Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 - How Good Would It be If It Was Really like This?

“Is there something the Seventh Young Master can teach you?” Yu Xuezhong asked, standing a step ahead of him.

Yin Xu pointed at the soup and asked, “I asked the lord for advice. What was added to the soup?”

Yu Xuezhong's heart tightened, fearing there was an issue with the soup, and quickly explained, “He likes to add some medicinal ingredients to the Brocade Broth, but she consulted a doctor before; there definitely won’t be any problems drinking it.”

Yin Xu's eyes brightened, “What kind of medicinal ingredient is it?”

“This… I don’t know either. Why would a Prefect like him care about what his wife put in the soup?”

Yin Xu stood up, placed the soup into the food box, arranged it properly, and handed it over to Teng Yu. Anxiously, he said, “Then we will go and ask Madam Ling.”

Teng Yu looked at Yin Xu, who was moving swiftly, and suppressed his suspicions. He smiled and said to Yu Xuezhong, “Ever since we tasted Lady Duo's cooking, we have always been fond of it. Since we haven’t left, we should visit more often.”

“Welcome,” Yu Xuezhong said sincerely, but inwardly he couldn't help but feel that the Third Prince was too deferential to him.

As the group left, Yu Xuezhong noticed that the number of guards around the Third Prince had more than doubled, and they were all unfamiliar faces. Recalling the tragic state he had seen in the courtyard, his heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

Could it be that someone from the Yun Family or the First Prince was plotting something? If anything happened to the Third Prince in Hui State, even if he had ten heads, it wouldn't be enough to atone for it.

He secretly decided that upon returning, he would assign more people to escort him. It would be better if the number of patrol teams in this area doubled as well.

Upon arriving at the Prefectural Government, Madam Yu was surprised that her husband had brought back two esteemed guests but was inwardly pleased.

If she could gain the Prince's favor, her husband's career would certainly become smoother in the future.

Moreover, she had heard that this Third Prince was talented and a direct descendant of the previous Empress. There was a high chance of him reaching the top in the future, so getting on good terms with him now would be beneficial.

Due to the common folk lacking clothing and food, the Prefectural Government was also quite simple. Madam Yu personally cooked a table of ordinary dishes and brought out her marinated duck eggs, barely making five dishes and a soup.

Teng Yu didn’t mind simple food and clothing; even though the food was plain, it was better than delicacies, providing a hearty meal.

Yin Xu was concerned about the medicinal ingredients and continued to drink the soup slowly. He noticed the soup didn’t have the same flavor as before and asked directly, “This soup tastes different from last time; did you not add any medicinal ingredients this time?”

Yu Xuezhong couldn’t answer, so he sent someone to ask his wife. It turned out the dinner was made in a hurry, and there was no time to brew a pot of soup with medicinal ingredients.

The pigeon soup she had sent earlier contained a type of ginseng fruit. These fruits were rare, and the Yu family only had two.

Knowing her husband's intentions and his desire to join the Third Prince's camp, she couldn’t help him in any other way.

“Ginseng fruit? I wonder what it's like?”

When ginseng fruit was mentioned, Yu Xuezhong remembered. A beggar once gave him a jade box containing two of these fruits in exchange for help. The ginseng fruit looked like a baby, about the size of a palm.

Not seeing any harm, he accepted it and gave it to his wife, who eventually used it in the soup.

Yu Xuezhong quickly sent a servant to fetch his wife and, in the meantime, explained to Teng Yu about the origins of the ginseng fruit and shared some information.

If this ginseng fruit was indeed a priceless treasure, he wouldn’t be able to hide it even if he wanted to.

Lady Yu soon entered with a box. With her husband present, it wasn’t too bad for her to meet the guests.

Yin Xu took the box and slowly opened it. A sweet aroma wafted out, drawing Teng Yu's curiosity.

“Wow, this fruit looks really strange. I've never seen anything like it before.”

Inside the box was a dried fruit shaped like a newborn baby. It was not attractive and even ugly. It was surprising Madam Yu dared to add such a thing to the soup.

“Yes, the businessman who gave it to me said he accidentally obtained it and used it during a severe cold, finding it beneficial. Thus, he knew it was a good thing.”

Yin Xu blinked and asked calmly, “Did the merchant ever say where he found these ginseng fruits?”

Yu Xuezhong thought seriously, then shook his head, “He didn’t, only that he obtained it by chance.”

There must be a way he found it. Yin Xu continued to ask, “Then where is this person now?”

“He’s just a passing merchant. This official doesn’t know where he is now, but judging by his clothes and accent, he should be from the south.”

Yin Xu held the fruit, turning it slowly. Without spirit energy, he couldn't tell if the fruit was alive or dead.

In the Cultivation World, this kind of fruit was called the “Spirit Nurturing Fruit,” primarily used for nurturing future generations.

Yin Xu had only read about it in books and had never seen it himself. He knew that if it lost its spirituality, it would become a dead fruit and be useless.

Seeing Yin Xu unwilling to let it go, Yu Xuezhong said, “This thing gives me goosebumps just looking at it. If the Seventh Young Master likes it, I might as well give it to you.”

Yin Xu heard this and looked up, a satisfied smile on his face, “How can I take Master Yu's things for free? Master Yu, what do you want? I will trade with the lord.”

“No need, no need, it was given to me by someone else. It’s enough that His Highness doesn’t pursue the crime of accepting bribes; there’s no need for an exchange.”

“Alright, then consider it a favor I owe you. If you need anything in the future, just come to me.” Yin Xu generously promised, thinking if he could use this thing, he would owe Yu Xuezhong a lot.

Yu Xuezhong didn’t take it to heart, unable to imagine how valuable this item could be.

Yin Xu got what he wanted, and Teng Yu was also full. The two didn’t stay at the yamen for long and left.

Yu Xuezhong sent 20 yamen runners to escort them back. He didn’t follow but kept watch around the Yin Residence just in case.

Yin Xu had changed the name of their current residence, putting up a “Yin Residence” sign. Other than Teng Yu, everyone was confused about the origin of the name.

Moreover, the name “Yin Residence” sounded unlucky, leaving others puzzled about the Third Prince’s thoughts.

Yin Xu adhered to the principle of using his own name. Though outsiders knew him as Huo Tian, he was aware of his true background.

“It seems you’re very interested in this fruit. What kind of treasure is it?” Teng Yu hadn’t let go of the jade box since they left. If not for seeing Yin Xu’s interest, he would have thought Yin Xu coveted the box itself.

After all, this guy had a history.

Yin Xu placed the oil lamp on the table and examined the ginseng fruit under its light, sighing, “It’s definitely a treasure, but I don’t know if it’s still useful.”

Teng Yu lay on the soft couch, watching Yin Xu's serious expression. He laughed and joked, “Do you really believe that merchant’s words, thinking it can bring the dead back to life?”

Yin Xu thought, what does reviving the dead matter? If this was truly a Spirit Nurturing Fruit, he could directly nurture a baby.

However, judging by the fruit’s appearance, it might look similar but lack the spirit. The inside might not necessarily be a Spirit Nurturing Fruit.

“I don’t know if it can revive the dead, but it can certainly be used as a healing panacea.” After drinking the soup, his dantian felt warm, filled with Demonic Qi, and all the aftereffects of Teng Yu's nourishment disappeared, putting him in an excellent state.

He thought, even if this wasn’t a Spirit Nurturing Fruit, he had to find a way to obtain it, comparable to a spirit pellet in the Cultivation World.

“It’s so ugly, I wonder what kind of tree could bear such a fruit. If you like it, I’ll have people search for it. Since it appeared once, there must be a trail.”

“Alright, no matter the cost, I must find it!” Yin Xu said seriously.

Teng Yu was startled, took the fruit from his hand, and shook it, “Do you know this?”

“Maybe.” Yin Xu himself wasn’t sure.

“Then tell me, what benefits would there be if it’s what you think it is? If it’s worth it, I’ll search for it even if I have to turn everything upside down.”

Suddenly, Yin Xu snickered, touched Teng Yu's stomach, and whispered something in his ear.

With a “pa,” the dried fruit fell to the ground. Teng Yu was stunned, and after a long while, hugged Yin Xu and asked, “Is it true? Can such a thing really happen?”

Yin Xu rolled his eyes at him, “Of course not!” This man actually believed men could have children; wasn’t that too naive?

He bent down to pick up the fruit and found the shriveled skin had cracked, revealing the flesh and black seeds inside.

He stroked his chin and thought for a moment. Maybe he could try planting a tree like this himself.

The three princes who had fainted earlier finally regained their senses and said disappointedly, “So it was a fake. How great would it have been if it were real?”

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