Demon King Priest

Chapter 39: The Great White Shark's Counterattack (3)

Chapter 39: The Great White Shark's Counterattack (3)

Just as the mages were preparing for the sixth wave of magical attacks, the great white sharks that were shining in blue light in the distance took action. Together, they issued a sixth-level special magic that could only be used on the surface of the water- Giant Waves.

"Your compassion is everywhere! Your embrace can hold everything! Oh, earth! Please protect us! The Immovable wall!"

"Oh god of water who gives love to everyone! Please embrace everything with your gentleness! Sky Blue Shield!"

"The barrier of life and death that no one can pass through, please come to this world! Appear! Wailing Wall!"

"No one can shake your majesty! Shiva, the God of Ice! Please grant me your protection! Crystal Wall!"

"Oh All-Knowing and Almighty Supreme God! Please protect your loyal believers! Light Barrier!"

"Oh the violent wind! Tear everything in front of me to pieces! Storm Barrier!"

Seeing the great white sharks used attack magic, mages replaced their prepared attack magic with defensive magic. Earth, water, and light mages that had not cast out magic before used their magic, but the poor fire mages still had no chance to join the fight. For them, who had always been the main attackers, this was simply a shame.

Seeing the colorful magic barriers unfolding in front of them, the mages were all relieved. The giant wave magic jointly issued by the four sixth-level magic beasts was not a joke. No mage on board could block it alone. However, there were so many high-level defense barriers, it should be able to block this giant wave.

But what Mage never expected was that the real purpose of this giant wave magic was not to directly attack the people on the Titan Poseidon. Its real purpose was to launch the ordinary great white sharks that had been lined up to the deck of Titan Poseidon like arrows.

There were dozens of ordinary great white sharks in a line in that huge wave that was thirty meters high. Driven by the huge waves, they rushed towards everyone standing on the deck like arrows. People standing on the deck could even clearly see the sharp teeth in the jaws of great white sharks.

"Bang!" The huge wave slammed into Titan Poseidon's right side, causing the hull to sway severely. But it was not this huge wave that was dangerous, but the great white sharks in those huge waves. Driven by the huge wave, these incredibly large great white sharks directly hit the magic barriers released by the mages.

Almost instantly, these magic barriers were smashed into pieces by these great white sharks. The mages who used the barrier were all injured by the backlash caused by the failure of the magic. Those who were seriously injured even began to vomit blood on the spot.

The great white sharks that broke through the magic barrier were deadly. The people hit by them were seriously injured almost instantly. There were also many people who were directly rammed into the sea. In the sea full of great white sharks, their fate was obvious.

The great white sharks that fell on the deck were twisting their bodies wildly, sweeping the aristocrats and merchants on the deck into the water.

"Cherie! Don't look!" When the great white sharks rushed onto the deck, Ulysses knew it was bad. In order to prevent Cherie from seeing this hellish scene, he directly covered Cherie's eyes with his left hand.

"Yes, Big Brother!" Cherie's voice trembled. Although Ulysses covered her eyes, from the screams of the people on the deck being swept into the sea by the great white sharks, she still knew that the deck now had become hell.

"Waah! Big Brother, can we go home safely?" Cherie cried again.

"Of course! Didn't I say it! I will definitely protect you!" Ulysses answered without hesitation. He had made up his mind that even if he wanted to use the dark power in the Book of the Demon King again, he must protect the weak girl in his arms.

Suddenly, the tail of a great white shark that landed on the deck swept toward Ulysses and Cherie. Ulysses quickly jumped into the air and avoided the attack.

At this time, the warriors on the ship had also begun to clean up the great white sharks that fell on the ship. Under the attack of these elite warriors, the great white sharks that had fallen on the deck were mutilated one by one.

But the nightmare of the people on Titan Poseidon had just begun. The great white sharks shining blue light did not give the people on the deck a chance to breathe, and immediately launched the second giant wave attack.

"Wailing Wall!" "Light barrier!" "Storm barrier!" Only a few mages were able to hold up a new around magic barrier this time.

"Bang!" The giant wave slammed at the Titan Poseidon's hull again, this time before the great white sharks in the giant wave hit, the magic barrier collapsed again. The great white sharks rushed to the people on the deck without hindrance this time, and many nobles and merchants were directly swallowed by the bloody mouths of those great white sharks. The bone-crushing sounds from the mouths of those great white sharks told people their fate. Who would have imagined that they had tasted the sharp fins on the backs of great white sharks at a banquet not long ago, but now they turned into food in the mouth of great white sharks after a few hours!

No, no, everyone on the deck would die like this.' Ulysses kept moving his figure to avoid the attacks of the great white sharks, feeling anxious in his heart. Since the bodies of several great white sharks that fell on the ship blocked the door to the cabin, the people on the deck had no way to escape and had to struggle in this hell. After the second wave of attacks by the great white sharks, most of the nobles and merchants on the deck were killed. Some of the remaining people had good skills, and the others were people who had strong bodyguards around them.

"Where are two level seven masters sent by the mage guild! Where did they go!! Come out and kill all these damn great white sharks!" The remaining nobles and merchants yelled.

But the great white sharks didn't give them time to swear leisurely. The few great white sharks in the distance that were shining with blue light had performed the third giant wave attack. Another giant wave over thirty meters high carried countless sharks rushing towards Titan Poseidon.

This time, no mage could cast another magic barrier. If hit by this giant wave, everyone on the deck would be washed into the sea full of great white sharks.

However, this huge wave did not hit the Titan Poseidon's ship. It was smashed to pieces by a golden sword energy at a place more than ten meters away from Titan Poseidon. The ordinary great white sharks in the huge wave were also blasted into pieces by that sword energy.

People looked in the direction of the golden sword energy and found a swordsman in yellow armor and another mage in a yellow mage robe.

The two seventh-level masters on the ship finally appeared.

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