Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 - This Is My Chance

“Young master…” Wu Sheng glanced at Yin Xu, intending to speak.

Teng Yu had just been summoned to the palace by the emperor and tasked with organizing the warehouse before his departure.

Engrossed in a thick tome, Yin Xu didn't bother to lift his head at Wu Sheng's voice. “What is it?”

Finding themselves alone, Wu Sheng approached and inquired, “Did the Third Prince truly dismiss the servants in the rear courtyard for your sake?”

“Something to that effect.”

“Isn't that… improper? Rumors are circulating that you've transformed into a fox.”

“Then let them know that foxes in this realm are still a distant dream.” Yin Xu shut the book, rising to his feet. “Instead of indulging in gossip, why not tend to the warehouse?”

The Third Prince's warehouse sprawled between the front and rear courtyards, encompassing an entire enclosure. Seven to eight sizable chambers remained securely locked, each under vigilant watch.

Prior officials and emperors had predicted that the Third Prince's warehouse expansions hinted at abundant wealth. They cautioned against sending anything of value to the Third Prince.

Over the years, the emperor's interest waned, perhaps feeling he had accomplished his aims, hence his reduced attention to Teng Yu compared to previous years.

Nevertheless, lack of royal intervention didn't deter others. Despite the Third Prince's tarnished reputation, many sought to curry favor.

Teng Yu rarely refused such advances, readily accepting bribes, fueling the warehouse's rapid expansion.

Yin Xu led Han Sen, Manager Wu, and Wu Sheng into the secured enclosure. Guards allowed passage only after verifying a tablet Yin Xu presented.

“Half of the contents here are immovable relics, collecting dust with no utility,” Steward Han remarked, opening a chamber for Yin Xu's inspection.

Aware that gifts from the Emperor couldn't be sold and had to be provided to commoners, Yin Xu contrasted with Teng Yu's indifference, who left items to gather mold if unusable.

Opening a large chest revealed neatly stacked silk, clearly aged.

“Whether His Highness can utilize it or not, this silk, while of excellent quality, suits attire for a mature gentleman,” Yin Xu assessed.

Marking the cloth's location with a brush, he made a decisive cross.

Pushing the chest aside, he instructed, “Have someone fashion new garments for the stewards. Let's not allow it to gather dust.”

“I fear…” “Given its imperial bestowment, should word spread, His Highness may face inquiries he cannot answer.”

“Are you daft? The Emperor has bestowed numerous gifts upon you. How would he recall giving you a box of fabric? When outsiders inquire, simply attribute it to the Third Prince's generosity.”

Steward Han pondered briefly before sealing the crate and affixing a red label to prevent mishandling.

Yin Xu perused the warehouse, skimming through most of the manuals while selecting a few items to reward the staff.

After vetting the mansion's servants, 80% deemed trustworthy, the remaining 20% either came from the Emperor or were potentially planted by Teng Yu as spies.

Yin Xu consistently treated his people generously, understanding that benefits often sway loyalty. Strength may command obedience, but rewards secure allegiance.

Manager Wu and Wu Sheng marveled at the room overflowing with treasures, a sight unprecedented in their lives.

They dared not move within the room, fearing accidental damage to the precious items. The consequences of such mishaps would be beyond their means to rectify.

Watching their young master leisurely inspecting the treasures, both Wu Sheng and Manager Wu broke into a sweat.

After examining several Jade Buddhas on a pavilion shelf, Yin Xu casually stowed them away, assigning Wu Sheng to hold the items.

Wu Sheng clutched the boxes tightly, sensing the weight of responsibility for these invaluable treasures.

Though he might withstand a fall, the treasures were irreplaceable. A mishap would be a grave loss.

“Let's conclude for today. Steward Han, duplicate the items marked by the young master and arrange for their removal. The rest, store them appropriately.”

“Seventh Young Master, may this servant inquire about the intended use of these items?”

Yin Xu blinked. “We'll discuss it with Teng Yu upon his return. Perhaps we'll sell them directly or consider opening a shop.”

Han Sen sighed inwardly. A shop for rare treasures? These items were far from commonplace goods!

He emphasized, “Seventh Young Master, many of these treasures are irreplaceable. Especially the calligraphy and paintings, they're priceless.”

“So what? Do these paintings appeal to Teng Yu or someone else?” Yin Xu unfurled two scrolls, revealing either smudged ink or distorted portraits, seemingly devoid of value.

Even if he discarded them in the streets, they might be deemed treasures by passersby.

Upon learning Seventh Young Master's lack of Huo Family knowledge, Han Sen realized the misinformation's impact on Yin Xu's literary acumen.

“Rumors suggest many court officials value such items. Perhaps selling to them at a premium could earn the Third Prince their gratitude.”

Han Sen pondered: Some individuals would spare no expense, even sacrificing all, for such a painting; undoubtedly, they'd be deeply appreciative.

It appears Seventh Young Master is resolute in selling his calligraphy and paintings; we should confer with His Highness on this matter later.

Should they emulate Seventh Young Master's path, Third Prince Mansion's reputation would undoubtedly plummet further.

Sensing his reluctance and dissent, Yin Xu elucidated: “You're aware of His Highness' tarnished reputation, yet he remains oblivious to his true character; we cannot allow his infamy to persist. Thus, we must gradually reshape Teng Yu's public perception.

This demands a strategic opportunity, one that can be exploited without arousing suspicion. Do you comprehend?”

Han Sen shook his head.

Yin Xu lifted his chin, pointing to himself, “This opportunity lies with me. Blame all the irrationalities on me. Whether it's dismantling the backyard out of envy, accusations of murder, or claims of my greed, let it be so.”

Han Sen mused: Jealousy, violence, and greed; this wasn't framing at all!

“Besides nurturing covert forces, a portion will be allocated for future military training. The remainder will be dedicated to philanthropic endeavors: funding private schools, aiding victims, repairing infrastructure, and the like. So long as it garners acclaim, they will proceed unabashedly. Let the world witness the Third Prince's benevolence, regardless of his ulterior motives. If he acts, his deeds stand.”

Han Sen marveled at Yin Xu's depth of insight, though its feasibility remained unexplored, he couldn't deny its noble intentions.

Gratefully, he remarked, “With Seventh Young Master's assistance, His Highness will surely soar like a tiger with wings!”

“No need for flattery,” Yin Xu thought, “A mere succession squabble wouldn't perturb one who has lived over a millennium!”

Teng Yu returned unusually early. Upon Yin Xu and company's return from the storage room, he had already changed attire and begun conferring with trusted aides in the study.

With photographic memory, Yin Xu recognized all familiar faces within the residence. Despite encountering many of Teng Yu's confidants, there were invariably unfamiliar ones.

Aware of Teng Yu's circumspection and the pervasive palace espionage, Yin Xu treaded cautiously. Despite his youthful appearance, his composure belied his age, earning him disregard.

Over the years, Yin Xu painstakingly built his network, step by step, amidst formidable challenges.

Thus, he proceeded with utmost caution, concealing his true self. Despite being a mere teenager, his demeanor surpassed his years, rendering his age inconspicuous.

Upon Yin Xu's entrance, Teng Yu's countenance softened, beckoning him over. “Done tidying up already? Allow me to introduce someone to you.”

Disregarding the curious stares, Yin Xu made his way to Teng Yu's side and settled into the adjacent chair. Fortunately, the study's furnishings accommodated their proximity; otherwise, he'd have had to perch on Teng Yu's lap.

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