Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 - It's Not like I'm Blind!

There were heavy soldiers guarding the outside of the warehouse as expected, but when Yin Xu circled around the warehouse three times and still could not find a gap, he was not as happy.

This was a separate courtyard. There were about three houses here, and the courtyard was separated by a stone wall. The open space was covered entirely in marble, not even a blade of grass growing.

Just as Yin Xu was considering whether he should kill the guards directly, the conversation between two servant girls nearby gave him inspiration.

“I heard that the one leading the troops this time is the young master of Huo Family.”

“Young master of Huo Family doesn't necessarily know how to fight. With so few people, Prince will definitely win.”

“Don't look down on this person. Didn't you hear about it when you were at the Duke Palaces?” That person is able to fight against an entire army by himself. “

“Ah, the one who knows how to cast a spell …”

Yin Xu walked around the courtyard, and secretly rejoiced that the courtyard was not very big, he set up a trap array around the place, the people outside could not enter, and the people inside could not come out either.

After he was done, Yin Xu went to the kitchen and, while no one was looking, dripped a bottle of medicinal water into various wine jugs.

When he was done, he returned to the rooftop and ordered in a low voice, “Prepare yourself. When we have a chance, we will take the Duke of Qin and the Second Prince away.

“You … He succeeded? Where's the baby? ” Zuo Shaotang pulled up his sleeves and looked.

“Do you think I'm stupid? Even if I find some treasure, I can't take it with me. Leave it there for now, I'll come pick it up another day.” Yin Xu pulled back his sleeves and rolled his eyes.

“Tch …” Zuo Shaotang suspected that he did not find him at all. After all, he had only been there for a short period of time and the yamen was heavily guarded, no matter how good his lightness skills were, it would not be easy to avoid so many eyes and ears.

It was already good that he could walk back and forth in such a short period of time. How would he know that his family's Sect Master had activated his Demonic Cultivator?

The feast continued as pots of excellent wine were served. Tonight, not only did the Duke of Qin invite Xiao Family, it was also the officials of the Kun City as well as the local clansmen.

Yin Xu guessed that not everyone would be willing to submit to the Duke of Qin, but hearing that those who fought back strongly were all killed by the Duke of Qin, the remaining eighty percent were fence-sitters.

The medicine that Yin Xu had given was not heavy, he could not produce any of it with his special medicinal needles, and the effects of the medicine was similar to when one was drunk, it would not cause anyone to faint.

At today's occasion, the only ones who would drink would be the master and guests. The guards and soldiers would definitely not drink a single drop of alcohol, Yin Xu would not cause himself trouble and use the knockout drugs, that would only cause them to fall into an even more passive situation.

“Haha …” Prince's wine is really amazing… Normally, this official would be able to drink half a catty, but today … You've only had a dozen or so of them. “It won't do then …” A man wearing an official's robe stumbled towards the Duke of Qin, but before he could take two steps, he fell face first onto the ground, snoring like he was in a good dream.

“This wine was brought here by Boss Xiao. This King does not dare to claim credit for it …” However, it was indeed good … Fierce! “Good wine!” The Duke of Qin shook his head. He also felt that today's wine was too amazing.

The Xiao family's head hurriedly said, “Your Highness …” I'm old, no… Not enough to drink … “Let's go first …”

“Go, we'll meet again tomorrow.”

“Look, they're all drunk! These southerners don't have a lot of alcohol!” Zuo Shaotang fixed his gaze on Qin Wang, and chanted silently: “Hurry and get drunk! Hurry and get drunk! “

The Duke of Qin stood up and swayed back and forth, but he still steadily stood there. A servant at his side hurriedly tried to support him.

The Duke of Qin pushed the people around him away and rubbed his forehead as he berated, “This king isn't drunk …” How can you be drunk on such a small amount? ” The Duke of Qin's subconscious sensed that there was something wrong with the wine today, but his mind was in a state of chaos and he had completely lost his normal train of thought.

“Two …” And the Second Prince? ” He looked towards the Second Prince.

When he saw it, he immediately laughed, putting his doubts from before to the back of his mind, because Second Prince was currently pouring wine from a glass into his mouth. Like drinking water, he didn't get drunk.

He called the butler over and asked him to properly entertain the guests. He also ordered a beautiful dancer to serve the Second Prince and walked towards the backyard with the support of a servant.

On the rooftop, Yin Xu pointed at Xiao Feng, “You will be in charge of the Qin Wang, Zuo Shaotang will take care of the Second Prince, you must be quick, do not keep fighting, and do not fight to the death, if you steal someone, you will run, and run towards the east, do you remember?”

“What if there's an accident …?” Zuo Shaotang asked, confused.

Yin Xu made a “kill” gesture, “If you see anything wrong, you can take his life first. If you can't bring his corpse with you, you can bring it with you.

As for how he would explain things to the Emperor, he didn't care. As long as the two masters died, there was nothing much to fight over the Kun City.

Zuo Shaotang stuffed something into Xiao Feng's hand, telling him repeatedly in a rare serious tone, “Be careful!”

Xiao Feng nodded towards him, then suddenly bent his head over to bite's lips, before floating down the roof.

Not only was Zuo Shaotang stunned, even Yin Xu was stunned by the ice-cold Xiao Feng. He silently cursed: At this time, why are you still showing kindness, you bastard!

Yin Xu turned his head, and saw that the Second Prince was also lying down, and nudged Zuo Shaotang who was laughing foolishly, “It's your turn.” Laughed so obscenely!

Zuo Shaotang rubbed his face, then went in front of Yin Xu and asked: “Just now … You saw it, right? “

“Nonsense!” This young master isn't blind!

“Then remember to testify for me. If he dares to forget tomorrow, hmph …” With that, he chased after Second Prince's footsteps to capture him.

Yin Xu sat on the rooftop for a while, that handsome face of Teng Yu's appeared in his mind, and he muttered to himself, “It's so pitiful to be alone!”

Yin Xu stood up and looked in the direction they left and jumped into the courtyard undisguised. In the distance, there were still some customers playing wine, holding beautiful dancers in their arms, and some drunkards who had not been sent away in time.

“Ah …” “Who are you?” Seeing someone descend from the sky, the first to react were the serving maids.

“Shh …” Yin Xu indicated for them to be quiet and leisurely walked to the side of a man wearing an official's uniform. His right hand grabbed the man's head and twisted it, producing a “kacha” sound that would make people's scalp go numb.

“Die …” Dead? “He killed someone!” Someone screamed, and anyone who could move would run for their lives.

There were even some half drunk and half awake guests who fell into Yin Xu's embrace. Yin Xu raised his chin to size them up, and since they didn't look like officials, he kicked them away.

Yin Xu did not plan to start a massacre, he only intended to hold onto his official clothes, and watched as the high ranking officials took action. These people were most likely the Duke of Qin's henchmen.

Even if he killed the wrong person, Yin Xu would not feel the slightest sense of guilt. There was a saying: one would rather kill a thousand wrongly, than miss a single one.

He was so kind, and he knew how to pick a fight.

The guards on all four sides came quickly. “Where is the murderer?”

But there was no need for an answer, because other than Yin Xu who was standing in the courtyard, the rest were either dead, drunk or unconscious from fright.

Yin Xu was still wearing the same set of clothes he wore when he entered the city today. It was a very ordinary set of clothes, but his face had already been restored.

“Ho…” Seventh Young Master Huo… ” Someone recognized him and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Yin Xu's name and abilities had already reached a whole new level, and no one would underestimate him just because of his age and arrogance.

While they were stunned, Yin Xu took the chance to stomp on another official's head.

A few guards who hadn't been to the battlefield before nearly vomited. But at this moment, a warning sound came from the distance, as if someone was knocking on a gong.

Yin Xu guessed that the other two might have been found out, and didn't know if they got it or not, but he saluted the guards who were rushing over, “Fellow villagers, this young master still has things to do, please forgive me for not accompanying you!”

“Want to leave?” It's not that easy! ” Dozens of guards with large swords wanted to surround Yin Xu, “Seventh Young Master, since you are here, you should leave your life behind!”

“Yo, you talk too much!” Yin Xu took a stride forward, and in the air, he swung his palm. A loud sound was heard as it hit the head guard's face. “I originally wanted to let you all live, but now you're courting death!”

After fighting everyone, Yin Xu did not even stop, and directly jumped onto the roof using his Qing Gong, in the blink of an eye he disappeared into the darkness.

The guard who had been beaten up subconsciously shouted, “Chase after him!”

However, after he finished shouting, he noticed that something was wrong. All of his colleagues around him had distanced themselves from him, pointing at his face with faces full of fear. “Lord, your face …”

“My face …” What's wrong? Although the head guard felt pain on his face, wasn't it normal to get beaten up?

He subconsciously touched his face and felt that something was wrong. When he took his hand off to look, he immediately shouted in fear, “Ah …”

The screams did not last long because in just a few moments, the originally uninjured body was slowly corroded to the point that not even his bones were left.

“Ugh …” The remaining guards felt their legs weaken as they vomited and fainted. They didn't dare to give chase at all.

The mastermind had already found Xiao Feng, who was being chased down, and kicked him away. He then took out his dagger and looked at the group of people with a sinister smile, “Your opponent is me!”

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