Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

Chapter 308: The Great Escape Part III

Gwen followed Zane shortly after tossing him over the no-man's-land. Though they both landed safely on their feet. Zane was quite furious over what had just happened. He quickly stared at his companion, who returned his gaze with a mischievous smile.

She knew exactly what Zane wanted to do and was quick to turn away from him and bend backwards. While asking him with a taunting voice if he dared to do what he had previously planned in his mind.

"Oh? I thought you wanted to spank me? Aren't you going to do so? I mean, you have such a perfect opportunity in front of you. Don't tell me you lack the balls to follow through with your thoughts?"

Zane was hesitating to actually go through with the punishment he had planned for the girl, but now that she dared to question his manhood, he was quick to slap her ass with all the power he could muster. Causing her to yelp in pain as she grabbed hold of her behind and ran away from Zane.

"You actually hit me!?!"

Zane however had begun chasing after the girl. Now that they were no longer in danger he wanted to give her the scolding of a lifetime.

"And who the hell told you to mock your big brother like this? You need to learn some manners you little bitch! And I'm going to be the one to teach you them!"

Gwen indeed would learn a very painful lesson about respecting Zane, especially since he was quite literally her master at this point.


Several minutes had passed, and Gwen was in tears while massaging her ass, which was now as red as can be. She didn't actually imagine Zane would go through with his threat. But he had indeed done so. She had apologized profusely for taking liberties when she was receiving her punishment, and now she was following the man like a properly beaten dog.

As for Zane, he gazed upon the ruins of Seoul in the south, and was quick to change the topic, asking Gwen what exactly she knew about the Horde King in charge of the city.

"Oi, stop crying, will you? I have an important question to ask. Just which of your siblings is in charge of Seoul?"

Gwen didn't immediately respond, probably because she was afraid of how Zane would respond if she answered honestly. This only made the man more furious as he demanded an answer in a less than patient tone.

"Well? I'm waiting…"

Naturally, Gwen responded when she heard this, albeit looking away from Zane with an ashamed expression on her face.

"I don't know! What happens on this side of the world is way beyond the knowledge of a little Tier I Horde King like me! I mean would you know the name of the President of South Korea prior to the outbreak of the apocalypse?"

Zane looked at Gwen once more as if she were an absolute idiot, before responding to her question with some shocking information.

"Yoon Suk Yeol, how do you not know this?"

Gwen didn't know exactly what Zane had said and was quick to ask for clarification.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?"

Zane could only sigh and shake his head as he responded once more to Gwen's previous statement.

"I said the President of South Korea prior to the outbreak of the apocalypse was Yoon Suk Yeol. Honestly…."

Gwen was dumbfounded by this as Zane began to walk down the mountainside towards the ruins of Seoul. She quickly followed after him asking how he knew such a thing.

"How the hell do you know so much about South Korea's government? You're a fucking American!?!'

Zane shook his head once more. Considering it was a long walk from here to Seoul, he decided to entertain Gwen by displaying his knowledge.

"I mean I don't know much if I'm being honest. I couldn't tell you the name of South Korea's political parties. But at the very least, I keep myself up to date on the names of the current heads of state within strategically important regions. I honestly expected the world to end in the global war, not via a zombie apocalypse.

In terms of extinction level events, zombie apocalypse was actually the lowest priority on my list of potential world ending events. Hell, I had a global ice age caused by the supernova of a nearby star higher on the list than the one that actually fucking happened.

I mean seriously, who would have thought that of all the way humans could have gone the way of the dodo bird, this was actually the way it would go down?"

Gwen stared silently at Zane's back for some time. It was rather awkward as the two of them continued their journey to Seoul. That is until she finally asked the question that had been bothering her since Zane last spoke.

"Hey… Why were you so interested in potential apocalypses? I mean, from what it sounds like you kept a close eye on things that could have resulted in the destruction of human civilization. So much so that you made a list of those that were most likely to occur in your lifetime. Who the fuck does that?"

Zane immediately stopped in his tracks and sighed heavily as he turned around. The stormy clouds that had long since gathered in the sky finally broke out into rain as Zane looked at Gwen and gave her an honest answer.

"Not all of us lived such perfect lives that the very notion of the world coming to the end was some dread provoking thought. For me, it was something I fantasized about quite frequently. Even so, I never imagined things would have taken the turn they did. I mean like I said, Zombie apocalypse? It was pretty unbelievable at the time.

Anyway, we're about to enter Seoul, so no more questions. We should be very discreet. We are here to covertly grind away at the local undead horde enough to get our hands on another teleportation stone. Or at the very least, discover some better way to get back to North America. So let's keep things professional, alright?"

Gwen did not respond after this. She silently followed after Zane, wondering just what kind of life he would have lived in order for a world ending disaster to seem like an appealing fantasy. In time, Zane would open up to her the same way he had done to Olivia and the others. But for now, he was not ready to once more relive such a thing.

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