Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 - You Speak as If You Have Seen a Deity

“Yiloong, tell me, regarding your father…” Mrs. Huo hesitated, “Do you harbor any regrets?”

Huo Yiloong failed to respond promptly.

“I regret abandoning that child in the countryside, leaving him to fend for himself,” Mrs. Huo sighed. “Truthfully, it's his mother I dislike. I knew encountering your sister was inevitable, and the thought weighed heavily on my heart.”

Huo Yiloong remained silent, merely curling his lips, uninterested in adult affairs. Whether Huo Tian survived or perished mattered little to him; his father's urgent recall stemmed merely from family reputation concerns.

Mrs. Huo paid no heed to her son's demeanor, continuing, “Consider this: I've been with the Huo Family for years, yet your father hasn't welcomed each child with open arms.”

“Mother, the Huo Family endures due to our vigor as descendants. Father's treatment of you has been fair,” Huo Yiloong interjected reluctantly.

His parents' history was known to outsiders; his father, wounded in battle, had been nursed by a passing woman, and they had grown close. When his second wife passed, his father brought her into the household.

While the Huo Family accepted an outsider as a wife, it stirred controversy in court.

How absurd! Since when did their family affairs require court intervention?

“What's the point? Do you think I'm not tormented by those women? If your father truly cared, he wouldn't have accepted them merely as my attendants!”

Huo Yiloong chuckled. He'd heard these grievances for over a decade but felt no empathy.

“Enough, mother, it's late. Rest soon; I'll continue my cultivation.”

“Why are you cultivating at this hour?” Mrs. Huo grasped her son's hand, pained, and touched his visibly thinned face. “Don't overexert; we won't rely on this for sustenance in the future. Do you aspire to follow your father onto the battlefield?”

“Mother, how could I, a Huo, shy from battle? Would you have me emulate Huo Yidao, a coward, and remain in the capital forever?”

“I forbid it; you shan't go. Three of your brothers have already perished; who's to say you won't be next? I have no son but you; I won't allow you onto the battlefield!”

Huo Yiloong grew impatient. Despite his lack of prior accomplishments, he held his Huo lineage in high regard and was eager to fight.

Furthermore, a profound ambition stirred within him: to inherit the Huo legacy, to become a revered marshal, not reliant on his brothers' sacrifices.

Mother and son clashed once more, but Huo Yiloong paid it no mind. His father held sway at home and surely desired a strong, valiant heir.

What a disservice to his name!

The following day, carriages lined up outside the Third Prince Mansion, bustling with servants ferrying belongings.

“Manager Han, does His Highness desire the crimson cloak?”

“Certainly. Bring several warm cloaks, especially the Seventh Young Master's. Ensure nothing is left behind.”

“Manager Han, the carriage is too cramped for the bathtub.”

Han Sen turned sharply, “Why was the bathtub brought out?”

“They mentioned His Highness prefers his personal items,” the servant explained. “While I rarely use this tub, it's unthinkable to leave it behind.”

“Absurd! Why would His Highness need a bath barrel when heading to the Hot Springs Manor?”

“Oh, um…”

“Manager Han…”

Han Sen scurried about, overseeing the servants as they loaded the vehicles, ensuring nothing was overlooked, then beckoned Teng Yu over.

Observing from afar, servants from the other two prince's residences eagerly inquired about the situation, pulling their own attendants to seek information.

“Where is His Highness off to? Another journey so soon after the new year?”

“Where…? Our Seventh Young Master finds the home too cold and wishes to visit the Hot Springs Manor for a soak.”

“Ah… Opting for this time? The mountain snow hasn't even melted yet.”

“What can we do? You know our Lord Highness favors Seventh Young Master; there's little Her Highness won't agree to.”

“But what if the Emperor summons us?”

“Sigh, I've already paid respects in advance. They were reprimanded by the Emperor, but if my prince insists, there's no choice.”

“Hehe, everyone knows the Emperor favors the Third Prince most; he'll surely grant passage.”


After their discussion, the attendant departed, leaving the servant to return with a stoic expression.

Both the First Prince and Second Prince received the news nearly simultaneously, yet their responses diverged; the former sneered, remarking, “Only Third Brother has such leisure; truly carefree!”

Meanwhile, the latter contemplated whether he could exploit Third Brother's absence.

Memories of his recent humiliation at Third Brother's hands still stung the Second Prince; the thought fueled his ire.

Were it not for the Emperor's favor, he pondered what his fate might be.

“Second Prince… His Majesty summons you to the palace.” A young eunuch hurriedly relayed the message.

Teng Ji snapped out of his reverie, casting aside thoughts of Teng Yu's departure. He donned fresh attire and headed to the palace.

This was his opportunity to consolidate power, backed by the Emperor's support; he refused to be outdone by Teng Yi indefinitely!

On hearing news of the Emperor summoning the Second Prince again, the First Prince vented his frustration by shattering a blue and white porcelain vase.

The caravan departed Chao Yang Lane grandly, drawing curious and envious stares from the citizens as it exited the city, bound for the southern hot spring mountain.

Hot Spring Mountain derived its name from the numerous hot springs. Here, affluent families from the capital erected their villas. Teng Yu's villa atop the mountain boasted a spring larger than others.

As the carriage reached the mountain's base, Yin Xu disembarked, eyeing the modest ascent. Glancing back at the convoy, he sneered, “Bringing so much along, are we planning to ascend and descend the mountain one item at a time over the next few days?”

Mortals, how troublesome!

Teng Yu chuckled, “No need for that, just bring what you need for the mountain trip, it's just a formality.”

The Third Prince's lavish lifestyle was public knowledge; they indulged in the finest luxuries during travels, eschewing even minor discomforts.

However, this extravagance masked his true nature; he could contentedly consume modest fare, endure humble accommodations, showing little regard for others' opinions.

“Wasn't that item left at the mountain's base?”

“Yes, too many people can't stay atop the mountain. They can camp at its foot. Let's go; it'll be dark soon.” Teng Yu led the way uphill.

Snow blanketed the mountain, thickening with each flake. Advancing steadily, the group braved the biting wind and stinging snow.

Teng Yu squeezed Yin Xu's hand, sensing its chill, and offered, “Feeling cold? Want me to carry you?”

Yin Xu stamped his foot, observing the snow on his boots, and responded nonchalantly, “Sure.”

Teng Yu crouched, lifting Yin Xu onto his back, enveloping them both in his cape as they ascended.

“Why build the manor atop this mountain? It's such a hassle.”

“The summit offers seclusion and security. It's the ideal location.”

“There must be magma underground.”

“Likely. No need to replicate a land dragon's warmth in the manor.”

“Wouldn't it get too hot in summer then?”

“Who'd want to bathe in hot springs in summer? They'd switch rooms if they did. Not every spot is as temperate.”

“Hmm, I'll still come in summer. I prefer warmth.”

“Really? I thought you favored gloomier places.”

“Can't one find warmth in gloom? It's not contradictory.”

“Fine, your call. Worst-case scenario, we'll just stay up here and play house.”

“Tch, you've absorbed too much fiction. ‘Divine couple' isn't quite fitting.”

“What's the issue?”

“For immortals, couples are merely cultivating partners. Emotions aside, it's a detached bond.”

“You speak as if you've witnessed it.”

Yin Xu mused, “Impossible. How could he have seen such a thing?”

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