Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 - Take Me as Your Master

Qingsheng felt he was nearing death. He lay on the Old Demon's shoulder, his stomach almost bursting as he was moved back and forth.

He didn't dare make a sound or even the slightest movement. Compared to this old demon, he was like a fragile blade of grass by the roadside, easily crushed with a single finger.

He could only pray silently that his father would come with help.

“Bam!” Qingsheng was slammed into the ground. He endured the pain and used his hands and feet to get up, cautiously observing the Old Demon, whose face was pale and eyes red.

He quickly took a few steps back and hid in an inconspicuous corner, unsure if the demon was possessed or might go mad and eat his own heart, leading to a miserable death for Qingsheng.

Seeing the blood stains and pieces of flesh on the corner of the demon's mouth, Qingsheng forced himself to calm down, muttering to his father: Why aren't you here yet?

Just as he finished, his father's voice boomed from outside, “Demon, come out! Hand over my son immediately!”

Qingsheng covered his eyes and silently cursed: “Dad, if you hadn't mentioned I was your son, I might still have a chance to survive.”

He sneaked a glance at the demon and saw it standing still, eyes unfocused and expression sluggish, as if its soul had left its body. It was extremely eerie.

Clenching his teeth, he crawled further away, thinking, “You can't see me, you can't see me…”

Just as he was about to reach the doorstep, Qingsheng felt a sharp pain in his ankle.

He turned suddenly and saw the old demon's wrinkled face close to him. The demon's empty, red eyes made it clear he was terrified.

“Ugh…” He covered the bloody wound in his ankle, his heart racing. He forced a smile and said, “Lord Sect Leader, I was just trying to get you a cup of water.”

His leg now had a bloody hole. Qingsheng was terrified, fearing the demon might point a finger at his head next.

When Yin Xu and Teng Yu arrived, they found only three members of the Martial Union had beaten them there, while the rest were still chasing from behind or had given up.

Looking at the dilapidated temple nearby, they couldn't believe the grand Sect Master of the Evil Sect would choose such a place to stay.

“He came to the Hui State alone?” Yin Xu asked Teng Yu in a low voice.

“I haven't seen anyone following him. Judging by his appearance, he might not be in his right mind anymore. Perhaps he just ran off on his own.”

“Shall we sneak around to the back and take a look?”

Teng Yu agreed, and the two of them avoided the furious Martial Union Master, taking a small path to the back of the rundown temple.

The front of the temple looked somewhat intact, but the back was completely open, with no walls, allowing them a clear view from their hiding spot in the grass.

Qingsheng had found a broken bowl somewhere and was squatting under the eaves, holding the bowl of water with a devout attitude, as if praying.

On the other side of the temple, the old man sat on the ground, staring at Qingsheng. To Yin Xu, it looked like he was eyeing a roasted pig, contemplating where to start.

“Should we save him or not?” Teng Yu asked silently.

Yin Xu shook his head, waiting for the old man and Qing Xiaoyan to weaken each other in a fight. He knew it wasn't his turn to intervene yet.

Just as he thought Qing Xiaoyan's strategy was flawed, a burst of energy suddenly swept through the temple, collapsing the weak walls and much of the roof.

Qingsheng, with his injured leg, ran out, still holding the broken bowl, but was grabbed by the Evil Sect Master by his collar.

He looked at Qing Xiaoyan in despair, nearly crying. “Father, your move was too strong. I was almost crushed to death.”

“Brat, aren't you still alive?”

“Just barely… Don't mourn too much when I die. Remember to put two jars of wine on my grave every year and burn some money.” He was sure the demon had gone mad and was too strong for him to risk his father's life.

“Shut up!” Qing Xiaoyan's eyes turned red. Looking at his beloved son, he said to the Evil Sect Master: “Demon, let him go. We'll fight one-on-one.”

He expected Yue Yang to refuse, but surprisingly, Yue Yang immediately tossed Qingsheng aside and charged at Qing Xiaoyan.

No one knew what Yue Yang was thinking. Seeing him rush over, Qing Xiaoyan had no choice but to use his full strength.

He had fought this demon years ago, and they were evenly matched. He never expected the demon to have improved so much over the years.

It was no wonder people said the Evil Sect's Devilish Exercise surpassed other sects, explaining why the Evil Sect had dominated the martial arts world for so long.

Qing Xiaoyan's body was already injured, and as the fight continued, his wounds worsened.

Though two other Sect Leaders joined in to help, they were clearly hesitant, making only occasional, ineffective moves.

Qingsheng anxiously scratched his head, unable to help. His current skill level wasn't enough to face the demon.

He looked around, hoping reinforcements would arrive soon.

Teng Yu watched the scene intently. Such a spectacle was rare, the opponent's every move fascinating.

Seeing his intense focus, Yin Xu gave him pointers. Despite being at the same cultivation level as Teng Yu, Yin Xu had over a thousand years of experience.

“The Qing Family is one of the top martial arts families. Today, we are witnessing probably the most exquisite display of the Qing Family's martial arts.”

“This Qing Xiaoyan won't hold on for long. His injuries are no ordinary wounds; they are poisonous, and the poison has already infiltrated his internal organs. He's just one attack away from succumbing.”

Teng Yu nodded, acknowledging that Qing Xiaoyan was indeed weakened. However, the Evil Sect Master also appeared to be nearing his limit.

Yin Xu frowned, surveying the old man before snorting, “He's not dead yet, but his Qi is unstable, likely due to absorbing too much Qi over the past two days and not fully digesting it.”

“Does that martial art require digging out hearts and eating them raw to absorb inner strength?”

Yin Xu's mouth twitched with disdain as he replied, “Some Devilish Exercises do require consuming a living person's heart because it is the core of their being. But this old man hasn't practiced such a technique.”

Teng Yu understood, implying that the demon was so energized it led to such a vile and barbaric display.

“Father…” Qingsheng suddenly cried out, rushing into the fray to shield Qing Xiaoyan from an attack.

“Cheng'er…!” Qing Xiaoyan lay on the ground, clutching his son in panic.

Seeing this, Yin Xu immediately pushed Teng Yu forward, “Go, the old man is nearly spent. Exchange a few blows with him, but be careful not to get hurt; his hands are poisonous.”

Teng Yu, already prepared, picked up two stones and hurled them at the Evil Sect Master before quickly following up.

With this sudden helper, the Qing Family father and son no longer had the strength to handle him.

Qing Xiaoyan wiped the blood from his son's mouth, supporting him with one hand while pressing the other hand against his back to help him recover.

“Cheng'er… you have to hold on, you'll be alright…”

“Treating him like this will kill him!” Yin Xu, who had walked over unnoticed, now stood before the Qing Family, looking down at them.

Qing Xiaoyan paused, glaring up at Yin Xu, “Why should I believe you?”

“I can save him, but can you? You'd only kill him!”

Hearing that his son could be saved, Qing Xiaoyan's rationality returned, but he still didn't trust Yin Xu. This was the same person who had been his captor, and now he claimed he wanted to save his son. It was laughable!

“You don't believe me? All your son's tendons have been severed. He may not die immediately, but he won't practice martial arts again.”

“Do you really have a way?” Qing Xiaoyan asked anxiously.

“Yes, not only can I save him, but I can save you too!”

“Why would I need you to save me?”

Yin Xu extended a finger and lightly tapped his left chest, laughing. “Really? Are you in pain?”

Qing Xiaoyan bit his lip, sweat trickling down his forehead, “How do you know?”

“You're poisoned. You should know such a simple thing, being the Martial Union Master. Shouldn't you understand your opponent's tactics? No wonder you failed completely!”

Yin Xu shook his head and lamented. They were originally just a disorganized bunch, and with an unreliable leader, having more people was useless.

The most pitiful part was that countless innocent young talents got involved, losing their lives in vain and dying miserably.

Qing Xiaoyan knew his body's condition. If not for his strong inner force suppressing the poison, it would have acted up long ago.

He couldn't understand how this young man knew so much.

Yin Xu, sensing his doubts, pointed to his nose, saying, “I was born with crippled tendons and veins, but now, I want to make your life easier!”

Qing Xiaoyan believed him. That day in the tunnel, this young man had escaped unscathed using an unknown flag. Though unorthodox, it proved his skill.

“You can save Cheng'er? Just tell me what you want!”

Yin Xu squatted beside him, checked Qingsheng's pulse, and then forcefully examined Qing Xiaoyan's hand.

“I can save him, but I will only save one of you. Decide who you want to save!”

“You…” Qing Xiaoyan clenched his fists, wanting to punch his own face.

“Think carefully. You have the time it takes for an incense stick to burn. After that, you'll die from the poison. Your son should be able to live another dozen years without problems.”

Qing Xiaoyan looked down at his son, wiped the blood from his face with his sleeve, and then resolutely said, “Alright, save him!”

Yin Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, “Are you sure? Will you really sacrifice your life for your son?”

“Of course, he's still young, and I don't have many years left. There's no need to think about it!”

Yin Xu tilted his head in thought. Yes, it was better to let the son live.

Yin Xu took out a medicine bottle, poured out a pill, and stuffed it into Qing Xiaoyan's mouth, “Since you're still responsible as a father, I'll give you a few more days to live.”

This pill would only relieve the poison but couldn't remove it. He didn't know what poison the old man used, but if it was unfamiliar, concocting an antidote wouldn't be easy.

“Cough, cough… What did you make me take?” Qing Xiaoyan clutched his throat, looking pained.

“You're about to die. Do you think I would waste effort on you? If you don't want it, just spit it out.” Yin Xu rolled his eyes, taking Qingsheng from Qing Xiaoyan's embrace. “Your son is now under my care. If you want him to live, let him acknowledge me as his master.”

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