Date The

Chapter 187: Hm, Living Pillow/s?

Chapter 187: Hm, Living Pillow/s?

Avery breathed a sigh of relief when Eve stepped through the door.

She and Elias were gone for a long time. She began to worry if something had happened. A message popped up in her locked phone screen. Her middle finger swiped it off, having already read its contents at a glance.

Eve had to leave as soon as possible. Her grip tightened around an empty drinking glass. As long as she could, she wouldn't let her and Elias be in the same vicinity. They also couldn't keep him in the restroom for a long time.

But how should she end this lunch session? 

It had to be soon or someone would notice Elias' absence.

Eri leaned back on her chair, her stomach bulging out of her dress. It threatened to rip off the ribbon around her waist. She hadn't eaten so much in so long. Everything tasted really goodif only her stomach was bigger, she'd have more.

Beside her, Ede ate her last piece of shrimp. "Delicious!"

"I'll say!" Eri said. She groaned and held her stomach with her hands. "I can eat that mac and cheese forever!"

Andie shook her head across the table. "The two of you should get some exercise. You have to start a healthy lifestyle while you're still young. How else would you be pretty and fit like Evangeline? She even has a wonderful boyfriend."


"You're almost as good. Don't worry, Jarrett."

Ede scrunched her nose. "But boys have cooties."

"That's right!" Andie agreed, holding up a finger. "Stay away from them as much as you can."

"But you said we should get a boyfriend someday," Eri reminded her. This sort of talk always showed up randomly. The little girl could never tell why they suddenly decided to talk about it.

"Yes, get a man, not a boy. That will only happen when you reach adulthood, okay?" Andie clarified. Jarrett rolled his sky blue eyes. "No dating unless you're 18. Got it?"

Eri scrunched her eyebrows, something else on her mind. "Then, why is it called 'boyfriend'?"

"Google it."

Avery flashed a smile. "Are you gonna go out? World of Adventure has some fun activities. You can go there for free. Just say the word."

Eve snapped her head towards the madam. "Mrs. Hathaway, I don't think that's necessary."

She had already spent so much on this lunch. Even if she had the money to spare, Eve couldn't let her spend it impulsively like that. They had enough money to cover the fees. "You've already done so much. 

"Well, call me, selfish, but I just love having kids to spoil."

Jarrett raised his glass in her direction. "Like grandkids."

"Especially," Avery emphasized. "Grandkids."

Eve glared at the culprit. Jarrett merely fluttered his lashes, sporting a cheeky smile. 

Mila propped her chin on the base of her palm. The exchange was lighthearted and fun. She found it rare to see. Most people she dealt with had strict mannerisms and conduct to uphold. Some of them also had the fakest compliments. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" Tae asked from his seat.

She scrunched her nose. "There's not much. I'm just enjoying the conversation."

"On second thought," Andie cut in before her boyfriend and her 'best friend' could give away any hints on the latter's identity. "I think I'd love to go to World of Adventure. There's no need for you to sponsor though, Mrs. Hathaway. We'll be able to take care of it."

"Nonsense!" The madam protested with a snort. "The two of you should go on a date. I'm sure Evangeline can take care of the twins. If they're ever caught in public, it might be good PR on the scholarship program for the school."

Eve choked on her iced tea. Did Avery really mean her to stay in disguise longer? Every nerve in her body alerted her to change back. It offered her another layer of security from Elias and she wanted it as soon as possible.

"Oh, that could be good," Mila remarked. She directed a sheepish smile at the model. "I'm sorry if it's too much to ask. It's alright if you have other plans. I'm sure you'd want to see Ambryan right after this."

Her chest stung from her own words. Moving on sucked. Not only was it a long process but it wasn't easy. The littlest things could be a trigger. Oh, she started to loathe it.

"I" Eve stopped short. Her gaze shifted onto the twins. Their brown almond-shaped eyes looked up at her. Their expressions were indifferent but those eyes were still hard to resist. It probably shouldn't hurt. 

It might even be a good chance for her to relax. She clicked her tongue, thinking on an itinerary. "So what do you say about hanging out with me a little longer?"

"That's the spirit!" Avery supported. She patted Eve's shoulder and got up. "You should go while the day is young. We'll take care of things here. If Mila and Tae don't mind, I could also be your understudy model for the day when needed."

"I know I wouldn't pass on the chance to work with you," Tae expressed. He rose to his feet and helped clean up the table. His movements hustled at a fast pace, excitement brimming under his skin. Maybe he could even manage a few shots unrelated to the campaign.

Avery left him to his thoughts. She would have to sneak off a little later than usual. Her priorities were still on Eve and her companions. Elias might connect the dots if he was smart enough.

Everyone lended a hand to make things easier for the caterers. Then, they split up into parties. Nanzie had reappeared shortly after. She gave Eve a reassuring nod. The latter decided not to speak about Elias until later.

For now, she had twins to entertain.

'Speaking of entertainment' Her head tilted to the side. The others had already left. Andie seemed a little too happy about the situation but she ignored it. She agreed with Avery anyway. Her best friend deserved a break for looking after her sisters today.

"So where are we going, Evangeline?" Eri questioned. Her stomach was still round but, at least, she could move better. She didn't feel well enough for a world of an adventure though. Her chances of throwing up were high.

"Do you mind if we drop by somewhere?"

Ede was the one who reacted first. "Where?"

A mischievous grin stretched across Eve's lips. She had just the perfect activities for them to do. "I need to go feed a cat. But we will need to make one stop along the way."






"Is this where you live?" Eri stared in wonder at the fancy place. Everything gleamed around her in gold and ivory. The ceilings were also high. It almost felt like a modern castle. Ede also noticed the elaborate interior, expressing little reactions.

"No, but it is where the cat lives," Eve answered. She used a card key on the lock. 

A ball of white fur crawled between her legs. "Meow~"

"Kitty!" Ede exclaimed. Without a moment to lose, she picked up the cat and cradled it in her arms. "She is so soft! It's like a living pillow! Feel her fur, Eri! You'll see what I mean."

Her older sister touched the cat's head.

"Meow~" Kiri purred, pushing her head further into her palm.

Eri gasped.

"Can we keep her?" She breathed out.

"Come on. Get inside." Eve rushed them into the penthouse and placed the card in a safe place. The madam's face was still fresh on her mind. Avery practically shoved the key into her hands, telling her to even keep it. She wouldn't be surprised if the madam had wrong ideas about the request.

Although she had tried to stay away, Eve couldn't help worries.

Two bags of groceries occupied her hands. The twins navigated their way towards the living room. Eve had given them the cat food beforehand, already predicting this sort of behaviour from them. She remembered how they took care of a stray in their hometown.

They couldn't take it inside because their mother was allergic.

"What do you think her name is?" Eri moved her fingers behind the cat's ears. 

"Well, her eyes are purple" Ede noted. "Maybe 'Amethyst'?"

"That sounds lame. What about 'Vanilla'?"

Eve settled the bags on the island counter. Then, she sneaked a peek at Ambryan's home office. She opened its door to find an empty room. Her hazel eyes squinted at the minute details. Her hand pressed against the back of the computer monitor.

It was a bit cold to the touch.

Which meant it hadn't been used recently.


"What are you doing here?" A voice breathed down her ear from behind.

The hairs at the back of her neck rose up. She had lost communication between her brain and her body. Her spine went rigid. Her motor skills had completely shut down. It was the perfect moment for a predator to snatch his prey.

Searing hot skin cradled on her shoulder while two arms snaked their way around her waist. 

Ambryan lifted his head, his nose trailed the side of her neck. He traced the tip on the outline of her outer ear. Goosebumps rose up at each place it touched. His breathing was heavy like he snuffed out hers and made it his own.

Eve's lungs screamed for air.

"Tell me" Ambryan whispered, his dry throat rasping his voice. "What does it mean when a woman comes willingly into a man's house?"

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