Date The

Chapter 231: Tasting Chocolate Lips

Chapter 231: Tasting Chocolate Lips

"Have you ever done a magazine shoot before?"

"Hm," Eve hummed with her eyes closed. Light strokes of a makeup brush touched her lids. By now, she learned to appreciate the process. The real work started after this and there wouldn't be time to relax at all. "Not entirely. There was one for Athon's Rainbow Collection but since it's a luxury brand, not a publishing company, the photos were also used in different ways."

"I think I remember that," her makeup artist said. "Each model was the cover for a magazine issue at the same month. I personally thought you were the best out of the bunch."

"That's sweet. Thank you."

The concept of photoshoots were essentially the same wherever Eve went. There was always a theme and for the magazine, it would be for the upcoming winter season. The session could be related to an article or to a paid ad. The point was to make them all fit into the main theme.

"Open your eyes please."

Eve did as she was told. Hazel eyes stared back from the mirror. She didn't know what to expect but it wasn't nude and warm colors since winter made her think of snow first. Seeing the look let her realize that it was about winter comfort.

"What are we going for?" Eve couldn't help but ask.

"You're going to have the best job for today."

Her eyes widened at the response. "Really?"

"Yes, you'll be sipping hot chocolate for the shoot."

"You're right. That really is the best job."

It was that season of the year where people preferred to stay at home, snuggle up, sit by the fireplace and spend the time with loved onesa warm and home-y type of vibe. Eve couldn't wait. It sounded like her kind of photoshoot. 

"I know right?" Her makeup artist giggled. She grabbed a brown tube from the vanity mirror. "And you'll be wearing this liquid lip that is supposed to smell like cocoa."

Eve perked up at the sound of that. She held out her hand and asked for the product. "Can I?"


Twisting it open, she took a big sniff. 

"Wow, it does smell like one," Eve stopped breathing. The smell wasn't a joke. It engulfed her sinuses as if she just drank a highly-concentrated chocolate drinkthe type that packed a lot of flavor in one sip. 

She commended the cosmetics company for the idea. But she would have loved a more subdued scent. Or did they want the wearers to smell it all day?

"Let's put it on you."

After the makeup was done, Eve raised her phone and searched for the best selfie angle. The liquid lip was easily the highlight. It stood out the most and so her pose focused on her lip area, puckering them up just to create a plump effect.

Then, she posted it on her Slowgram account.

``EvangelineReed: These lips smell like cocoa right now. The question is if they taste like it."

She received a message. It contained a screenshot of her post. Her eyelashes fluttered at the timing. A minute hadn't even passed yet before the chat came. It seemed like someone had too much time in his hands.


``Yan: Well, don't lick it.``

``Lin: You, sir, are no fun.``

``Yan: It's common sense.``

``Lin: It's supposed to be waterproof. Saliva is water. It's testing how long it can last.``

``Yan: How many lipsticks have you tasted to be this defensive?``


Eve laughed. The room became empty as her makeup artist was told to assist with the other models. She had been instructed to stay put and wait for her to be called. She didn't mind it one bit if it meant that she could chat with a workaholic CEO.


``Lin: Not many but I think each should be experienced to the fullest.``

``Yan: Hm. Is that so?``

``Lin: Yes, yes.``

``Yan: Then, don't lick it all. Save some for me to experience.``


Blood rushed up to her cheeks, coloring her ears in the process. Eve pressed the phone screen against her stomach and looked around. A breath of relief flowed out of her lips. She was still alone in the room. No one could have seen the message nor her reaction. 

It was a good thing that it was a chat.

If it were face-to-face, she wouldn't have been more flustered.


``Lin: Of course. Don't let society stop you for wearing lipstick.``

``Lin: Hold on. I'm getting a call.``


The phone continued to vibrate until Eve hit the answer button. She cleared her throat and adjusted her sitting posture. Then, a woman's voice sounded in her ear. "Eve!"

"Oh, Mrs. Hathaway. Are you sure you have the right number? This is Evangeline."

"Right!" Avery exclaimed. "I mean, no. This is the right number. I just messed up."

"It's okay. Is there any reason for your call?"

The madam took a deep breath. She was in her room, pacing. Her hands shook from nerves. This wasn't how she pictured things would turn out to be. "It's about the woman you mentioned."

Eve understood the hesitation right away. "Ah."

Avery stopped at the foot of her bed and sat on its edge. She gripped one of the posts, squeezing it. "I just want to confirm it. Is it Jane? Jane Wilson?"

"Yes, I saw her the other day." Eve sighed. She couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad one that Jane hadn't tried to contact her again. Ambryan's rejection shouldn't have stopped her. Otherwise, it would have worked long ago. 

"I can't believe it," the madam breathed out. "She's usually so sweet. I know she's very forward and upfront but I didn't think she'd do something like that."

She knew about Jane's feelings. The young woman had a crush on Ambryan since they met as kids. Her feelings were admirable at first because she believed in them and never gave up. Over time, she became less forward but the feelings still lingered.

"I understand, Mrs. Hathaway."

"I probably should also say that she was a candidate on the website" Avery heaved another sigh. She took a chance with that, hoping whatever result could either have Jane move on or have her date Ambryan. It was the perfect setup to finally put an end to the chase.

But reality stated differently.

"That would mean I'm not her favorite person right now," Eve replied, already calculating. By 'person' she meant Evangeline. Could it be possible that Jane connected Eve and Evangeline? 

A shiver went down her spine.

That was a scary thought to have.

"I'll take a look at the past incidents," the madam offered. She rose to her feet and resumed walking. This wasn't a time to be idle. They had to take preventive measures. "And see if she has anything to do with them. They're a powerful family so it would make sense how we weren't able to connect it back to her."

Eve pressed her lips together and played with a loose thread on her sweater.

"I'm sorry about this," she mumbled.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault."

"But I think your relationship wouldn't have been strained if it weren't for me."

She could hear the dejection in Avery's voice. Jane was probably like a daughter to her. And Eve believed the madam when she said that Jane was sweetat least, it probably seemed like that on the surface. She was adored by many.

Except for Ambryan. 

Avery smiled despite the gloomy situation. "I don't think Ambryan would have picked her but she wanted a chance. I think this would have still happened if he chose another girl. But I am very very glad that it's you." 

Then, a knock came from her bedroom door. She glanced over her shoulder to see a servant waiting. "Take care, Evangeline. She might have something up her sleeve."

"Thank you. And I will."

The call ended and Eve checked the DTC app. Ambryan hadn't replied to her message. He must have received something that needed his urgent attention. She placed her phone on the vanity mirror and stared at her reflection. 

So far, she had dealt with people that slandered her namehoping it could break her and her relationship with Ambryan. Her approach was passive. 

This time, there was a person who wanted to take her boyfriend away. Her nails dug into the edges of the armrests. An indescribable feeling swelled in her chest. Maybe it was pride. Maybe it was annoyance. 

Whatever it wasit told her not to let Jane succeed.

"Is my model ready?" Cale called from the door when he opened it.

Eve grinned at him through the mirror. "To go home? Yes. I've never been more comfortable."

He chuckled. "Come on." 

The two of them walked out of the dressing room. The set was at the end of the hallway. Eve greeted each crew member that she made eye contact with. Their answering smiles comforted her. She learned earlier that if the atmosphere was pleasant then, the shoot would also be the same.

They turned on the corner and Eve bumped something with her shoulder. Cale caught her just before she could completely lose her balance. She checked on the clothes if they were fine. Then, she searched for what she knocked into...

which turned out to be a 'who'.

Jane blinked, raising her hands in defense. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

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