Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 54: Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (1)

Chapter 54: Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (1)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 54

EP.54 Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (1)

Meanwhile, as Yu Parang was racking her brain, pondering how to save the world, there were those who needed her rescue more than anyone else.

[Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it!] [0]

[Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it!] [0]

[Mods, do something about the spam!!!!] [0]

[Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it!] [0]

[Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it!] [0]

[So when is Yu Parang coming?] [3]

[Don’t you guys remember getting status effects?] [3]

[The Great Fish Hunter has started broadcasting!!!!] [5]

Surprisingly, they were Yu Parang’s viewers.

[Don’t you guys remember getting status effects?]

[Author: If You Have Ears]

Why the hell do you want to watch a broadcast that gives you status effects, damn it? Are you hunters or what? LOL

─I don’t really know either, but I just really want to watch Yu Parang’s broadcast

─There’s no broadcast that gives a dopamine rush like hers

─People go crazy when they get hooked on something with no substitute

As the author of the post said, Yu Parang’s broadcast was unprecedented in making viewers experience status effects during the broadcast.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the platform suspended her for causing social controversy.

Despite the fact that quite a few viewers must have suffered, the community was surprisingly filled with people eager to watch Yu Parang’s broadcast again.

[Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it!]

[Author: ㅇㅇ]

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn…

There are three main reasons why the Hunter Gallery, not even Yu Parang’s Gallery, has ended up like this.

First, there is no substitute for Yu Parang’s broadcast.

[Even with all that chaos, I honestly want to watch Yu Parang’s broadcast]


Honestly, it was a mess, and I think the host isn’t broadcasting because of that, but I still want the host to come back.

I wouldn’t say anything if there were a substitute, but damn, you can’t watch the host’s broadcast anywhere else.

Now, without Yu Parang, I can’t get my dopamine fix…

─You’re a hunter who gets beaten…

─Even the great doctor Yu Parang couldn’t fix this guy’s head

─Honestly, I want to watch it too… It was really fun.

Yu Parang’s core viewers were already deeply hooked on her broadcast. No matter how much they talked about the dopamine her broadcast provided, it was never enough.

The real problem was that there was no substitute for her broadcast.

After the Slayers’ Ascension, the diving broadcasts that had sprung up like mushrooms after rain were now almost impossible to find.

‘ㅇㅇ’ donated 1,000 won! Thank you~! –

[Dammit, Shuna said she was doing a diving broadcast. Why is she broadcasting in front of the gate again today?]

“Listen, honestly, I said I’d do a diving broadcast, but, you know, honestly, it’s a bit much. I value my life too.”


─It’s better not to dive.

─Are you an assassin telling someone to dive now?

─Let’s just block that guy

What’s the point of hiding it? Yu Parang launched a damn big ball.

Hunters, especially streaming hunters, were increasingly interested in and watching Parang’s broadcast.

And as they watched her broadcast, they realized.

‘Ah, if I mess up diving, I’m really screwed.’

It was dangerous, difficult, and even if they hurriedly started diving now, they couldn’t make a bigger impact than Parang. They could end up being a perfect inferior version.

If they made diving their main content now, the moment Yu Parang returned, she would instantly absorb their viewers.

There were streaming hunters who boldly jumped into the diving market,

How many meters are you going down today?

“Today? Today I’ve really sharpened my skills. A whopping! 250 meters dive! Please look forward to it! Oh? Oh no! Don’t leave!!”

But they were clearly less impressive than Parang.

The last broadcast that Parang’s viewers could pin their hopes on was Verteia’s broadcast, but since Verteia’s broadcast mainly involved monster fights, it lacked the unique, oppressive, and gloomy deep-sea atmosphere that Parang’s broadcast had.

Anyway, for various reasons, viewers who desperately wanted Parang’s broadcast emerged,

[When will Yu Parang turn on the broadcast…] [9]

[Just! Wait! A! Day!!!!] [3]

[Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it! Yu Parang, turn on the broadcast, damn it!] [4]

[Press this button to make Yu Parang start the broadcast.] [45]

Given the nature of internet communities, the voices of a fervent minority overwhelmingly drowned out the moderate majority.

The community was filled with opinions supporting Yu Parang.

Of course, there were those who opposed or originally didn’t like Parang. Posts criticizing or slandering her, and re-examining the incidents that occurred during her broadcasts, occasionally appeared.

But in terms of firepower, the ‘Turn on Yu Parang’s broadcast’ faction was overwhelmingly superior, rendering their resistance meaningless.

So, people who didn’t frequent the community and only occasionally lurked would see a community filled with posts supporting Parang.

Human psychology being what it is, people tend to lean slightly towards the opinions that the majority supports, even without realizing it.

‘Well, it was fun, after all.’

‘Honestly, the host didn’t really do anything wrong.’

‘We just need to be careful next time.’

One by one, people started thinking this way.

Of course, even if you combined all the aforementioned viewers, it was less than half of the viewers before the ‘shock’ incident.

Still, considering she had inflicted status effects on people during her broadcast, it was quite a good outcome.

Thus, Yu Parang unknowingly succeeded in swaying community opinion.

And then, amidst the long agony, on August 5th, at 10 AM, a post appeared on the Hunter Gallery.

[Yu Parang turned on the broadcast] [0]

It was written so hastily that the typo conveyed a sense of urgency, announcing her return.

[LIVE – (Yu Parang) I’m sorry.]

The first thing that caught the eyes of viewers, who rushed in at the speed of Velua swimming, was the shocking title.

“I’m sorry”? What’s with this thumbnail? Why is she wearing a suit? What’s with the green background?

Could it be that she’s quitting the broadcast?

Their hearts sank at the thought, and when they entered, they saw Parang, dressed in a suit, standing in front of a green chroma key screen, looking polite and staring ahead.

They were surprised once by her appearance and again by the strangely dark screen.

When they checked again, hoping it wasn’t true, they realized they had seen correctly. It was the familiar color scheme they saw every day on Parang’s broadcast.

She was standing underwater.

The strangely dark yet bluish hue clearly proved it.

She stood in front of the camera, watching the rising viewer count.

5000, 10000, 20000, 30000… And more, more, more.

Finally, when the viewer count reached the number Parang had set in her mind, she opened her mouth.

Her voice was as always, soft and gentle.

“Hello, viewers. This is streaming hunter Yu Parang.”

Various chats started pouring in.

─You’re not quitting the broadcast, right?

─Damn, I really thought you were dead

Chats expressing concern and longing for Parang.

─Did you bring a chroma key underwater???

─What’s with the suit, lol

Neutral chats.

─A broadcast that gives you status effects, what a joke ㅗㅗ

─Just quit the broadcast, lol, it wasn’t even that fun 

Sharp, hostile chats.

“Where do you think you’re going!!”

Of course, such harsh chats were promptly deleted by the temporary manager, Shin Yuna.

However, even if the viewers didn’t know, Parang, with her superhuman eyesight, could read all those chats.

While the clear malice directed at her hurt, the support from those cheering her on strengthened her resolve.

Since the Brachium Shock incident. No, since she first started broadcasting, she had anticipated such situations.

“First, I would like to sincerely apologize to all the viewers who were affected by my careless actions. I am truly sorry.”

Parang bowed deeply.

“On August 2, 2024, during a broadcast, due to my careless actions, viewers who were watching at the time experienced a status effect called ‘Opening Eyes’ for about three minutes.”

Her expression was serious and resolute, a look rarely seen on her broadcasts.

“I take full responsibility for the confusion caused by my failure to exercise much more caution, considering the unique environment of my broadcast.”

It’s okay, just keep broadcasting

─So shameless, lol. And you turned on the camera again? Need money? (Message deleted by the administrator.)

The occasional aggressive chats hurt Parang. She knew that public opinion couldn’t be entirely positive given what had happened, but it still stung.

Nevertheless, she stood firm and took responsibility.

“…I will not take a long break or quit broadcasting. This incident stemmed from my shortcomings. I believe that the best way to handle this is to ensure such accidents never happen again and to show my growth as a broadcaster from this point forward.”

─Lol, just words? Just quit broadcasting already? (Message deleted by the administrator.)

Of course, Parang had no intention of just apologizing with words.

The most important aspect Parang focused on in this incident was ensuring that such accidents never happened again.

And Parang had found a way.

“I’m not just saying I’ll be careful. To prevent such incidents from recurring, I have introduced a new element to the broadcast.”

Even the viewers who were mindlessly criticizing Parang had a puzzled expression at this.

“From now on, including the current broadcast, there will be a 15-second delay in my broadcasts. This means that there will be a 15-second time lag between what my camera captures and what appears on your screens.”

Originally, Parang’s broadcast had about a 1-second delay. She took inspiration from that.

She decided to extend that delay to 15 seconds.

This way, if Parang received any unusual mental attack, she could immediately end the broadcast or cut off the screen and sound.

This would ensure that viewers watching the screen 15 seconds before the attack would not be affected.

There was no worry since the skill notification window would immediately alert them of any mental attack.

Parang was immune to mental attacks, so there was no chance she wouldn’t be able to end the broadcast if something happened to her.

In fact, during the Brachium Shock, it took Parang about 4 seconds to recognize the danger and end the broadcast.

Moreover, unlike back then, she had prepared three triggers that could stop the broadcast with simple actions.

And as far as Parang knew, there were very few entities in the ocean that could restrain her from performing such simple actions.

If she needed to encounter such entities, she simply wouldn’t start the broadcast.

In short, it was a complete elimination of risk factors.

The viewers found the explanation reasonable.

They nodded their heads unconsciously.

“And for those who suffered financial or… physical damage due to the recent incident, please submit the extent of the damage and reference materials via the QR code at the bottom right of the screen. We will review and compensate you.”

She planned to use her own money. According to Silo, most hunters had just been dazed at home for three minutes, so there was virtually no actual damage.

So, there wasn’t really any need for Parang to compensate for damages, but well.

As long as it wasn’t just a simple ‘Please compensate me,’ Parang was willing to provide generous and ample financial compensation.

Thus, with a sincere apology, a clear future plan, and compensation for damages, all three conditions for an exemplary apology were met.

As a result, public opinion mostly turned favorable.

Those who had been maliciously criticizing Parang from the start were mostly forcibly removed, leaving only the viewers who were originally supportive or neutral.

So, the remaining question was, ‘So when’s the next broadcast?’

─So when’s the next broadcast

─Seriously, when are you going to start it

Fortunately, Parang had already planned for that.

“I will start it right now.”


─Excuse me??

Parang bowed her head one last time and then pushed over the chroma key screen behind her.

And when all the viewers saw the scene that unfolded behind it, they had to admit one thing.

─Wow, damn

─Is this really underwater?

─Honestly, I thought I’d seen everything amazing during the train broadcast.

─Indeed, there was no substitute for Parang’s broadcast.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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