Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 - Who Told Her Not to Have That Kind of Life

The following day, the sun rose in the east, blessing the land with unseasonably warm weather, dispelling winter's chill in an instant.

The Huo Family reigned supreme, producing shining disciples annually, whose brilliance outshone the sun. Young generals from other clans, aspiring to advance alongside the Huo Family's disciples, envisioned boundless futures.

Outside the Huo Family's gates, guards readied the masters' horses—stalwart creatures of red, white, black, and brown hues, esteemed war mounts.

Huo Zhengquan mounted his steed, adorned in a scarlet cape billowing in the breeze.

“Let's depart…”

“Hold on!” Two voices exclaimed simultaneously, drawing everyone's attention toward a steadily approaching figure, as graceful as jade.

Clad in a crimson riding suit and a black cloak with a faint white trim, the youth's youthful countenance belied his experience.

“Why wasn't I notified of our departure time? Is this how the Huo Family manages affairs?” The young man's smile adorned his approach toward Huo Zhengquan.

His gaze lingered on the red-clad beauty beside Huo Zhengquan, pondering: Mrs. Huo's initial allure had clearly captivated him.

Such women were a rarity in the Big Dipper Realm, likely explaining her hold over Huo Zhengquan's heart.

“And what of you? Shall you remain dutifully at home for this expedition, my lord?” Huo Zhengquan reprimanded her unhappily.

“How could I? If word reached the Emperor and his court that the Huo Family harbored descendants unwilling to partake in the hunt, it would bring dishonor upon us,” she countered.

Huo Zhengquan's retort stifled any further reproach, suppressing thoughts of disgracing their family.

His entanglement with Huo Tian and the Third Prince was common knowledge in court, exacerbated by the morning's gossip of the prince's visit to seek a spouse.

The scandal had become a tale of forbidden love, a testament to defying societal norms.

Fate dictated the Huo and Imperial Families remain separate, yet the Third Prince and the Seventh Young Master of the Huo Family became symbols of defiance, risking all for love.

Ignoring their shared gender, their union was historic.

“Huo Tian, your participation would be regrettable. As a rural lad, do you possess the skills of horsemanship and archery? Mastery of a few techniques does not ensure invincibility. Should you falter, it would tarnish not only your name but the Huo Family's reputation,” Huo Yiloong retorted angrily.

Yin Xu approached, a knowing glint in his eyes as he touched the steed beneath Huo Yiloong, suggesting a wager with an inscrutable expression.

“A wager, you say?” Huo Yiloong scoffed, sitting tall in his saddle, casting a disdainful gaze upon Huo Tian.

“Given that it's akin to a hunt, it naturally surpasses mere prey pursuit. We'll confine it to a single day, with the victor claiming victory.”

“Excellent!” Huo Yiloong's eyes glinted with malice. “The defeated must kneel and kowtow thrice to the victor!”

Yin Xu remained impassive, adding casually, “Furthermore, it must be done before all present.”

“Ha-ha!” Huo Yiloong bellowed, addressing the guards nearby. “Fetch him a steed! Let none accuse me of unfair advantage!”

“Rubbish!” Huo Yiming reined his horse closer, casting a concerned glance at Yin Xu. Addressing Huo Yiloong, he remarked, “Little brother, this isn't the time for jests. A loss is a loss. What's the meaning of such humiliation? Where's your sense of Huo Family honor?”

“Elder brother, he brought this upon himself. Interfering in others' affairs isn't our way. Huo Family code prohibits fratricide, not brotherly sparring!” Huo Yiloong retorted proudly, showing little deference to his elder sibling.

Despite Huo Yiming's inclination to offer counsel, Mrs. Huo intervened with a laugh. “Time's pressing. We can discuss this later, post-Shenlu Mountain. Let's not delay His Majesty.”

Coincidentally, a guard arrived with a horse. Yin Xu inspected the horse, ensuring its welfare, before mounting. Accompanied by his four subordinates, he positioned himself in the center of the retinue.

Upon reaching the city gates, the imperial honor guard awaited. The three princes, clad in military attire, exuded martial vigor, attracting the attention of noble daughters peering through curtains.

While hunting was traditionally a male domain, the emperor's entourage included concubines and entertainers, prompting aristocratic families to send notable women. Those fortunate might catch the emperor's eye for the harem.

Additionally, one prince remained unmarried. Despite his eccentricities, being the late empress's direct heir justified his union with an imperial concubine.

Yin Xu's gaze fell upon the Third Prince near the imperial carriage, resplendent in silver armor, his usual cynicism momentarily absent, evoking a poised sword.

Spotting Yin Xu amidst the Huo contingent, Teng Yu's lips curled into a brief, gentle smile, noting Yin Xu wearing the uniform he'd sent the day before.

Following the ceremony, the emperor, mounted and flanked by a eunuch, cracked his whip. “All present, let's proceed.”

“For… ward!” Lai Jiquan's shrill command echoed as he trailed behind.

Cleared by imperial guards, the path remained devoid of obstruction.

Though Shenlu Mountain lay north of the capital and winter hunting typically yielded less suitable quarry, the emperor's interest persisted.

Thus, Shenlu Mountain housed a Royal Zoo, its caretakers tending to a variety of prey, from tigers to rabbits.

Off-limits to the public, Shenlu Mountain was strictly forbidden.

Swift progress brought the group to Shenlu Mountain by nightfall. Retiring to the palace at its base, they indulged in a lavish banquet.

Each year, during these days, she gladly set aside her concubine duties in the palace to accompany the emperor to the Shenlu Mountain palace. It was both a mark of the emperor's favor and a precaution against any clandestine affairs.

Yet, such incidents were inevitable. At the Marquis of Zhen Yuan's banquet, Long Xin delighted in a flower gifted by a celestial maiden, lavishing praise thrice and receiving a jade ruyi.

Hearing this, Imperial Consort Yun swiftly arranged for the maiden's seclusion, spending the night in solitude.

“Respected wangfei, good news…” A trusted palace maid discreetly approached at dawn to offer congratulations.

Imperial Consort Yun's night was far from peaceful, her mind fraught with troubling thoughts.

“What good news? Did that wench commit a folly last night?” Clasping the maid's hand, Imperial Consort Yun rose, allowing assistance with dressing.

“Though not entirely, there's a hint.” The maid whispered, “It's rumored the marquis's daughter already has a lover. Last night, her reluctance to serve His Majesty was coerced by Madam Zhen Yuan.”

“Hmph, so what? Regardless of her willingness, she belongs to the emperor now. Once within the palace, her dalliances cease.” Imperial Consort Yun replied wearily.

“But guess who her lover is?”

The revelation piqued Imperial Consort Yun's interest, sensing intrigue.

Suppressing a laugh, the maid disclosed, “None other than the second son of Great Scholar Xu!”

Imperial Consort Yun pondered, “The Xu family?”

“Indeed, the very same. The family whose son was previously injured by the young master. Remember when the emperor reprimanded his uncle in your presence?” The Xu family still nursed grievances over their son's injury. “If the emperor learns of this, neither the beauty nor the Xu family will fare well.”

Savvy in such matters, Imperial Consort Yun recognized the leverage this provided. The incident, seemingly minor, involved Xu Jin, a figure esteemed by the emperor and aligned with the Royal Protector Party. To appease him, the emperor had publicly chastised his brother and temporarily disregarded Imperial Consort Yun.

Though her nephew didn't lose a limb, the emperor elevated the eldest son of the Xu family as a result.

“Find out if she disclosed any details about her night's rest.”

“Yes, I'll inquire at once.” The maid secured Imperial Consort Yun's attire and departed swiftly.

Seated before her vanity, Imperial Consort Yun scrutinized her reflection in the copper mirror, feeling the weight of years upon her. Her once-fair complexion now betrayed the passage of time.

It seemed a decision on the matter was imminent.

Shortly after, the maid returned, recounting the previous night's events in meticulous detail. Despite the emperor's other dalliances, Imperial Consort Yun found it hard to maintain composure.

“Did the emperor mention granting that woman a position?”

“He cited it was in honor of Marquis of Zhen Yuan. He claimed to have bestowed her a concubine status long ago.”

“Hmph, doubtful!” The Imperial Consort Yun sneered. “I didn't witness his gaze toward her last night, but Concubine Yang in the palace likely won't rest easy after this news.”

“Indeed, Concubine Yang served the Emperor for years, bore his children, yet remains a mere concubine. This new elevation surely won't sit well with her.”

“And why should she be content? She brought it upon herself!” Imperial Consort Yun twisted a gemstone ring on her finger, chuckling darkly. “Besides, despite your age, you fail to see the truth. Bullying Yi'er along with her son, utterly shameless!”

The palace maid adjusted her hair with a smile. “When you bestowed her the palace authority, she was elated. Who would've guessed…”

“Let her revel for now. Should she dare mistreat Yi'er, I'll ensure they suffer dire consequences!” Imperial Consort Yun snapped a jade hairpin, her expression fierce yet resolute.

“Indeed, Second Prince's aspirations are dim.” The palace maid handed her a bun and retrieved a phoenix hairpin from the jewelry box. “Empress, may I?”

Imperial Consort Yun waved dismissively. “Out of the palace, we needn't adorn ourselves so regally. Fetch a butterfly pin instead.”


With her makeup adjusted, Imperial Consort Yun smiled contentedly. “Time to pay respects to His Majesty.”

Refreshed, the emperor rose early, changed attire, and headed to the drill grounds.

Seated on his throne, he surveyed the spirited youths. “Today, let's alter the hunt's tradition. Let's witness your valor, leaving marital concerns aside. A grand reward awaits the victor.”

“Long live Your Majesty!” Unmarried youths cheered fervently.

Married participants, resignedly departing, appeared forlorn.

Huo Yiloong felt elated. With formidable rivals eliminated, victory seemed assured.

If anyone sought to challenge the Huo Family's dominance, they'd need Huo Yiloong's consent.

Huo Yiloong smirked at Yin Xu, making a taunting gesture.

The night prior, Yin Xu slipped into Teng Yu's room. Despite just a day apart, their bond remained strong.

He yawned, indifferent to Huo Yiloong's antics. Their wager concerned prey count alone.

Emperor Dechang, in high spirits, delivered an impassioned speech and had wine distributed to the young contestants.

Formerly minor figures, these youths now found themselves in the limelight, brimming with excitement.

“We won't disappoint Your Majesty!”

“Haha! Excellent! Now go, and return triumphantly!”

“Yes, sir!”

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