Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Chapter 133 133 – Their Anger

[Vorn's POV]

Instead of responding to the prophet's attack, I flew toward the wyvern, then spun my body at high speed.

I kicked the back of the beast's head. Its flight path instantly fell apart, and its mouth coughed up flames.

As expected, the prophet couldn't control the wyvern whose brain was injured. It's like the two of them have an inner connection or something.

"Ilroth!" The prophet called out to her pet and shot the metal rope again.

However, this time I caught the rope before it clung to the wyvern. "Enough playing around."

I pulled on the rope with a heavy thud, instantly shattering her arm armor and the device underneath.

Having no other way to stay in the air, the prophet free-falls downwards.

And I flew closer to her.

She tried to stab me with her sword, but I caught her hand and twisted it. She screamed in pain as her hand made a terrible cracking sound.

"Sorry, maybe I overdid it, honey." I hug her body. She could only fight back by hitting me with her one uninjured hand.

"Let go of me, you lowly creature!"

I chuckled in her ear. "Maybe you hate me now, but swear, you will feel head over heels for me."

Defeating your nemesis is one thing, but getting her is much more challenging.

"I will never be with you!" Suddenly she slammed her knee on my stomach.


What is it? I felt something sharp stab my stomach, causing quite a bit of pain. Is this a kind of secret weapon in her armor? "Hey, as a prophet, you're not allowed to use a sneaky method like this, right?"

She didn't answer.

And then, I felt the joints all over my body stiffen. My vision has become blurry.

Shit. Is it poison?

My grip on the prophet weakened, and she freed herself. I try to catch her again, but my head gets dizzy.

Her body plunged farther and farther from me, and my ears heard several approaching flapping wings.

And before long, she grabbed onto one of the passing wyverns.

"Should we fight him, miss prophet!?" The rider of the wyvern—a warrior of Durcia—asked in a loud voice against the wind. He and his comrades riding on the other wyverns had already formed a swirling flight formation, apparently about to approach me.

"No!!!" The prophet jumped onto the beast's back. "For now, we can't beat him! We better get out of here!"

"Alright, Miss!!!" The rider waved his hand to his colleagues. "Guys, we're back!!!"

The Wyverns changed course, while I could only stay where I was holding my forehead. My consciousness was fading, and my joints felt like they had hardened. I wasn't in a state to catch up to them.

Something made me wonder. They could use this opportunity to attack me.

Are you too scared, Velvet Byrne?

Well, this won't be a problem. I will see her again sooner or later.

When I managed to gather my strength to fly again, someone called me.

"What is it, Xenora?" I tried to keep my voice normal.

"We've managed to get them to the designated place." The succubus reported. "How about you, my lord? Is your battle over? Do you need any help?"

"No need." I started flying towards that location. "However, it will take a while until I get there. Just start the journey. I'll catch up later. If there is a route change, call me again."

"Sure, your majesty."


Since I couldn't fly to its full potential, I finally caught up with them at nightfall. My vision was starting to return to normal, so I could see a large wooden rectangular carriage carried by so many undead.

I designed the thing by modeling the train cars in my world, so that thing could accommodate all of my captives and underlings.

And that thing actually consists of several parts. The pocket dimension user shapeshifters brought them to the royal capital of Durcia. They arranged it when they arrived at their destination, and with the help of the undead, it could be done in no time.

Yes, I had everything prepared, even going so far as to think of how to carry that many individuals without stopping to rest. So, the humans had no chance to chase us.

Several succubi flying along with the carriage paid their respects to me, and I landed on the roof, meeting some of my subordinates.

Apparently, this carriage can't accommodate all of them.

Emily, also in that place, approached me. "It seems you need treatment, my lord."

"I'll do it later." I looked at the palm of my right hand, then some clenching and opening motions. The stiffness in my joints and my dizziness had lessened, though the pain from my wound was still there.

"Are you sure?" The supreme undead eyed the wound on my left side, which I bandaged with a piece of cloth.

"Yes. You don't have to worry."

"Good." I walked to the end of the carriage, past my subordinates, who also bowed at me. "You guys are amazing. I'm proud of you all. I heard that there were no casualties on our side, and only a few of us were injured."

"You are right, my lord." Emily sighed. "Even though quite a number of our undead were wiped out."

I then went down to the front door of the carriage. My subordinates who were there, including Xenora, bowed to me too.

"I'm fine." Xenora gave a faint smile as I rubbed her bruised face.

My gaze then wandered around the scientists and workers we retrieved from the secret facility. Twenty-five men and sixteen women sat on either side of the carriage, all looking down in fear.

"Who are the poison specialists?" I asked in a cold tone.

"Three of them, your majesty." Xenora pointed at the two men and one woman in the corner of the carriage.

I approached those people, and they looked tenser than before

"You three are the maker of a poison that can paralyze us, right?" I pointed at the wound on my waist. "Earlier, the prophet attacked me with a sharp weapon that made my body stiff, my head dizzy, and my vision blurred."

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