Demons Beside You

Chapter 577 - You Go First, I’ll Take Care Of The Back

Chapter 577: You Go First, I’ll Take Care Of The Back

“Now we’re waiting for them to fight first. Protect Tiger and don’t let him get hurt. If he gets hurt again, I’m afraid he’ll get PTSD. This will affect his future career.”

“Okay, I understand.”

Chen Zhao hung up and continued cheering. “Tiger, Tiger, Tiger!”

This punch was too refreshing.

Boxing competitions should be like this clean cut.

After the competition, Chen Zhao waited outside.

Tiger had to go through a drug test, so he would come out slower.

Chen Zhao wasn’t in a hurry.

Beep, beep—

Right then, a motorbike’s headlights shone on Chen Zhao’s face.

He covered his eyes and looked. The rider was familiar.

“Hey, Sharan. Are you here to pick me up?”

Chen Zhao realized that it was actually Sharan.

Sharan rolled her eyes at him. “Everyone in the audience has left. Why are you still here?”

“You watched that fight too? How about it? Isn’t it awesome?”

Sharan had indeed watched the fight and she had to admit that Tiger’s performance was shocking.

That punch had been too beautiful.

Forcing a 100-kilogram man off the arena with one punch was a beautiful scene for any boxing lover.

Of course, Sharan hadn’t come to watch the competition.

She’d come to see if she could find any clues or information.

She didn’t think that Tiger would actually come out.

She’d been the one who’d taken Tiger to the hospital, so she had an idea about his injuries.

Unexpectedly, Tiger had actually recovered in a short few days.

However, because of this, she believed that the bankers would take revenge on Tiger for their losses.

This was why she was waiting here. She just didn’t think she’d run into Chen Zhao here.

Right then, Tiger walked out of the arena.

“Tiger, I am a police officer. I have some questions for you.”

“Tiger, ignore her. She’s just a traffic cop who gives out parking fines.”

“I’m a patrol officer, not a traffic cop,” Sharan corrected. “I have enforcement powers.”

“So are you interrogating a suspect now?” Chen Zhao asked.

“Can you not cause trouble?”

“You gave me so many fines,” Chen Zhao complained. “Don’t you know how much I’ve lost?”

“If you can make Tiger cooperate, I promise I’ll turn a blind eye if I meet you again.”

“No, you’ve already hurt me psychologically. Tiger, let’s go.”

“Okay, Mr. Chen.”

Tiger only listened to Chen Zhao. Sharan followed behind, not giving up.

When they reached the parking lot, the surrounding cars suddenly turned their headlights on.

At the same time, more than 30 people ran in from all over.

They held all sorts of bats and looked really menacing.

Chen Zhao saw the guy at the front. He seemed to have been the one who’d gotten into a fight with Chen Zhao in the stands and got taught a lesson.

“Tiger, do you know that I lost ten million dollars because of your one punch?” Ben led his dozen guys and glared sinisterly at Chen Zhao.

Seeing the dozen men, Tiger was actually a bit afraid, but he still looked at Chen Zhao.

“Hey, it’s that Asian monkey. Good, great. I was wondering where I could find you. I can’t believe that the two people I hate the most tonight are right before me.”

Ben’s eyes were filled with happiness when he saw Chen Zhao.

Earlier, when Tiger had hit Atkin off the podium with one punch, Ben had forgotten everything because of his hatred for Tiger.

But seeing Chen Zhao, the humiliation he’d felt in the stands made him hate Chen Zhao too.

“Police, freeze! You’re suspected of public violence and—”

Suddenly, a bat crashed down on Sharan.

She turned to the side, dodging the attack.

Reflexively, she went for her gun, but then she realized that she didn’t bring her gun today.

She had to go past security to enter the arena today.

Even though she was a police officer, her gun wouldn’t be able to get past security if she wasn’t on a mission.

“You’re assaulting the police!” Sharan yelled.

“This girl looks nice,” Ben said. “Use her as the ransom. I’ll cut off your limbs and see if you can still be jumping around in a few days.”

Ben never acted in legal ways. He didn’t care about assaulting the police at all, especially a female officer who didn’t even have a gun.

“Uh... Would saying sorry work now?” Chen Zhao asked, sighing.

“Say it louder. I can’t hear.” Ben turned his head, acting like he was listening carefully.

“F*ck you!” Chen Zhao stuck his middle finger up.

Sharan pulled Chen Zhao aside. “Idiot, you’ll only piss him off. Move aside. I’ll keep them here. You two run!”

Just then, Ben’s guys charged over.

Sharan did a beautiful sweep, toppling a gangster right there. She also threw another gangster over her shoulder at the same time.

Clap, clap, clap.

“Woo!” Chen Zhao cheered on the side. “Beautiful, beautiful.”

Tiger rolled his eyes. Chen Zhao was just watching the show.

Sharan turned to glare at him. “You’re still not going?”

“They blocked the path. We have no escape route,” Chen Zhao said helplessly. “How about you help us clear the path?”


Just then, a gangster attacked Sharan from the back. The metal rod slammed into her shoulder.

Sharan had good fighting techniques, but she was still human. She was only a bit stronger than regular people.

The bat wasn’t light at all.

However, Sharan reacted very quickly. She turned around with an elbow jab and the gangster who’d attacked her was flipped onto the ground.

“Go, Sharan!”

Sharan was so annoyed. This guy was just taking pleasure in her misery.

“You *sshole,” Sharan cursed. “I should just leave.”

“Aren’t you happy to have me cheering you on?”

“Shut up and stop distracting me.”

“You’re the one who talked first,” Chen Zhao said, pouting.

Just then, Sharan was hit again.

This bat hit her arm and now, she couldn’t move her right arm anymore.

Chen Zhao moved forward and pulled Sharan back.

“What are you doing?” Sharan yelled.

“Tiger, protect this lady officer.”

“Yes, Mr. Chen.”

“Sharan, will I get arrested for accidentally killing someone in this situation?”

“You’ll be fine even if you kill them all right now,” Sharan said. “But the biggest possibility is that you’re the one who gets killed.”

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