Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 36: Worldwide (2)

Chapter 36: Worldwide (2)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 36

EP.36 Worldwide (2)

East Sea. Train Hive.

─No matter how many times I see it, I can’t get used to that size.

ㄴ You’ve only seen it once, what are you talking about?

ㄴ Haven’t you reviewed Yu Parang’s clips yet?

ㄴ Of course, you have to watch each part 999 times on YouTube clips.

“Today, before exploring the last car, we’ll investigate the third and second cars. We’ve brought the monster expert, so we’ll take our time explaining everything.”

─No scolding…?

─No monster massacre…?

“…I’ll do it if I have time.”

Parang’s face turned red.

Being asked to scold the viewers in front of her long-time friend was mortifying. She felt like dying from embarrassment.

Even underwater, this was a separate issue.

Vertea knew this and teased her gleefully.

“You scold your viewers?”

She herself had once requested Parang to scold her, rolling on the floor laughing as she listened.

─Looks like the host is going to have a tough day, lol.

“Be quiet.”

Parang said curtly.

‘Gets gloomy if her food is stolen’ donated 1,000 won! –

[ Voice recording ]


Parang skipped the donation without listening and quickly entered the third car through the window.

While waiting for Vertea, the same donation kept coming in.

Parang glared slightly at Vertea, who was deliberately swimming slowly.

Vertea stopped teasing Parang. There was something more urgent.

‘What should I explain first?’

Scholars around the world fall into four categories.

Those who have the will to explain but lack talent, those who lack both the will and talent, those who have both the will and talent, and lastly, those who lack the will but are full of talent.

Fortunately for the viewers, Vertea belonged to the third category.

She led Parang to the entrance of the third car, the connecting part teeming with Sakis.

She thought it would be best to explain the significant parts as they moved forward.

And Vertea considered this part of the train very important and wanted to explain it thoroughly.


─The atmosphere is intense.

The connecting part between the third and second cars. What was there was a massive vortex. The swirling water completely blocked the passage between the two spaces.

“One of the major currents in the East Sea passes through this train. The connecting part twists the water flow in such a way that it creates this vortex.”

As Vertea said, upon closer inspection, it was clear that the vortex was part of a large flow that extended from afar, bent, and then exited to the opposite side.

The viewers saw it and thought of something.

─It looks exactly like a gate.

─Right, I’m not the only one who thought that.

It was a gate.

A vortex shaped like swirling water, a passage connecting to another world.

It was remarkably similar to this vortex.

“Now that you mention it, it does look like that.”

Parang agreed. She had seen quite a few gates herself, most of them opening underwater.

Vertea, of course, had seen them too.

So, Parang had thrown out a question expecting a casual response, but Vertea seemed not to have heard it.

“This vortex has a significant impact on the ecosystem of the Train Hive. Without it, cars 1, 2, 3, and 4 would all be infested with Sakis.”

“Huh? Why?”

Of course, Parang knew the reason. It was her workplace, after all. It was just a question for the sake of the broadcast.

“It’s simple. Look over there.”

Where Vertea pointed, an interesting phenomenon was occurring.

The corpses of fish infested with Sakis were being swept towards the vortex and then carried out of the train.

“The presence of this vortex creates two flows. First, the flow of the current itself. It draws water from outside the train and expels water from inside the train.”

Parang nodded. The viewers enjoyed their daily lives while listening to Vertea’s voice like a radio.

“Second, it creates a secondary current that draws water from car 4 to car 3. This is a weaker flow created by the vortex. Therefore, it’s much weaker than the primary current, which is the vortex.”

Vertea continued her explanation without pausing.

“Ultimately, the Sakis and the corpses of fish, which have no swimming ability, are gradually drawn from car 4 into the vortex and then swept out of the train by the much stronger current.”

“I see….”

This was something Parang didn’t know. What she knew was simply that ‘thanks to the current, the train stays healthy.’

Without Sakis, the train would indeed be healthy, but that was all she knew.

The viewers also seemed to have gained some insight from Vertea’s explanation.

─Now that you mention it, that makes sense.

─Without this, it wouldn’t be surprising if the parasite took over the train.

─Thinking about it, it’s really scary. Bring the umu!!

Parang quietly watched Vertea.

“Right? This part is very important, so I wanted to explain it.”

She looked absolutely delighted.

The viewers also seemed pleased with the clear explanation of a part they were curious about.

Satisfied, Vertea moved to the train wall.

Vertea thought this part of the train was very important and wanted to explain it thoroughly.

And some time passed.

“…Up to here, that was the theory on why the object is indestructible.”



─I see.

The reactions were not as enthusiastic as before.

They were tired.

Vertea then grabbed a nearby monster.

Vertea thought this part of the train was very important and wanted to explain it thoroughly.

More time passed.

Vertea grabbed a red mass attached to the wall and pulled it.

Then, the flesh and teeth inside made a horrible noise as they were mixed together.


“Now, everyone. Look closely at this mouth. Do you see the red spot inside?”

Vertea inserted her fingers into the mouth to show the inside.


─Wh#t the h#ll

“Don’t freak out and look properly. I won’t move the camera until you say you’ve seen it.”

─Today is really tough.

─Two hosts, two hosts, two hosts, two hosts.


─Parang, save me, I was wrong.

─Now that I think about it, the host looks like an angel.

─ㄴ The host was always an angel.

The number of viewers was rapidly decreasing. If Vertea weren’t a beautiful woman with a sweet voice, the drop would have been even steeper.

Parang watched this quietly.

She was deep in thought.

Parang knew how to make the broadcast interesting while utilizing Vertea’s explanation addiction.

But the method she had in mind was purely for entertainment, which was why she hesitated.

If she used her idea, it would certainly attract viewers, but it would have little effect on preventing diving.

It was unrelated to the main topic, but Parang felt that her broadcasts lately had a similar vibe.

They seemed to rely too much on viewer abuse, failing to deliver proper horror content.

She had always thought that a calm, serene, and heavy atmosphere was needed, but somehow…

It seemed like today wasn’t the day for such a broadcast either. She would have to aim for tomorrow.

Coincidentally, the place they would explore tomorrow was the last car of the East Sea Hive.

If luck was on her side, it would create a really good atmosphere.

‘I hope there are some decent monsters.’

Well, that was something to think about tomorrow.

Anyway, back to the main topic.

Parang didn’t want to force Vertea to restrain her urge to explain while broadcasting.

After all, a broadcast should be enjoyable for the person doing it. If done out of obligation, it would soon become a burden.

After much contemplation, Parang finally reached a conclusion.

‘Let’s do it.’

She had to try everything she could.

Otherwise, today’s broadcast wouldn’t go well, and if this stiff educational broadcast image stuck, Vertea’s personal broadcasts would face significant difficulties.

People had to watch Vertea’s broadcasts for them to succeed.

So, if they were going to do it, they should make it fun.

She approached Vertea, who was engrossed in her explanation.

“Hey, Vertea.”


The audience was ecstatic about Parang’s intervention in the hellish lecture.

─Parang, I freaking love you.

─I realized it was spring only after the flowers had fallen…

“I have a question.”

“Oh, sure. Ask away.”

“See that monster over there?”

Parang pointed to a 40-meter shark monster swimming leisurely in the distance,

“And that monster over there,”

She pointed to a 50-meter moray eel monster a bit further away.

“Who would win if they fought?”

“Oh, that would obviously be—”

“How about showing it instead of explaining? I think the viewers would enjoy it.”

Vertea hesitated for a moment.

“Hmm, yeah. Showing it while explaining would make it easier to understand. Just wait a moment.”

Then she darted off somewhere.

Finally, the viewers were left alone with Parang, and they soon realized what she was planning.

─Wow, this is going to be so fun.

─Am I thinking what she’s thinking?

─Great Parang.

─God Parang.

─Queen Parang.

She was about to stage a monster battle.

With commentary from a monster expert, no less.

Soon, Vertea returned.

She was holding something in both hands, and Parang and her early viewers immediately recognized what it was.

─Wow, isn’t that a monster egg?

They had seen something similar during Parang’s very first broadcast, the Galecus hunt.

─How did she find that so quickly?

“Because I’m an expert. Knowing the nesting environment and having a keen eye, I can find and retrieve them right away.”

Vertea answered this part.

But what does that have to do with the battle?

“Hoho, you’ll see. I mentioned it during the Galecus hunt broadcast.”

The viewers then recalled what Parang had said.

“Most monsters can instinctively sense the state of their eggs. They can feel it even from a distance if the eggs are broken or hatched. This method is the best when you want to summon a specific monster.”

“And according to recent research, monsters can vaguely understand what destroyed their eggs. They can tell if it was another monster’s teeth, claws, or even the terrain that broke the eggs.”

So, like this—

Vertea smashed the two eggs in her hands together with all her might.

– Crack! –

The eggs burst and shattered instantly, scattering fragments everywhere.

“When you break the eggs by colliding them like this, the monsters will instantly think that their eggs were destroyed by the other.”

Just as she said, the two monsters that were swimming leisurely stopped abruptly and began to glare at each other fiercely.

─Wow, this is insane.

─Are they really doing it? Are they really doing it? Are they really doing it?

─Damn, I never imagined this.

The viewers’ dopamine was flowing like a summer fountain.

Naturally, the viewer count was also rising sharply.

This was exactly what Parang had anticipated.


Parang smiled triumphantly.

“Get your popcorn ready.”



The two monsters began to charge at each other with terrifying speed.

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