Date The

Chapter 200: Probably an Interruption

Chapter 200: Probably an Interruption

Eve's breath hitched as Ambryan moved from her neck and to her collarbone, leaving another kiss. Her body went still. Ambryan lifted his head. Their eyes locked for the next few seconds. Then, his gaze dropped to her lips. 

They parted open when Eve realized his stare.

Ambryan brushed his thumbs on her cheeks. He pressed his forehead against hers. "As much as I want to go further, I understand you might notappreciate that after what happened earlier. But I do want you to know about what I feel."

"And what exactly is that?"

When Eve heard her own words, she experienced internal panic. Her heartbeat went up. Alarm bells rang in her ears. Did she want to hear this? Right now? The answer wasn't as clear as black and white. 

She pressed her lips together. "The tea is getting cold."

Ambryan stopped breathing for a second. 

Then, his shoulders began to shake. Muffled laughter flowed through his gritted teeth. The corners of his lips stretched up to his ears. His arms slid under hers and wrapped around her waist. He shook his head, placing his temple against hers and hugging her closer. 

"What is it?" Eve demanded with a scowl. What was so funny?

Ambryan pulled his head back to meet her eyes. Pure amusement gleamed in his gaze. The sight of it startled Eve. She'd never seen him like this. "Here I am about to tell you something important and you're worried about the tea?"

"But you love tea. I doubt you want it cold."

He kissed the center of her forehead. "Hmmm choosing between tea and you."


"I'm saying" Ambryan whispered. The tip of his nose traced downwards, staring from the spot between her brows. His lips brushed her cupid's bow. "If it comes down to you and tea, I would pick you."

Eve blinked. Despite the close intimacy, she found herself relaxed. "Well, I didn't know tea is a rival. Maybe I should kick it out of my apartment."

Ambryan snorted. A wide grin spread across his face. Was this from drinking? His sense of humor seemed shallow tonight. Had it always been this easy to laugh? "Why am I laughing so much?"

"I don't know!" Eve exasperated, joining him. His laughter was contagious. Oh, how much she wanted to hear more of it. "You tell me!"

Ambryan recovered from his fit and traced her ear with his fingers. "I'm glad to hear you laugh."

"Ditto." She giggled and leaned her head back. The smile on her face was only half as big as his. She almost couldn't see his eyes anymore. If only she could capture this moment forever. "I have to thank you for that."

Ambryan lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell how you plan to repay me."

"Wha" On second thought, Eve swallowed her snarky response. Had she thanked him yet for tonight? He had gone out of his way to look for her. If he hadn't, who knew what could have happened. 

Feeling a little bold, she kissed him. "Is that enough?"








Ambryan captured her lips. He placed one of his hands behind her head, cradling it and pulling her closer. Then, he used his arm around her waist to lift her up and lay her down on the couch. His knee propped on the cushions, making sure not to crush her under his weight.

Eve encircled her arms around his neck and answered his gestures. Her mouth opened every time he did the same. They moved in perfect sync as if reading each other's minds. The world became a blur. The context of time vanished. 

They craved each other like a dying man looking for water in a desert.

Or a kid who didn't want to leave a candy store.

When they broke apart, Eve panted for breath. Ambryan moved to her neck and left a trail of fire. Her eyes closed involuntarily. His touch had enraptured her mind. She could spend the rest of her life in his arms. It was a really good picture.

Ambryan brushed his lips against her nose. "I have to go."

Eve stiffened. "Well, don't let me stop you."

He snickered at her reluctance. "Because if I don't, I won't be able to hold myself back."

For the first time in her life, Eve can't think of another moment when she had been this selfish. Who cared about honesty? Who cared about tomorrow? To hell with the consequences, she ached for this to never end. 

In fact, if there was more, she'd gladly accept them.

She wanted everything with him.

Ambryan frowned. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"You're making this really difficult."


He shook his head. Her act didn't fool him. He knew what she was doingand damn it. It would be a lie not to say it didn't make him feel good. His muscles clenched in resistance. "I'm trying to do the right thing here."

"But I don't want you to leave." Eve shrugged, pouting her lips. He wasn't the only one who could be shameless. She played with the tips of his hair. They felt even softer than hers. It made her envious. 

"Evan" Ambryan breathed out. The last of his resolve was close to crumbling down. This wasn't how he wanted this to happen. She deserved something betterfar better. He would have to plan something soon.

Or else, he wouldn't be able in the same room as her.

His self-control wouldn't last long enough.

Eve exhaled sharply. She could see the internal conflict in his eyes. Her desires set aside in favor of his decision. At least, she wasn't alone in feeling this way. "Fine, fine. Meet tomorrow?"

"And where would we go?" Ambryan asked. He removed his hand from the back of her head and twirled her hair with his finger. He alternated the movement between going clockwise and counterclockwise.

"I was thinking about winging it. Discover some good spots in the city. Maybe a walk?"

"Alright," he agreed. The answer was already at the tip of his tongue. No matter what she would have said, his response would have stayed the same. He left a kiss on her temple. "I'll pick you up after lunch."

"Take care." Eve nodded.








Ambryan flashed a smile. Whether she knew it or not, she was feeding his ego. If she kept doing this, he might become more addicted to her. "You have to let me go."

"Ah...," Eve pretended to be surprised. The act lasted only a second before she clicked her tongue. "But do you want me to?"

"What am I gonna do with you?"

She fluttered her lashes, beaming from ear to ear. "Don't ever hate me?"

"I don't think I ever could." Ambryan chuckled. He slowly peeled himself off her. Then, detangles her hold around his neck. He wasn't even done yet but his body already coveted her embrace. 

Eve chose not to reply. She quickly sat up once he rose to his feet. While he smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes, she grabbed his jacket and held it up, helping him put it on. Too bad he didn't wear a tie. She could have used it to stall longer.

The two cups of tea had gone cold on the coffee table.

They walked to the door.

Ambryan stood in the hallway, finding no one. He turned around to face Eve one last time. 

"Message me when you get back," she reminded him. "Don't stay up too late. You just recovered from a fever. Do your work in the morning instead. If there's a lot, we can just stay in your office tomorrow. Again, don't sleep late."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now, scram."

Ambryan blocked the door from closing. "I will once I get my kiss."

Eve shook her head. The smile on her lips stated differently though. "Haven't you had enough?"

He returned it with a grin. "Never."

The floor left Eve's feet. Actually, it was probably the other way around. Her head tilted up to meet his lips halfway. Would she ever get sick of this? Euphoria bursted in her chest. Now she knew why two love birds always kissed even when she was around.

Ambryan broke away, setting her feet back on the ground. 

Eve nudged him out of the door. He might have thought she didn't notice but he had stepped back inside. For someone who chose to leave, he was doing really bad at succeedingand this came from a man who refused to fail.

A giggle erupted from her throat. "Goodbye, Ambee~"

"See you tomorrow." He winked. 

She leaned her against the door's side. Somehow, the view looked much better from this angle. She would have to use it more ofteneven without a door. "See you."

"Good night."

"Good night."






Wen was waiting in the driveway when Ambryan stepped out of the building.

She didn't speak a word. From the corner of her eye, she saw Evangeline's security team. They might have cleared up the misunderstanding before but she still felt wary of them. If they had nothing to hide, why did their actions indicate differently back then?

These thoughts continued to run in her head as she opened the car door.

Ambryan paused and placed the side of his wrist against it. His eyes scanned the area. "Where is he?"

"At a secluded area in the venue, pleading for his case." 

He scowled, the same boiling rage flowed back in his veins. 

"If he's looking for forgiveness, he won't get any."

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