Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 117 Found a Box Full of Money!

Chapter 117 Found a Box Full of Money!

Lang Ruoxian is trapped in a hotel on the edge of city. The hotel seems newly built but its rooms are small with the terrible sound insulation. He sits on the bed dully as there is nowhere else to take a seat.

He hears a woman’s sexual cries rise and fall, occasionally with the beats of hitting the wall and a man’s moan. The sounds last for over one hour and he can’t help thinking: is the man next door so energetic...

“Young Master, there are two men next door.” Shu Sheng enters his room.

Lang Ruoxian’s face darkens: what the hell does it matter to him?

“We can’t get into the town tonight. The roads are all closed and the typhoon won’t pass for a while.” Shu Sheng looks at his watch, “Would you like to call Miss Yan and tell her?”

Lang Ruoxian stares at Shu Sheng and the latter adjusts his glasses, “I’m going to rest in the next room.”

Lang Ruoxian is left alone in the room, and there are still sexual cries and moans next door. He picks his phone up to dial and what he sees first is Yan Hua’s phone number. He hesitates and finally calls.

“Hi!” Yan Hua’s voice comes out of the phone, and she sounds in a good mood.

Lang Ruoxian is relieved, “I went out of city yesterday and can’t go back tonight. I’m glad Gungun and you are both fine. Do you have everything at home?”

“We have everything, and the house maids are good at cooking.” Yan Hua hesitates, “Where are you now?”

“At a hotel on the edge of the city.” Lang Ruoxian grasps the chance and notes, “The condition here is so bad that you can hear clearly the sexual screaming next door.”

Yan Hua feels speechless.

“Are you trapped on the way back home?” Yan Hua tries to ignore the sexual screaming issue.

Lang Ruoxian replies yes and says, “I’m worrying about you.”

He reads online some dating strategies that to pursue a woman, a man have to be brave, careful and shameless, and to make sure she knows what you’ve done for her as well. He feels that he does so much without telling her, and she doesn’t even know how strong and energetic he is!

“Be careful...” Yan Hua pretends to cough twice, “The security of that kind of hotel is not good, and lock the door well. I have to go, Gungun needs a shower now.”

He doesn’t want to hang up but has no reason to continue. After hanging up, he remembers that he forgot to ask what had happened between Fei Shan and her. Then he realizes that it is no use asking her. He has to find a way to get rid of Fei Shan so that he could not hang around Yan Hua all the time.

Lang Ruoxian finds it simple enough on this point. He will soon invest in a movie to get Fei Shan involved, and send him to film at a remote valley for half a year!

“Ah!” The lovers next door yell crazily at a sudden orgasm. After that, all go quiet.

Without taking off his clothes, Lang Ruoxian lies in the bed and closes his eyes.

The typhoon rages for a day and a night. By the noon of the third day it gradually weakens, but the rain still keeps pouring down. The news claims that the rain will stop by the evening and the wind has left G City already.

“Mommy!” Gungun drives his toy car happily around the living room, and occasionally goes to the window to have a look.

He is not afraid as the wind dies. There is lots of weird stuff floating on the ground outside, which might be brought by the typhoon, and Yan Hua even sees a bicycle.

“Gungun, wants that!” The little kid presses his cheek onto the window glass and points to a white geese-like toy.

Yan Hua looks in the direction and sees a life buoy in the shape of the white geese.

“We have one at home.” She explains and asks Gungun, “You wanna Mommy go out in the heavy rain?”

Gungun shakes his head at once. Dong! Hearing the abrupt crash, the mother and son turn their heads and see a tin box which is pushed to the French window by the rainwater and beating the glass fast and hard.

“...” Yan Hua stares for a long time and finds the box stuck there.

Gungun sucks his own finger, “Mommy, take it inside?”

He is right, the box has to be brought in. Its hitting will break the glass otherwise, if it rains harder later.

“Gungun stays here and Mommy goes out for a minute.” Yan Hua puts on the raincoat and boots and takes an umbrella. As soon as she opens the door, the raindrops sweep in and cause Gungun to shiver and hide behind the sofa to giggle.

After the giggles, Gungun looks at his mom and worries, “Mommy, don’t float away!”

“Mommy is fine.” Yan Hua gives him a sign of victory and wades over to get the tin box out and push it further. But the box is stuck so tightly that she has to hold the umbrella around her neck and drag it hard with both hands.

Crack! Finally she takes the box out and finds it very heavy. She has no curiosity to figure out what is inside, but wonders such a weighty box, if thrown out, certainly won’t float anymore.

As a result, she doesn’t hold the box tight and its lid falls off. Seeing what is inside, Yan Hua is shocked and stared at it for a long time. At last she signs and takes it into the house.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Gungun thought there must be something interesting in the box and he is so excited, shouting and circling around his mom.

Yan Hua places it onto the ground for him.

“Money?” Gungun stares at it for a moment. The currency is white and different from what he usually sees.

But he who traveled abroad knows it is money from a foreign country.

Yan Hua touches his head, “These are U.S. dollars. I don’t know which family lost its hidden money.”

A big tin box is full of US dollars!

“Policeman!” Gungun runs to the toy box and pulls out a police car.

Yan Hua gives him a thumb up, “Right, Mommy call him now.”

The police office accepts her report. But the rain is too heavy to reach the villa located on the mountain. The police ask Yan Hua to keep it temporarily and they will come as the rain abates.

“Policemen don’t come?” Gungun was listening and asks.

Yan Hua puts the tin box away and washes her hands in the kitchen, “They will come when the rain stops. Don’t go to move it. That’s the evidence that the policeman wants.”

“Yes, yes!” Gungun nods his little head vigorously, “Gungun won’t move. The policemen catch the bad guy.”

After lunch, Fei Ying calls to offer her condolences, saying that her villa property office is now delivering Chinese cabbages from house to house, which is very funny.

“In fact, I really want Chinese cabbages.” Yan Hua takes a drink of water, “If it keeps raining tomorrow, Gungun won’t be able to poo-poo.”

Fei Ying is chewing an apple noisily on the phone, “The weather forecast said that the typhoon left already and the rain may stop in the afternoon. If it’s true, let’s go out for dinner, to take a hot-pot.”

“Sure, if it stops raining early.” Yan Hua then signs, “I’m afraid not. I’ll have to wait for the police.”

“The police?” Fei Ying raises sharply the pitch of her voice, “Why are you waiting for them? What’s the matter?”

“Come on...” Yan Hua tells her about finding a tin box full of dollars.

Fei Ying keeps screaming on the phone, “You get rich! You get rich! That’s the money sent by God...”

“It belongs to others anyway.” Yan Hua laughs, “It sounds like I can keep it for good.”

“Let the house maid give it to the police!” Fei Ying suggests, “You win the spirit of returning the lost money, and won’t be under investigation.”

Yan Hua thinks that her advice sounds right, “Good, let’s get in touch then!”

The rain gradually subsides at four o’clock in the afternoon. The house maids begin to clean the garden and the driver brings back the table and recliners that had been blown away. Taking Gungun’s hand, Yan Hua stands under the eaves to breathe the fresh air.

Then she sees two police cars, one after the other, coming from a distance, and they are followed by the car of Lang Ruoxian.

“...” Yan Hua sees that Lang Ruoxian hurries after the police and stops them at the front gate. He asks the policeman and looks over at Yan Hua.

Gungun looks up and calls to uncle when Lang Ruoxian walks in with the police.

“Miss Yan,” one policeman says hi, “we come to take it.”

Yan Hua invites the police to come in and sees that her son is held in Lang Ruoxian’s arms, whispering joyfully some secrets.

“Here is the tin box.” Yan Hua bends to take while Lang Ruoxian snatches it with one hand and frowns, “So heavy?”

He doesn’t know what is inside, so Yan Hua opens the lid, “It’s full of US dollars.”

“Miss Yan, did you find it in the yard?” The policeman gets it and pulls out a notebook for routine questioning.

Yan Hua explains the situation while Gungun listens intently and occasionally repeating his mother’s word to show he is involved too in the process. After the inquiries, the police leave with the tin box. The rain finally dies by this time.

“Gungun, look!”

A rainbow is across the sky and flashes in seven colors. It’s really a rare sight.

“Wow!” Gungun only saw it in a picture book before and he is so excited that he claps his hands hard, “Wow! Bow of rain... Mommy, bow of rain!”

Yan Hua nearly dies laughing, “Not bow of rain, it’s rainbow!”

“Rainbow?” Gungun tilts his head, then points to the sky and yells with excitement, “Rainbow! Rainbow!”

After the pleasant moment of the mother and son, Lang Ruoxian says, “Next time you pick up something, wait till I come back, or ask the house maid to settle it.”

“There is not so much to pick up...” Yan Hua is speechless and looks at him, “You think the typhoon may come each day?”

Lang Ruoxian is about to say something while Yan Hua’s phone rings, and she runs over to pick it up, “Where to eat?”

Hanging up the phone, Yan Hua sees Lang Ruoxian staring at her, so she waves to Gungun, “Let’s go upstairs to change new clothes. We go to have dinner with Xiaojiu!”

“I join you.” Lang Ruoxian says at once.

Yan Hua looks at him but speaks nothing. Because she knows what she says can’t change his mind. She can’t lose her temper and shouts: “if you go, I won’t go.” It can only make everyone upset.

“Up to you.” She replies and takes Gungun upstairs.

The moment they enter into the VIP room of the hot-pot restaurant, Lang Ruoxian feels it was such a great decision to follow Yan Hua here.

“Mr. Lang got free time today?” Fei Shan asks ironically, leaning back to his chair.

Lang Ruoxian gives him a mean look, “The best actor is also free? You got no filming?”

“I’ll rest from now to the Spring Festival.” Fei Shan stands up to pull aside a chair for Yan Hua.

Lang Ruoxian takes his seat and draws back another chair on his side, “Hua, come here!”

“I sit here.” Yan Hua sits down besides Fei Ying. Lang Ruoxian puckers his lips and takes a baby chair next to him, “Gungun, here.”

Gungun climbs on the chair happily, “I’m next to Uncle!”

“Yes, next to Uncle.” Lang Ruoxian puts on the bib for Gungun and takes out a small bowl and spoon for children, then he gives Fei Shan a defiant look.

You see? We are families, and we know each other well. Why don’t you the outsider just go?

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