Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Chapter 147 147 – Not As White As The Snow

Velvet woke up in a house and immediately straightened up with a wild breath. Before the prophet panicked, Candice held her body.

"It's okay, Vel. You were unconscious, but I have taken care of you." The mage hissed. "If your energy is like this, it seems you are quite healthy."

Velvet caught her breath, then looked around. Turns out they were in front of a burning fireplace, on the carpet, and the prophet was wearing a blanket.

"I found all of these in this house's inventory," Candice explained. "Please, don't lecture me about how bad it is to take something that belongs to someone else without permission. This is an emergency, Vel."

Velvet was silent, looking at the dancing flames burning the firewood. "Aren't we going to get caught if we light this up?"

"The choice is we get attacked or freeze to death." Candice shrugged. "Both of them are unpleasant."

The prophet sighed, watching her friend's tired face. Looks like Candice has depleted her mana after controlling those golems.

"Are you okay?" the prophet asked.

Candice asked back in a firmer tone. "Are you okay? My condition doesn't matter, Vel. I hate to say this, but you are the key to getting us out of here. We must find out who made this magic barrier, and I'm sure they must have a hell of guards."

"I know." The prophet slightly massaged her shoulders. She still felt the pain, though it had lessened. The fatigue is still there even though she feels she has slept for quite a while. "I think I'm ready, Candice."

The mage put her hands on her hips. "You really are a dragon brute. The hits you take are so nasty. My healing magic shouldn't be able to wake you up this fast."

Velvet turned her head in various directions again. "Looks like my rapier is missing…."

Candice handed the weapon to her best friend. "You can't be apart from this, can you? This thing is just like your lover."

"Thanks." Velvet received that thing and studied it for a moment. After ensuring no damage to the sword, she got up, even with a grimace from the pain.

She then slightly opened the wooden window in that place. It was noon, and she saw a light snowfall.

And she narrowed her eyes at the hole that had appeared at the top of the magic barrier, quite a distance from where she was.

A black-winged figure then entered through that hole.

"Vorn…" The prophet hissed, keeping her eyes on the demon lord who slowly descended and disappeared between the houses. She then pulled her head back and faced Candice again. "Let's go. You better come with me. It will be safer beside me than hiding here. Who knows if someone might come to this place."

"I know, I know. You are the most powerful dragon-blood in this world." Candice sneered. "You're going to protect me, who's useless since I can't use magic for the time being…."

"You are my best friend." Velvet grabbed Candice's hand before the mage finished speaking. "I also need you by my side."


[Vorn's POV]

I entered one of the houses in the village and found Ritor and several shapeshifters there. They immediately got up from the floor when they saw me.

"Stay where you are." I motioned for them to stay seated. "I know you guys are very tired."

I then sat in front of Ritor, whose body was covered in bandages.

"Forgive me, my lord." That huge creature dare not face me.

I tapped his shoulder. "Well, I still want to fight her. So, it's still good, Ritor."

He was silent for a moment. "I almost lost, your majesty. And I could survive not because of my sense of responsibility to you. It didn't even happen because of my instincts as a fighter. I….."

The minotaur general could not continue his words. I could see deep regret in his facial expression.

"Because of Lana, right?" I chuckled. "One of the reasons I go on missions is Phisovia, Ritor. We are the same. And there's nothing wrong with that."

Finally, he looked at me. His mouth opened slightly. Then, that huge creature closed his eyes. "It's just…. I feel like I'm not myself."

"It's okay." I find it a little funny to see a fierce creature like him turn out like this. "In the end, your fighting ability increased, right? I've heard the story from the others."

A male shapeshifter knelt beside me. "The prophet has appeared, my lord."

"I see." I stood up, still feeling pain in several parts of my body. "I'm going to see her, and no one interferes."

"Good luck, my lord," Ritor said.

I tapped the minotaur general on the shoulder again, then walked out of the house. My eyes could immediately see the prophet walking from a distance. Her white armor would probably blend in with the color of the snow if there weren't bloodstains and dirt on her battle outfit.

"My beautiful Velvet." I walked towards her while spreading my arms. "You have no idea how much I miss you."

"Stop it. You're disgusting." She replied in a cold tone. "I am not yours and never will be yours. I am here to defeat you."

I'm laughing. "You really hurt my heart, Velvet. You should know that my feel is real."

"Shut up, demons!" She stopped, pointing her already-flamed rapier at me. "I don't want to hear anything else from a lowly creature like you!"

Meanwhile, I continued to walk on the streets with the thick snow, cutting through the cold air that pricked my skin. This time, I used a more serious tone. "I will show you the truth, Velvet. I will make you see what I see, just like many people in this country. Even the religious leaders who are very faithful to their god have acknowledged my path."

I kept walking, and she didn't move. I only stopped when the tip of the prophet's rapier was inches from my neck.

"Why? Just because of an outdated book from a thousand years ago, why do you insist on fighting me?" My tone relaxed again. "Why don't we just make love instead?"

Velvet tightened her grip on her weapon even more.

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