Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 93

Chapter 93 - Wake Up!

This time, Yin Xu, escorted by five hundred soldiers of the Huo Family Army, opted not for a carriage but rode tall on a horse, relishing the adoration of common folk.

Though the populace revered solely the Huo Family Army.

After navigating a few streets within Huo Family territory, Yin Xu discovered the close proximity of the Third Prince Mansion to the Huo Family domain.

In contrast to the opulence of the Third Prince Mansion, the Huo Mansion facade boasted even grander proportions, its century-old signboard exuding a simple, austere aura.

Emblazoned on the board were the words “Marshal Huo Residence,” emanating a palpable martial air.

Yin Xu mused: Even if the mansion were deserted, this plaque alone could ward off malevolent spirits.

“Seventh Young Master, we've arrived. Please dismount,” Huang Hongda, with an icy demeanor, awaited below Yin Xu's mount.

Peering down at him, Yin Xu smirked suddenly: “Come, assist this young master from his steed!”

Huang Hongda's countenance stiffened further as he retorted, “Forgive me, Seventh Young Master. I am a seventh-grade field officer, not a servant of the Huo Family.”

“So what? The entire Huo Family Army serves the Huo Family. Is it not fitting for a seventh-grade officer like you to aid Duke Wayne, this young master, in dismounting?”

Huang Hongda remained stoic, refusing to acknowledge Yin Xu's authority.

Yin Xu chuckled, tossing aside the reins and vaulting from the saddle, landing heavily on Huang Hongda's head before alighting.

The steward of the Huo Mansion, witnessing the scene, was stunned; was this truly the timid Seventh Young Master of three years prior?

While many who had attended his previous celebrations might have forgotten his visage, the butler remembered it vividly.

Were it not for the personal invitation from the five hundred Huo Family soldiers, he might have doubted the youth's identity.

The recent rumors surrounding the young master suddenly made sense; with his striking appearance and remarkable prowess, he was bound to attract attention.

His adept Qing Gong skills, especially considering his non-martial background, were truly unexpected.

“Seventh Young Master, I am Huo Qin, steward of the Huo Mansion. Please, follow me. The Marshal has awaited your arrival.”

Yin Xu recognized the butler, feeling a sense of familiarity. “You're acquainted with Manager Wu, correct?”

“Indeed, he's my younger brother,” Huo Qin replied with emotion.

“Ah, quite the coincidence!” Yin Xu remarked. “Two brothers, one serving as chief steward of the marshal's residence and the other adopting the marshal's surname.”

It seemed the relationship between the two brothers wasn't any better, judging by this.

Huo Qin remained silent thereafter, bowing respectfully and gesturing, “Seventh Young Master, please proceed.”

Yin Xu, brandishing the horsewhip, swaggered through the imposing doors symbolizing power and opulence.

Contrary to their expectations, the Huo Mansion lacked bustling servants, flowing fountains, or any noise; silence and solemnity pervaded.

The allure of a century-old marshal's residence was indeed formidable.

Accompanied by two guards and two attendants, he halted at the second gate.

“Kindly disregard the arrangements for the young master's attendants.”

“Certainly. They shall stay in the same compound as me. Their service is familiar to me.”

“As you wish.” Huo Qin directed an attendant to brief him before escorting Yin Xu forward.

Progressing deeper, the scenery grew more lavish, with numerous maids and servants bustling about.

Yin Xu recalled his first day at the Third Prince Mansion, where he faced varied gazes; here, however, servants bowed respectfully, avoiding his path.

“Ah, they've arrived!” A melodious voice greeted as they neared the main hall.

Gazing up, Yin Xu spotted a lovely woman smiling at him from outside the hall.

Unfamiliar to Huo Tian's memories, he wondered if she was the mistress of the Huo Family.

“Second Madam.” Huo Qin bowed courteously before the woman, then introduced her to Yin Xu, “This is the Second Madam of the Household.”

Unsure of this title's significance, Yin Xu pondered whether she was Huo Zhengquan's concubine or sister-in-law.

The woman swiftly revealed the answer.

She fervently clasped Yin Xu's hand, tears welling in her eyes as she exclaimed, “You've grown so much! If only your sister Su Xin were here, she'd be overjoyed.”

Yin Xu withdrew his hand, wiping it discreetly, and asked calmly, “Who is Su Xin?”

“How could you forget your own mother's name?” she lamented, overcome with grief.

Yin Xu's lips twitched, confirming his suspicion that something was amiss with this woman. How could she remember someone who had passed away over a decade ago?

Tears streamed down the woman's face as she recounted Huo Tian's mother's past, her voice breaking intermittently with sorrow.

An enraged voice from inside abruptly cut off Second Madam's poignant narrative.

She halted mid-sentence, her visage frozen in anguish, a solitary tear clinging to her cheek, her demeanor evoking sympathy.

Yet in the next moment, she donned a smile, dabbing away the tears with a handkerchief before entering the room with buoyancy. “Master, I was overwhelmed seeing Little Tian. I hadn't realized how much he'd grown…”

Yin Xu rubbed his temples, trailing behind her into the room, met with unfriendly stares from its occupants.

“Enough!” A stern female voice silenced Second Madam's chatter.

“Madam, why the cold reception? Back then, when you clandestinely sent Little Tian away, leading to Sister Su Xin's demise from grief, what harm is there in a few words?”

“Su Xin's passing was due to illness, stop fabricating stories!”

“Precisely! It was the distress of Little Tian's disappearance that led to her demise, a case of lovesickness!” Second Madam attempted to rationalize.

Yin Xu dismissed the women's squabble, surveying the gathering, realizing the Huo Family was likely in full attendance.

Huo Zhengquan occupied the head seat, accompanied by the woman engaged in argument with Second Madam.

Observing her, Yin Xu presumed her to be Huo Zhengquan's lawful spouse.

Distinctive traits like dark green eyes and a prominent nose suggested origins from the Western Regions, distinct from those of Great Liang.

Below him sat several youths, all familiar to Yin Xu except for a white-robed man, presumably his lifelong brothers.

Arrayed behind were meticulously attired women, their affiliation to either Huo Zhengquan or his son ambiguous.

Rumors of Huo Zhengquan's numerous concubines implied those present were likely the elite few.

“It does bear resemblance!” Murmurs of agreement rippled through the assembly.

The phrase, devoid of beginning or end, found consensus among the majority. Eyes turned towards the composed young man, seated at the place of honor.

Fate's whimsy was evident; while Huo Zhengquan had many sons, few shared his likeness. Remarkably, the abandoned child bore the closest resemblance.

With his familiar countenance, disappearing posed no fear of being unrecognized by the Huo Family.

His uncertainty lingered on whether the Huo Family would dispatch search parties for him.

Huo Zhengquan pounded the table, silencing the room.

“Master…” The Second Madam pivoted, standing by Huo Zhengquan, gently tapping his shoulder. “I'm not aligning with Madam. But you know Big Sister Su Xin supported me before. Little Tian reminded me of my sister, hence my persistence.”

This Second Madam, Huo Zhengquan's younger cousin, had been raised alongside the matriarch of the Huo Family since childhood, securing her position in the family compound.

Despite no romantic feelings, Huo Zhengquan regarded her as kin.

Hence, she confronted his legal wife confidently.

“Is such commotion necessary?” Huo Zhengquan waved off her touch, scowling at Yin Xu. “Kneel!”

The Second Madam, startled by his abrupt change, realized the command wasn't directed at her. She sighed in relief and took a seat nearby.

Yin Xu straightened. “Marshal Huo requested my presence. How may I assist you?”

“Disrespectful!” Is this how you address your elders?”

“Indeed. Any issue?” Despite the age gap, Huo Zhengquan was obligated to address him as Grandfather.

Huo Zhengquan's expression soured, slamming the table beside him, startling the room.

“Father!” Huo Yiming intervened, stepping before Huo Tian. “Calm yourself. Seventh Brother is unaccustomed to our family's customs, having been away.”

“Learn or leave! While you're in the capital, adhere to Huo Family rules or return!”

Yin Xu brushed past Huo Yiming, meeting Huo Zhengquan's gaze. “I'll leave if I desire.”

Strangely, Yin Xu found himself unable to maintain composure around Huo Zhengquan, easily provoked.

Despite his anger, he refused to yield to mortal emotions.

While he might not match Huo Zhengquan's current martial prowess, his experience tipped the scales.

“Insolence!” Huo Zhengquan, for the first time in his life, faced such disrespect.

“Huo Qin, enforce the law!”

Yin Xu smirked. “Family laws apply to Huo Family members. I don't consider myself one.”

“Don't forget your name, Huo Tian!”

My name is Huo Tian, big deal. Does it hold a place on the Huo Family lineage? You're not the sole bearer of the Huo surname in this world.

“Excellent! Excellent indeed! Since you're not of the Huo Family, dispatching you becomes effortless!” Huo Zhengquan swung his hand, striking him mid-air.

It wasn't mere intimidation; following Huo Zhengquan's palm descent, a scorching wave surged towards Yin Xu.

Recalling his prior strike against Teng Yu, Yin Xu felt a similar impact, albeit weaker compared to Huo Zhengquan's.

“Seventh Brother!” Huo Yiming intervened, sheltering Yin Xu behind him.

He cast a disapproving glance at Huo Zhengquan. “Father, Seventh Brother lacks experience, having endured hardships abroad for years.”

“My Huo Family doesn't harbor such disloyal, unfilial grandsons! Look at his behavior. He's willing to disrespect rules and grovel. Is he worthy of being my son, Huo Zhengquan's son?”

“I never claimed to be your son. Don't embellish yourself!” Yin Xu retorted sarcastically.

“See? What insolence!”

“Father, perhaps it's wise to silence him and contemplate. Else, he might misconstrue your leniency as impunity before the Third Prince,” Huo Yiloong instigated from the sidelines, cup in hand.

As they deliberated, most in the room wore disdainful expressions, glaring at Yin Xu.

“Whatever bond you shared with the Third Prince before, it ends now. You stay put. You move an inch without my consent, and I'll cripple you!”

Yin Xu rolled his eyes before responding.

“Step foot in the Third Prince's residence again, and I'll break your legs!”

Yin Xu glanced at his legs, pondering whether his mortal form could endure a fracture.

Unperturbed, he smiled warmly. “But what if I fancy him? What if he never weds in this lifetime?”

Silence ensued, contemptuous gazes intensifying.

“Seventh Brother, men don't marry men. Mind your tongue!” Huo Yiming rebuked sternly, astonished by Yin Xu's audacity to challenge his father openly.

“Hmph, I think he should wed,” Huo Yiloong mocked.

“Our Huo Family forbids union with the imperial family, even as concubines. Tian, abandon such thoughts,” Second Madam advised earnestly.

“I was jesting, and you took it seriously? How naive,” First Madame chided. “None of the Great Liang men are spared. Moreover, he's the First Prince. Once he weds, you're nothing.”

Snap out of it!

Yin Xu resolved to relay these exact words to Teng Yu. It promised to be entertaining.

Huo Zhengquan's countenance darkened, almost constipated. He waved irritably. “Huo Qin, remove him. He's a nuisance!”

Yin Xu couldn't be bothered to explain. Just as he turned to leave, a languid voice piped up from behind. “Father, shall I teach Seventh Brother some manners?”

Yin Xu glanced towards the voice, spotting the lone figure in white attire, unfamiliar to him.

Yet, upon hearing his voice, his identity became apparent: Huo Family's sole heir turned bureaucrat — Huo Yidao.

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