Date The

Chapter 183: The Comfort of Familiar Faces

Chapter 183: The Comfort of Familiar Faces

With Nanzie present, Eve found herself able to focus on the students. Each group welcomed her and Mila to their music lesson. She'd ask about learning how to play and one of the children would volunteer. 

The experience was both heartwarming and languishing.

It wasn't bad. But she did wish it could be her sisters here.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that the violin isn't played this way?" Eve exclaimed, holding the instrument like it was a guitar or a ukulele. Her fingers positioned to play the beginner version of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

The girl panicked as soon as she tried plucking the strings. "No, no, no! That's totally not it!" 

"Oh! Then, is it like this?" This time Eve placed the lower bout onto the ground and mimicked the playing of a cello. Since she didn't have the bow, she strummed the strings like a harp.

"No, no, no! GAH! NO!" 

Eve took pity on the girl and stopped. It seemed like the latter was about to pluck her hair out. She pressed her lips together to muffle her laughter, handing the instrument back. "How is it played then?"

The girl snatched it as if afraid that Eve would change her mind. "Like this!"

Then, she proceeded to demonstrate a simple piece. The rest of the group had gone quiet when they heard the ruckus. Mila also observed the fiasco. The little girl played with deep concentration. Her finger movements were pronounced so that Eve could see them clearly. 

Everyone clapped when she finished, Eve being the loudest. She sported a big smile on her face, saying, "Wow! That was amazing! If I wanted to play an instrument, should it be the violin?"

"Of course! It is the best!"

"Clarinet is still better." Another girl snorted. She turned away just before the other person could glare at her. Her smug expression resembled that of a cat's.

"Yeah, you could use them like this." The girl beside her cut in. Her low butterscotch braid swayed behind her back. She raised two clarinets on either side of her sister's ink black hair. "Now, you have a pair of bunny ears to make you look taller."

"Why you!"

"Gotta blast!"

"Lei Lynn! No running!" Mila shouted as the two sisters chased each other. They dropped their clarinets and sprinted across the fields, leaving a trail of laughter and annoyance. "You too, Lin Lynn!"

The music teacher soon gave up and sighed. A different instructor went to fetch the two. She sat with her arms outstretched behind her, keeping her posture upright. "Lively, aren't they?"

"Charming." Eve chuckled.

"Is everything wrapped up around here, Ms. Clark?" Elias addressed. 

"Almost. There are scholarship students here today. I'd like photos of them with Evangeline." 

"Already?" Eve blinked. The negotiation with Avery was only a month ago. They had finished the transaction that fast and found scholars?

Mila merely shrugged. "I've seen a couple of children with potential for the past few months. It may seem biased now but I had offered it to them as a jumpstart. From here, we'll organize a more methodical way of choosing."

They spent the next hour in a special room at the music school. It turned out that the scholarship students were chosen differently. Half of them were newly admitted. Their instruments had been provided by the school. The others were struggling on-board students to pay their dues. 

When Eve was introduced as the ambassadress, the latter's guardians engulfed her in hugsexpressing how big of a help the scholarship was. She did her best to comfort them.

Tae administered an orderly fashion to take the photos. It reminded Eve of graduation ceremonies. All of the scholarship students received certificates. Then, the group shot came.

Safe to say, the room wasn't that big for them to all be accommodated by the camera.

Elias was quick to react. He approached the group and grabbed Eve's wrist. She resisted being pulled away. Her hazel eyes flashed towards Nanzie. It seemed that her bodyguard was already on alert. She assured her with a nod of her head.

The gesture stated, 'Don't worry. I'm here. I'll act as soon as something is wrong."

Nodding back, Eve let Elias guide her to the sitting area. He placed his hands on her shoulders and sat her down in the middle. Then, he proceeded to do the same with Mila and the students. The guardians were told to stand behind the furniture.

"How's that?" He asked Tae, searching for approval.

The latter moved his tripod and gave a thumbs up. "Perfect."

Eve smiled for the camera one last time. Was she overthinking a bit? Her reaction had to be weird to the others. Their silent questions surrounded her head. She couldn't tell if they were real or just her fears.

Out in the hallway, a party of four passed by the room. 

"What's going on in there?" Eri wondered out loud. She saw the flash of a camera and stood on her toes. It allowed her just enough height boost to see through the door's window. "Oh! It's Evangeline! I wonder if Amber-ann is here too."

Andie didn't know whether to laugh or to scold her. "It's Ambryan."

Eri scowled in her direction. "That's what I said. Ambeeran."



"Has no one told you to not crush a child's imagination?" Jarrett cut in, holding his girlfriend's arm. "You have to set it free so they could explore the far reached in their mind and unearth its treasures."

Andie arched her eyebrow while Ede tilted her head to the side. The younger twin remained unconvinced, saying, "I think Eri just can't get his name right."

"I know his name, okay? It's Ambyran."

Jarrett squinted one eye, pinching his thumb and finger. "Almost there."

A gasp came from the other side of the hallway. Four heads turned towards it. A woman had one hand on her hip. Her upper body leaned to one side, displaying her tall frame and curves. She pulled up her blue-tinted sunglasses and beamed.

"Eri! Ede!" Avery exclaimed. She quickly knelt on one knee and spread her arms. Her black hair fell in waves over her chest. She wore strappy heels along with a pair of apricot slacks and a simple white dress shirt.

"Aunt Avery!" The twins greeted back in unison. They sprinted down the corridor and hugged her from both sides. 

Andie and Jarrett followed at a slower pace.

"How are my little girls?" Avery asked, giving them a squeeze. 

Just then, the door opened. The scholarship students and their guardians stepped out. A chatter of thank you's and well wishes filled the hallway. The group stepped aside to let them pass. The twins waved at familiar faces while the rest remained quiet.

"I think that's everything!" A voice echoed out of the room. Footsteps gradually became louder as they reached the door. "Thank you all so much for being here. Why don't we all eat togetherMrs. Hathaway!"

"Mila!" Avery responded with enthusiasm. She walked over, ready for an embrace. "How are you, dear?" 

"I'm just glad to know you could make it." The music teacher returned the gesture. They swayed side to side for a bit. 

"It wasn't easy but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here." Avery sneaked a glance behind Mila. She found Eve and Nanzie easily. They stayed at a distance behind the photographers. Eve managed a small wave. 

Mila proceeded with the introductions. She redirected the madam's focus to the two men near her. "Ah, this is Tae and Elias. They're the photographers today."

Avery shifted her attention accordingly and shook hands with the two. 

"Pleasure to meet you," Tae spoke first. He had heard of the madam, of course. Her ability to bring sceneries to life didn't restrict to motion pictures. Even her still advertisement compelled people to look. 

"Likewise, Tae."

Then, it was Elias' turn. He gripped her hand and shook it once. His usual bright smile was replaced by a polite onehis mouth closed. "Good to see you again, Mrs.Hathaway."

"Is it?" Avery uttered, tugging the corners of her lips even higher. She let go of his hand while her violet eyes regarded him with contempt. Her voice rang loud and clear through the air. "Last time we saw each other, you wouldn't even speak to me."

Eve pressed her lips together, swallowing a snort.

"Oh, my." Mila gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She stepped closer between the two and held her hands in surrender. "I didn't mean to make things uncomfortable."

"Nonsense, dear," Avery quickly denied. She looped arms with Mila and pulled the latter to her side. "I heard you want to go for lunch? How about we join? It'll be my treat."

'We?' Eve wondered. She craned her neck to see the crowd of people behind the madam. Andie waved giddily, excited to be a part of the circumstances. Jarrett seemed to be feeling smug right next to her. The twins smiled eagerly at the sound of lunch.

The faces she had wanted to see appeared before her. 

Wellexcept for one particular handsome face.












And Ambryan, of course. 

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