore Tang Cao.”

Lang Ruoxian just comes out of the bath. When he hears Tang Duo’s words, he smiles, “We’ve been busy with their business recently. You’ve forgotten that our twins are going to be one year old.”

“Yes!” Tang Duo calculates, “The 16th of next month.”

She looks at the date and says, “I’ll discuss it with Mom tomorrow and see how to celebrate.”

“Fourth Uncle and Lang Yukun will come.”

Tang Duo is not surprised. They are the only relatives of Lang Ruoxian. Tang Duo doesn’t want to contact Lang Jia and Lang Jie.

“Will Lang Yukun bring his little girlfriend?” Tang Duo is more curious about this.

Lang Ruoxian nods, “He should bring her. I heard that he will bring her wherever he goes.”

“I can finally see her!” Tang Duo smiles, “Then I’ll ask Fei Ying and Sister Chen. If they have time, they can come to get together.”

Fei Ying’s son went to Fei Yi’s home abroad when he was one year old. It’s said that a great-grandpa suddenly appeared in their home, so Tang Duo didn’t go. She can make up a gift for the little guy.

Sister Chen also gave birth two months ago. She specially asks Tang Duo to watch her baby with the video. They planned to get together again when her daughter was one year old.

“We’re going to celebrate their birthday.” Bai Susu has been thinking about it for a long time.

Chang Pei’e smiles and doesn’t say anything. Tang Yao rarely uses his head, “Then Tang Ming will find Ning Lingshan is not here.”

“He’ll find out in a few days.” Lang Ruoxian says, “If the reporter doesn’t report and Ning Lingshan doesn’t contact him, then he will naturally know what’s going on.”

Bai Susu sneers, “Yes, I’ll send him an invitation. I’ll see if he dares to come!”

“Ah!” Lele, who is playing on the ground, holds the ball and shouts.

The twins are almost one year old. They have completely changed their appearance, especially Lele. Her big eyes are always watery and her small mouth is pink. The Tang family doesn’t boast. They really haven’t seen such a beautiful baby.

Besides, she is very sweet. If someone smiles to her, she will also smile. She is very cute.

“Oh, my baby!” Tang Yao quickly catches the ball and gets a sweet smile from the baby. Even Lang Ruoxian has to admit that his daughter is very cute.

“I think Lele should change her nickname.” Tang Duo picks up a sweet orange to eat, “She’s so sweet. Call her Orange!”

“It doesn’t sound good.” Bai Susu has different opinions, “Call her Sweet Orange. It’s good!”

An’an’s eyes widen. Although the child is also good-looking, he always has a serious face. He seldom laughs at people except his family. Tang Duo always thinks that her little son is like Lang Ruoxian. He is like an old man when he is young.

“Your name is An’an.” Tang Duo pokes her son’s face, “Look at you. You are so young but you always frowns. I will call you Little Old Man.”

Bai Susu glares at her and says, “Don’t talk nonsense. An’an is so good-looking. He has been steady since childhood!”

Then she picks Lele up and says, “Oh, Lele. No! Sweet Orange is a girl. A girl should be sweet and cute!”

Sweet Orange shouts, “Ah!”

“Mom!” An’an suddenly says.

Tang Duo is stunned, “What’s An’an called? Call it again!”

“Mom!” An’an puts out his chubby arms to hug.

Tang Duo quickly picks him up, “Did he just call Mom?”

“Yes.” Lang Ruoxian nods.

In fact, he didn’t even hear clearly.

“An’an, call Mom again! Call Mom!”

An’an calls, ‘Mom... Mom...”

“My God!” Except for Lang Ruoxian, the whole family is excited.

Tang Yao rubbed his hands, “An’an must be a genius. He can call Mom before he’s one year old!”

“Dad, there are records in foreign countries. Some children can call others when they are seven months old.” Lang Ruoxian says untimely but he is ignored by everyone.

An’an has always been regarded as a clever boy. He is surrounded and boasted by everyone. However, An’an is no longer open his mouth in Chang Pei’e’s arms. No matter how others coax him, he doesn’t call.

Lang Ruoxian wants to say that An’an is probably unconscious. He opens his mouth but doesn’t say anything. Anyway, he will be ignored...

But the next day he finds out he is wrong. Because when they have breakfast, An’an clearly calls Tang Duo Mom. Tang Duo proudly shows off to Lang Ruoxian.

“Look, our son calls me first!”

But a few days later, when Lang Ruoxian returns from work, Sweet Orange suddenly reaches out and shouts at him.

“Ah... Dad!”

The whole family is dumbfounded!

Lang Ruoxian is also surprised.

“Ha-ha! We must have heard it wrong.” Tang Yao immediately picks Sweet Orange up, “What did you just say, Sweet Orange?”

Sweet Orange still stares at Lang Ruoxian. Then she reaches out to hug him, “Dad...”

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