Date The

Chapter 192: Silence Means Yes?

Chapter 192: Silence Means Yes?

The staff uniform for Athon Luxury had three colors: black, blue and maroon.

Eve wore the maroon. It was composed of a pencil skirt and a stylish wrap coat. It had the refined look of the brand. There was a white inner tube top that peeked between the lapels. She finished off the outfit with her own high heels.

Mikael hid a smirk, knowing exactly what silenced the crew.

The attire was made to hug every curve of its wearer.

And Eve was no exception. Her boyish hair charms and square-framed glasses merely added an edge to it while remaining sophisticated and feminine. She was certainly more eye-catching than the extra earlier.

"Director?" She asked again.

"Uh, well it would depend on you, Ms. Hart," Sam finally responded, placing the responsibility on her instead. "We can continue filming but not everyone might not be up to it nor are they not shaken from the accident."

Eve swept her gaze across the streets. The bystanders were hot in gossip and news about the taxi. The rest of the crew seemed lost on what to do. She concluded that the accident site was a distraction. 

Then, she glimpsed at Mikael.

His schedule was hectic. They had to adjust to it instead of him making room for them. They had to grab at any chance that he was available. Today was part of that list.

Eve picked up her phone. "Wen, status report on the taxi and its driver?"

"Right now, he's breathing and stable. No one else has been harmed either. His vehicle will be cleaned up within the hour. I've also increased security and gave them a wider perimeter."

"Thank you." She nodded, ending the call, and glanced at Sam. "It would take about an hour for the taxi to be exported. Will that be enough time to have our equipment replaced? Are the footages okay? Or should we redo them? Please inspect everything. We can't have a moment to lose."

Sam grunted under his breath. Then, he barked his orders. "Give me a full inspection report. We'll resume in one hour. And find me another actress that could replace the staff worker that fainted."

"Staff worker?" Mikael said. The question left his lips without a second thought.

The director shifted his feet towards him. "Yeah, she fainted. Ms. Athon is particular about her casting. I don't know if she'd even approve of the replacement."

"Well, I'm sure she won't mind if Ms. Hart would take over."

Eve stiffened, realizing what she was wearing for the nth time. She slowly turned around to meet the gazes of the two men. She blinked her eyes in return. "Is there really no one else? I'm sure she'll understand if the understudy is not to her liking."

Mikael hummed and rubbed his chin as he folded his arms over his chest. "I think she'd rather like the way you look right now. It would definitely stand out compared to the other workers."

"We still can't make assumptions"

"I'll call her then," he volunteered, quickly pressing on his speed dial.

"Wait" Eve had proven to be late when he walked away from the group. She heaved a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. If he would be asking Luna, she probably should ask Ambryan.

'But was this step really necessary when he was sick?'

The answer came in the form of her ringtone. "Sir Hathaway?"

"Eve, are you alright? I saw the news," he said. His voice sounded rushed. Eve wondered what he was doing before this call.

"I'm perfectly fine," she assured him, trying not to stammer. "Everyone is okay except for the taxi driver. We have everything under control and we'll start filming again in an hour."



Ambryan turned up the volume of his television. Kiri jumped on the couch to sit beside him. 

Reporters had already swarmed the scene. Their company activities were also part of the story. A bystander happened to film before they ran for the sidewalk.

"This just in. A local taxi had swerved out of control in the streets of Maize City. From the CCTV cameras, it appeared that the driver had trouble with its brakes and could not slow down. The vehicle sped through a close set of Eros Productions, narrowly missing a crowd of civilians. Here is a footage from a netizen."

The phone camera was aimed at the cast and crew. Security and distance made it hard for the person to get a clear shot of the production. Slowly, the mic picked up a faint screech. It got louder and louder by the second.

Then, one voice overshadowed it, "EVERYONE MOVE! SIDEWALK! NOW!"

The clip ended just as the person recording screamed along with everyone else.

Switching back to the newsroom, the female reporter stated, "According to our sources, they managed to identify the woman in the video as Ms. Everlee Hart, secretary to the CEO of Eros Productions, Ambryan Hathaway. We are to believe that Ms. Hart was on set as the CEO's representative. Her quick reaction time and her initiative had helped minimize the casualties to onethe taxi driver."

"We have yet to receive her account on the situation but we will report it as soon as possible," she concluded. The TV channel continued to show a live stream of the accident scene. Eve easily stood out in her maroon attire. The color emphasized her fair slender legs. 

She looked almost nothing like the photo they showed from her company ID.

Ambryan felt Kiri crawl onto his lap. His hand brushed her head all the way to her tail, studying the video clip. The taxi just happened to drive down the closed street with citizens crowding it? Unless there was no other option, it would have been understandable. 

Could it be a coincidence?

Or pre-planned?

They surely picked a time where he hasn't been in the public eye. Enemies would have taken the chance to swoop in and steal any contract deals he could have had. That was how business worked. Sabotaging his set would mean something else. 

It seemed more like a grudge.

The filming proceeded like Eve promised. She had taken the role of the store representative that Mikael talked to. They ended up rehearsing ad libs for the scene. Eve repeated her lines like a broken recordnot an enunciation out of place.

The male model hid a smile. Eve stood next to her large wall display of her photo from the Rainbow Collection. This was her branch which favored all reds. Now that he thought about it, it sounded like a funny gag that the woman in the pictures was also part of the staff.

"Action!" Sam yelled from outside.

Mikael entered the store and Eve immediately came to his aid.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you today?"

He proceeded to the counter displays. "I'm looking for a ring."

"An engagement ring, sir?" Eve asked, walking behind the counter. She directed him to the part where the rings were positioned. "We have a wide variety. We can also custom the gemstones to your liking."

Mikael inspected them closely. "I think I like this one."

He pointed to a rose gold metal band that had been bent to look like a rose for its head. Tiny diamonds stuck out on either side of it, adding a bit of glamor. Eve handed him the ring and the more he stared at it, the more fond he became. 

He might actually buy it if he needed a ring.

"Hm," he teased, completely out of script. Mischief shined in his radiant blue eyes. He gestured Eve to come closer as he propped his elbow on the glass counter. "Do you mind if I test it?"

"Test it?" She scowled. How did one test a ring?

"Yes, like so." Mikael pushed himself off the counter and reached for her right hand. He inserted the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. The camera outside of the shop slowly zoomed out as he let it glint under the store lights. 

The moment seemed sweet and playful.

It would surely capture attention.

"And cut!"

Mikael let go of her hand immediately. "See? That wasn't so bad."

"Okay, I believe you." Eve chuckled, taking off the ring. It took her by surprise but she had to admit that the improvisation was a good idea. She put the ring back in its display and took out her phone to find a message notification. 


``Yan: Silence means yes I heard?``


She chuckled. Trust Ambryan to find a way to ease the tension in her shoulders.


``Lin: Me? Think of you? When I could be thinking of myself?``

``Yan: Narcissistic, are we?``

``Lin: I learned from the best.``


Mikael did the same. Jordan had flooded his inbox about the accident, asking him about his condition. He replied quickly and looked up. The crew moved the cameras and light umbrellas outside.

Eve was still on her phone. She walked back out of the counter display and stopped. Her thumbs typed at rapid speed. ``Lin: I forgot how impatient you are. We'll see each other in a few days for your company party so get well soon or it would be delayed.``

Shaking his head, Mikael uncuffed his sleeves. 'Well, someone is completely smitten.'


``Yan: I'm sure mother would let me go even if I'm sick.``

``Lin: Really?``

``Yan: Because you'd be around to take care of me.``

``Lin: what are you? A baby?``

``Yan: Yours? Sure, if that is what you wish.``

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