Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 33 Lang Yi Comes to the Hospital at Midnight

Chapter 33 Lang Yi Comes to the Hospital at Midnight

“Thank you!” Yan Hua turns her head sideways to look at Lang Ruoxian. She sincerely thanks the man for the first time.

No matter what his purpose is, she’s afraid she would be forced to lie down on the operating table if he did not appear in time...

Thinking of what would happen after that, Yan Hua shudders. She has abandoned everything to give birth to the baby, so she won’t allow others to treat him like that.

“I thought she has basic humanity, but obviously she can do anything for her selfishness and purposes.”

Lang Ruoxian snorts: “The so-called select society consists of a group of brutes in human skin competing who can be the most inhumane.”


“Why do you stare at me? Is there a flower on my face?” Seeing Yan Hua staring at him, Lang Ruoxian glances at her.

Yan Hua smiles: “This is not like what you usually say.”

“Should I say you are too stupid?” Lang Ruoxian narrows his long and beautiful eyes. “In that case, you can call Grandpa by yourself. As long as the phone gets through, Grandpa will call you back even if it is hung up by others.”

“Maybe that’s because I haven’t regarded him as my grandpa.” Yan Hua also snorts. “He isn’t my biological grandpa indeed, but fortunately he cares about my baby, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.”

Nobody says that Lang Hongyue wanted her to give the caesarean birth. They just tell the doctor’s opinion to Lang Cha. So, Lang Cha asks Lang Hongyue to take good care of Yan Hua, make her be hospitalized in a thoroughgoing manner, and create the best conditions for her.

“Why are you frowning?” Lang Ruoxian sees that she has been frowning. “After Grandpa said that, Lang Hongyue doesn’t dare to harm you, and... I think she might have regretted it now.”

Lang Hongyue regrets it indeed. She only thought that if a caesarean operation is conducted in advance, the child’s physical condition will be worse so that she can control him in the future. But she ignored the existence of the mother Yan Hua. She was much too hurried.

On the second day of Yan Hua’s hospitalization, Lang Hongyue comes to the hospital with tonics.

“Hua, don’t blame on me. I was just too anxious. I was afraid that you will suffer from the malposition.” She can’t admit her plan no matter Yan Hua has guessed it or not.

Otherwise, Yan Hua will hate Lang Hongyue forever.

“I apologize to you!” Lang Hongyue looks at her kindly. “It’s my fault that I scared you.”

Yan Hua keeps silent and hasn’t eaten the tonics. Lang Hongyue sees that and stands up: “I want to say something to the doctor. You remember to eat the cubilose before it cools down!”

She steps on her high heels and goes out. However, she hides outside and looks at Yan Hua secretly. Seeing that Yan Hua begin to eat the cubilose in the bowl after hesitating for a while, she stops feeling worried.

“Hee! I don’t believe that I can’t deal with a little girl...”

Yan Hua listens carefully and is sure that Lang Hongyue really leaves this time. Yan Hua feels uninterested and lays down the bowl after eating some cubilose. She was just pretending being stupid.

And Lang Yi feels scared for a long time after that night. He believes that Lang Ruoxian must know something. When Li Jun sees that he is scared, he thinks it is due to Chen San, so he proposes to kill Chen San.

“I am such a good friend of you. I have even paid it for you.” He is having fun in a club with Lang Yi. He asks the young model in his arms to leave. “If you are afraid, just pretend that you don’t know it!”

Lang Yi is afraid indeed. He is not so bold to kill someone. Otherwise, he would have killed Lang Ruoxian already a few years ago.

“Your phone!” Seeing he is in a daze, Li Jun flicks his own chin.

It’s an unknown number. Lang Yi frowns and answers it.

“Childe Yi!” Chen San sounds very happy.

Li Jun can hear the voice over the mobile phone. When Chen San says that he wants to get another five million yuan, Li Jun makes an action of cutting his own throat with his hand.

“It’s just like what I said.” After Lang Yi hangs up, Li Jun says: “Fuck, he has insatiable desires!”

Lang Yi’s eyes look fierce, and he nods his head: “Just do it as you said.”

“OK, don’t worry! There is a ready-made chance.” Li Jun kindles a cigarette. “When he goes to get the money, I will ask someone to rob the money. If someone looks into it, it will be regarded as robbing.”

Lang Yi doesn’t care about this. He even wants to stab Chen San to death. Even a local ruffian dares to threaten him. He thinks he is just like Lang... He suddenly stands up. Lang Ruoxian! Lang Ruoxian...

“Oh! What happened to you? You scared me.”

“I’m fine.” Lang Yi presses the bell impatiently. “Ask a few sluts to come in.”

It is better to say that Chen San courts death rather than Li Jun acts quickly. Lang Yi gives him a check that day. Chen San withdraws money in the bank the next day. Then he picks up hot chicks in a bar. He has fun with two women in a hotel for a night. After he wakes up, it gets dark again.

“I am so rich!” Then he goes to the entertainment center where he orders a large compartment and a dozen of hookers. He needn’t worry what to do if the money is spent. Anyway, he has an ATM: the childe of Lang Family.

At the midnight, several bullies call him and ask him to eat midnight snack. Chen San is drunk and gets out of the entertainment center. Before he gets in a car, he is dragged into the alley nearby.

“Who are you? What are you doing? Ah...”

After a screech, several shadows run to the road and soon disappear. After a while, someone slowly walks into the alley...

After Lang Yi knows that Chen San has been killed, he’s in a much better mood. When he gets back home, he hears Uncle Lee say that Yan Hua is awaiting delivery in hospital. He thinks of her face and makes clicks.

“I promised my mom to wait until she gives birth to the child, but I can visit her now.” Therefore, Lang Yi goes to the hospital with some fruit at the night.

Yan Hua is sweating and preparing to take a bath after finishing a set of exercise to correct the fetal position. She sees Lang Ruoxian knock at the door and then come in.

“It’s so late. Why do you come here?” Yan Hua’s first thought is: has she done anything stupid recently?

“No, no, no!”

Yan Hua just finishes the exercise, so her glamorous face is blushed, and her naturally charming eyes seem to drip with water. Lang Ruoxian stares at her face for a while and feels that his throat is somewhat itchy.

“Cough...” He loosens his tie and says, “What are you doing?”

“Correcting the fetal position.” Yan Hua wipes her face with a towel, and guesses she can’t take a bath now. “Why do you come here?”

Lang Ruoxian puts down a delicate box: “Xiaokai bought it for you.”

Xiaokai is the baby-faced assistant. When Yan Hua looks at the package, she knows it is a very expensive cake and that Xiaokai had to queue up to buy it.

“Thank him for me!”

Yan Hua puts the cake aside, and suddenly there is awkwardness in the ward...

“I am going on a business trip tomorrow, and I will come back after about a week. If there is any problem, you can dial this number.” Lang Ruoxian breaks the silence and passes on a business card to her. “It’s Xiaokai’s number.”

Yan Hua takes it over, and saves the number in her mobile phone after seeing that he is still staring at her. Then she looks Lang Ruoxian in the eyes. It seems that her expressions are saying that what you want to say since I have already saved it.

“Then sleep early.” Lang Ruoxian stands up, and Yan Hua quickly stands up, too. She opens the door for him.

After turning her head, she sees the man staring at her coldly.

“What’s wrong?”

Lang Ruoxian sneers: “You needn’t hurry to drive me away because I don’t have time to say more to you.”

He becomes insane again.

Yan Hua looks at him as if he is a patient. “I don’t need you to tell me to watch out. Anyway, I don’t think they will trouble me in the hospital.”

What’s more, now everyone’s goal is the same: I give birth to my baby safely. Of course, mainly to ensure the baby is safe.

“Goodbye.” After sending away Lang Ruoxian who gets crazy, Yan Hua feels even more tired. She wants to go to sleep after taking a bath. But someone knocks at her door again. She thought that Lang Ruoxian comes back, so after opening the door she asks:

“Have you left...” Yan Hua doesn’t finish saying “something.” She suddenly makes her eyes wide open and wants to close the door.

Bang! Lang Yi raises his hand against the door and looks at her with red eyes: “What? I’m not Lang Ruoxian... Then I can’t go in?”

“He came to send me a cake. What about you?” Yan Hua looks around vigilantly and slowly steps back.

Lang Yi closes the door with one foot. He takes off his coat and approaches Yan Hua: “You have slept with him?”

“Do you think everyone is like you?” Yan Hua leans against the bed. Lang Yi is getting closer, so she says hurriedly. “Don’t do wrong things, I am pregnant.”

“I haven’t fucked the pregnant yet!” Lang Yi throws his tie away.

He didn’t expect to see such a good show in the hospital when it’s so late. Lang Ruoxian was also there. He saw Lang Ruoxian go into the ward and waited secretly.

“Less than 20 minutes.” Lang Yi smiles. “He has nothing except his good-looking face. Did you feel good when he fucked you?”

Yan Hua wanted to show weakness to buy time. But she can’t hold back her anger when she hears such disgusting words. She throws the cup on the bedside table to him.

“None of your nonsense. If you want to kick up a row, just get out of here!”

Lang Yi leans to one side to avoid it, picking up the tie from the ground and slowly approaching Yan Hua. “You can do it with me since you could do it with him. Be obedient, or I can’t explain it to my mother if I hurt the one in your abdomen.”

“Aren’t you afraid that your mom will beat you to death?” Yan Hua keeps her hands behind her back and raises her head, asking, “And Grandpa, if Grandpa knows it, he will not forgive you.”

Lang Yi laughs: “Don’t take yourself so seriously. My mom wants the baby, but she won’t blame on me because of the son of others. As for Grandpa...”

Lang Yi touches his chin: “To turn you from the widow of his second grandson into the daughter-in-law of his daughter, there isn’t any loss to Grandpa.”

“Then to turn the son of his daughter into a corpse, I don’t think there is any loss to Grandpa, either.” The cold voice comes from the door, and Lang Yi whips round. He sees Lang Ruoxian coming in step by step. He shivers after seeing that Lang Ruoxian’s eyes are full of violence.

Yan Hua relaxes now and Lang Ruoxian hugs her into his arms. When he sees that she is still biting her lip, he can’t help but touch her lips: “You are safe now. Just relax.”

Yan Hua stops biting her lip and cries loudly at once.

Lang Ruoxian is shocked. He always thought that Yan Hua is a strong and somewhat foxy girl. He never believes that she will cry like this.

“Ooo... Why do you come here till now?” Yan Hua goes into Lang Ruoxian’s arms just like a drowning person has grabbed a life buoy.

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