Date The

Chapter 150: It's a 'Fake' Date

Chapter 150: It's a 'Fake' Date

Ambryan checked his watch. The sun gleamed on the glass covering. Behind him, his newly polished Mercedes-Maybach S650 reflected the tall building in the vicinity.

The weather was changing around him. The heat warmed his back while a cool breeze kissed his cheek. The pavement no longer scorched through the soles of his shoes. His navy blue coat buttoned over his waist. Gray trousers covered his legs. 

A red tie hung from his neck.

His ears picked up the pattering of heels against tiles. He flickered his gaze towards the building's entrance. On top of the front steps stood a pair of black thigh boots underneath a violet jumper dress. Fair skin peeked between the skirt hem and the boot lining. White long-sleeved sweater protected the upper body against the chilly air.

Wavy crimson hair swayed with the wind.

"What do you think?" Eve asked Ambryan as soon as she reached him. She flapped a black beret and placed it on her head. Her arms positioned into a shrug. "You think I should wear it? Or is it a little too much?"

Ambryan assessed the look. "I don't think it's necessary."

"Right? I think so too. Cale is being a drama queen." Eve snatched off the hat and tucked it under her arm. She flattened any stray hair on the top of her head. 

Beige fingers pushed away her disheveled bangs. "No, it's because I like your red hair."


Eve blinked her amber eyes. Ambryan towered over her and shielded her from the bright sky. Shadows darkened his complexion, boosting the tension within his presence. But his eyeshis eyes were soft.

They focused on her hair while his hands lightly combed the top. 

Blocking his wrist, Eve took a step back. She narrowed her gaze in suspicion. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Ambryan Hathaway?"

"Very funny." Ambryan snorted, opening the passenger side. 

Eve chuckled, familiar with his playfulness. She had one foot inside the car and paused just to wink at him. "I know I am."






The Mercedes made its way downtown. Black sedans followed it. Wen took one side while Nanzie took the other. Both their teams covered the rest. Their expert skills blocked any media vehicle. After the fiasco last time, they wouldn't let anything pass by.

Eve stared out the window. They entered one of the busiest parts of the city. From vendors to passersby, people crowded the sidewalks. There was always an attraction in every blockwhether it was a street performer or a florist arranging flowers on a stand. 

She peeled her eyes off it, turning her head towards the driver's seat. "So where are we going?" 

Ambryan changed lanes. "Anywhere you want."

"Are you sure about that?" She teased.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"What if I said we should go to WcDonald's?"

Radio music hummed from the speakers. 

"Sure." Ambryan answered after a while. He continued to drive around the city, not a care in the world. He left his business phone with Wen who'd filter out urgent matters from minor ones. "But we won't eat there. I am just not sure if they let adults in the ball pit though."

Eve laughed. Of course, he'd find a compromise. "I'm kidding. I won't do that to you."

He sent a pointed look her way.

"What? I'm innocent!" She defended, raising her hands in surrender. The gleeful smile on her face stayed up. "At least, I won't do it a second time."

Ambryan rolled his eyes. He swerved on a corner. The street led to a large park. It had less traffic but more cars parked on either side of the road. He navigated through them with Wen leading in front.

"What about a stroll?" He proposed. 

"Oh, I'd love a good stroll," Eve gushed. She checked out the park and found the path that outlined it. "Now that summer is ending, we should definitely take advantage of it."

Ambryan craned his head for a good parking spot. "Okay. Then, we can decide where to eat while we walk."

Eve shook her head. "Why not eat before we walk? We can burn the calories that way."

"Fair point."

"Isn't there like a popular romance movie these days?" She continued to say, now thinking out loud. Her eyes lit with mischief as she wiggled her brows at him. "Wanna go check out your competitor?"

"I'm good."

"I see."

Ambryan sensed the drop in her voice. He sneaked a peek from the corner of his eye. The back of her head faced his direction while her shoulders drooped by a centimeter. If it was possible, he could almost see sad puppy ears on either side of her head.

He didn't know whether to laugh or not.

"But if you insist"

Eve exaggerated a gasp. Face stricken in alarm, she placed a hand over her chest. 

"I could never!"

"Sure, you won't."

"Won't drag you into torture for 2 hours?" She scoffed, averting her eyes and dropping her hand. Her head nodded once. "You're right. I would."

Ambryan picked up the bluetooth earpiece and pressed it against his ear. He spoke muted instructions to his security team. 

Eve tried a different approach. She slumped in her seat and stuck out her bottom lip. "Come on, it can't be that bad. You can even do work while I watch. No one would even know it's not a real date."

Tires halted beneath her. The rubber sreeched against the asphalt. Her seatbelt pulled her backjust before she could hit the dashboard. Her hands grabbed the latter reflexively, pushing herself upright. 

"What happened?" Eve shrieked. She looked outside and searched for anything they almost hit. "Is everything okay? Did the car escape? Why can't I see it? The road is wide open! Why would they even do that?"

"Let me get one thing straight."

Ambryan unbuckled his seatbelt and inclined his body in her direction. His arms were propped on the headrest and on the steering wheel. His 'permanent' scowl was sharper than usual. It reflected in his eyes. The flecks in them darkened like pointed weapons.

"What is it?" Eve managed to squeak. Had she blown the fuse? Did she prick the wrong spot?

"I meant it when I said I'd make it up to you with a date," he explained. His voice filled the whole car, completely drawing out the radio music. He leaned down until their eyes were on the same level,

"So, this is very much a real date."

For days, he tried to rationalize his inner turmoil. Was it because of the past? Was that why he felt compelled towards her? Did she remind him of what he once lost? Was this just a desperate cling to anything that he could hold onto from that time?

Endless questions came like flooding rain. 

Questions he didn't know whether he wanted them to be answered. He hadn't forgotten how they got into this situation. If this was some trick his mother pulled to make him let go of the past then

Ambryan stopped short, shaking the thoughts away. 

How could he believe those to be 100% true when this felt right?

Eve took her first breath in the last few minutes. "Holy smokes."

Ambryan pulled back. He removed the brake and drove down the street. "As long as you're aware of it, I'm okay with anything. I already told the others about the movie. We should be arriving in no time."

Struggling to let the situation sink in, Eve pieced herself together. She clasped her hands on her lap and replayed his words in her head. Did he have to be so serious? She could have forgave him with just a genuine apology. There was no need to go to the extreme.

'Do I need another reason besides missing you?' echoed in her thoughts.

He hadn't spoken about that part since then. It had haunted her for days. She felt grateful that their work died down over the week. They hardly met face-to-face, always a door and a wall in between. 

Her limbs trembled every time she walked into his office.

But, when she saw him on that drivewaythe same melting sensation fell on her shoulders.






Wen and Nanzie waited in front of the movie theater. They held one bucket popcorn and two soda cups. Movie-goers glanced in their direction as they walked by, whispering among themselves. Paparazzis clumped in a group meters away from the scene. 

Then, Ambryan and Evangeline joined the fray. 

Ambryan placed his hand behind her back, guiding her. Eve reached for the drinks while Ambryan took the popcorn. Wen held up two movie tickets and waved them at the usher, letting the latter know who they were for.

"What are you guys going to do while we watch?" Eve scowled. 

"Watch other things, of course," Nanzie smirked. 

Eve stomped her foot. It was a rare pleasant day. She couldn't be the only one having fun. "Aw, come on. If anyone needs a break around here are the two of you. Why not join us?"

It was Wen who decided to answer her. "Thank you for the offer, Ms. Evangeline, but we treasure our jobs. It wouldn't feel right to neglect it."

"Alright, fine," Eve huffed. She stepped towards the entrance. "But this won't be the last of it, you hear me?"

"I do, Ms. Evangeline."

Ambryan bowed his head when they entered the building. "If you really want them to have a break, there's only one place we can go that has the same level as security."

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