Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 161

Chapter 161 - That Was a Gift from His Highness

When Teng Yu and the others arrived in the Hui State, they saw simple carts and cars loaded with goods. Most of these were provided by the common folk, who brought their homegrown vegetables, pickled radishes, chickens, ducks, preserved eggs, and even handmade clothes, pants, and socks.

Qingsheng looked at the long convoy and sneered, “You won't be able to use all these things even if you drag them back. Why not just give them to the victims?”

Yin Xu glanced at his na?ve disciple, “These items were originally intended for the victims. What's the point of sending them back out again?”

“Moreover, the cheaper the items, the more we can bring back to the capital, demonstrating the Third Prince's compassion and love for his people. This clearly shows the effectiveness of his disaster relief efforts.” Zuo Shaotang added.

Qingsheng and Zuo Shaotang, one sinister and one righteous, never got along from the moment they met. If Qingsheng hadn't been injured and unable to fight, they would have clashed every day.

As for Xiao Feng, since Qingsheng hadn't spoken to him in the past few days, it was natural that they hadn't argued.

“Hypocritical!” Qingsheng snorted, though it was unclear whom he was mocking.

Yin Xu knocked on his head, “Hurry up and bid farewell to your father!”

Qingsheng's eyes widened, “My father is not fully recovered yet. How can you bear to leave him behind?”

“I'm neither a doctor nor a saint. Why should I bring him along?”

“Then I'm not going either.”

“Hmm?” Yin Xu squinted his eyes dangerously, glancing at him coldly, “Fine, if you want to be an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts for the rest of your life.”

Qingsheng's face turned red as he pointed at Yin Xu. “You …” Unable to retort, he turned around and went to find his senior brother.

He had already concocted an antidote to counter the poison in Qing Xiaoyan's body but didn't give it to him all at once. Instead, he made it so he had to come to the capital once a year to gather medicine.

Qing Xiaoyan didn't know if he believed it or not, but since his life was in Yin Xu's hands, he had no choice but to comply.

“Where's Wang Ren?” Yin Xu looked around and realized the young boy was missing.

Ding Yi was feeding the horses when he heard him and pointed towards the door, “I saw him rush in just now. He said he forgot to take something.”

Yin Xu scoffed, “When he first came, he didn't even have a single piece of clothing. What could he possibly take?”

Just then, a boy in a green jacket appeared in Yin Xu's line of sight, carrying a backpack wider than himself and carefully holding something in his hands.

As he got closer, Yin Xu asked with a stern expression, “What did you take? Don't bring back all the rubbish.”

Ding Yi went forward to help him with the bag and found it was actually not heavy. When he opened it, he discovered it was a blanket.

Wang Ren lowered his head, staring at his feet, and said quietly, “This way, I won't be cold halfway.”

When he heard they were going out, the first thing he thought of was food and clothing. He had hidden a whole box of pastries in the carriage, enough to last him until they reached the capital.

Yin Xu also knocked him on the head and scolded him like a boss, “Where do I lack a blanket? If there's none, I'll squeeze in with Mao Er and the others.”

Wang Ren replied with an “Oh,” but still clutched his blanket protectively.

Ding Yi teased him with a smile, “You little rascal, what's the point of bringing a bucket of grass? The Third Prince's Mansion has no shortage of flowers and plants.”

Yin Xu was stunned, staring at the flower pot in Wang Ren's arms, and then snatched it away. “Is this the pot I threw to you before?”

Wang Ren nodded proudly, “I watered it every day and fattened it up.” He blushed a little at his last words, making it easy to imagine what kind of fertilizer he had used.

Yin Xu didn't care about any of that; all he knew was that this plant had grown astonishingly fast in the past few days without him noticing.

Initially, because of the once-in-a-century Spirit Nurturing Fruit, he lost interest in it. Later, he casually tossed it to Wang Ren to take care of and never expected it to grow so quickly.

He carefully examined the young plant and noticed that its stem was much thinner and lighter than the spirit-raising fruit he was familiar with, though the shape of its leaves was similar.

The Spirit Convergence Array he had previously set up in the flower pot had lost its effectiveness, and the shattered jade shards had turned a dark gray, devoid of spirit energy.

Yin Xu checked his pockets and found he didn't have any jade on him. Seeing a jade pendant around Wang Ren's neck, he pulled it off, broke it into several pieces, and re-laid the Spirit Gathering Formation in the pot.

As soon as he completed the Spirit Convergence Array, Yin Xu could feel the air above the flower pot become much clearer, and the little seedling appeared more vibrant.

Just as he nodded in satisfaction, he heard a muffled cry. Looking up, he saw the little ghost in front of him holding back tears.

He blinked, momentarily speechless. It was Ding Yi who reminded him, “Young Master, that jade pendant…”

Yin Xu suddenly realized, and rubbed Wang Ren's head, “Didn't you just lose a piece of jade? You'll get ten pieces back when we return. How stingy.”

Wang Ren ignored him and continued to cry, feeling even sadder.

Yin Xu was extremely surprised. Back when he rescued her in the mountains, she didn't shed a tear.

Moreover, he hadn't noticed before that this child's eyes were large and black, and when bathed in tears, they evoked a deep sense of pity.

“Ten pieces aren't enough? How about twenty?”

“That was given to me by His Highness,” Wang Ren said indignantly, reaching out to grab the jade fragments from the flower pot.

How could Yin Xu let him? He raised the flower pot high and called over Teng Yu, who was nearby.

When Teng Yu arrived, Yin Xu immediately took off the jade pendant he was wearing and tossed it to Wang Ren, “Isn't it just a jade pendant? Is it really worth this fuss? Anyone watching would think it's a love token!”

When Teng Yu understood what had happened, he was speechless. He glanced at the flower pot Yin Xu was carefully protecting and patted the child's head, “Don't be sad, it's just a jade pendant. In the future, His Highness will give you a jade mine.”

Wang Ren thought he was just being comforted and didn't take it seriously. Furthermore, he didn't yet understand the value of a jade mine. Unexpectedly, many years later, not only did he obtain a jade mine, he became the largest jade merchant in the entire Big Dipper.

The carriage traveled leisurely for eight days before arriving in the capital. By this time, half a month had passed since the Emperor set the deadline, so naturally, Teng Yu was summoned to the palace before he even entered the gates.

Yin Xu wanted to follow. According to recent news, the palace was not peaceful, but the person summoning him was Lai Jiquan, who dismissed him without any regard. It was clear the Emperor only wanted to see the Third Prince.

Teng Yu indicated for him to stay calm. He had lived in the palace since childhood, so even if there was danger, he had nowhere else to hide. Moreover, the ongoing news from the Heavenly Palace suggested that the situation was not yet critical.

After entering the palace, Teng Yu brought Teng Yu to the Emperor's Bedroom Hall.

He frowned and asked, “Why is the Royal Father in the Bedroom Hall at this hour?”

Lai Jiquan sighed, “Reporting to Your Highness, these days, the Emperor's health has been poor, and we can only support him in his morning assembly. All the Advice Letters are approved in the Bedroom Hall, and even the First Prince and Second Prince come here to pay their respects and help manage the Emperor's affairs.”

“This really happened?” Teng Yu was shocked, raising his voice, “Such a significant matter, and no one informed me. How do you servants know?”

Lai Jiquan bowed humbly and replied, “Your Highness, please don't be angry. It's not that this old servant didn't want to inform you, but His Majesty instructed me not to.”

“How can this be a trivial matter? Do you dog slaves think nothing of the Royal Father's health?” Teng Yu kicked Lai Jiquan's knee. Nine out of ten sentences from this old eunuch were filled with scheming.

“This servant knows his wrongs!” Lai Jiquan immediately knelt and slapped himself a few times, “How could this servant mean that? Third Prince, please forgive me.”

From inside, the Emperor heard the commotion and said, “Kui'er has returned. Why aren't you coming in? Cough, cough…”

When Teng Yu heard his voice, he knew the Emperor was indeed ill. He raised his eyebrows and walked into the Emperor's Bedroom Hall, stepping over the kneeling Lai Jiquan.

Lai Jiquan waited until Teng Yu's figure completely disappeared behind the door before standing up, dusting off his knees, and letting a sinister look flash across his face.

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