Date The

Chapter 132: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!

Chapter 132: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!

"That's what Andie said," Eri leaked. She read the labels of the other bags and organized them according to which they needed first. "Eve wouldn't tell me where she was going so I asked her instead."

Eve's expression turned into a deadpan one.

Blinking, her eyes flickered towards her best friend. It had been weeks since that was first brought up. She didn't think Andie would speak about it again. How would the twins believe that it was a joke if Andie kept bringing it up?

It's not like she could introduce her sisters to a random guy,

"And you believed her?" Eve began to stir the butter and the two sugars. 

Eri thought about it for a moment. If her sister really did have a boyfriend, she wouldn't deny the claim but Andie didn't seem to be lying either. "I rarely see my sister during the weekends now. I'd like it better if she was having fun somewhere rather than working."


"Yeah," the older twin nodded. She watched as the batter changed into a golden brown color. "I didn't know it before but I heard some of the parents at my school talk about it. They feel sorry for Eve since she had to take care of us at a young age."

The whisk stopped mixing.

Eri didn't take notice of it. She checked the recipe for the next step. 

"Eh, it needs an egg and an egg yolk?" Her head whirled around to look at Eve's face. She held up the egg. "Is that even possible?"

"I'll show you." Eve reached for it at a snail pace. Most of her mind had migrated to another place. She never felt burdened by her sisters. She had always wanted the best for them. She helped out with their school work whenever possible.

She had even attended school activities.

It had become part of her life even when their mother was still around.

Did Eri start to think that after she heard it from the parents? 




While Eve and Andie mingled with the crowd, Cale stood by the entrance. He had his phone out and began filming. He had shared a few snippets earlier, posting them as soon as possible. Loud yells from outside managed to reach his ears. 

It brought a smile to his face.

"Hello, my lovelies," he narrated. Messages emerged at the bottom of the screen. Hearts floated up, showering the live broadcast with love. "OMG! Who else has a sweet tooth? The cookies haven't even started baking but I can already smell and taste them! Ah, it's such a good day."

His camera panned at the long tables. Most of the attendees were families. With the presence of kids, the bakery had a lively atmosphere. His microphone picked up the endless chatter and laughter. 

The screentime may have lingered at a certain redhead more than others though.


``insert username: Wait, wait, wait, is that Evangeline Reed???? That's her right??? Someone tell me I'm not hallucinating. There's no way I can miss that crimson hair!``

``insert another username: I can't be sure. There's so many people. Maybe Cale can zoom in? Ugh, I am so intrigued! Is Ambryan going to appear? Will they play with the kids?``

``insert something something: It has to be her! The outfit also stands out! Everyone else is wearing their usual daily clothes. Is this a sponsorship? Is she an ambassador? Btw, what bakery is this?``


Cale grinned behind at his phone screen. 

The plan was going perfectly.

Outside, camera shutters sounded on the streets. All of the windows had been covered. Each reporter searched for the best angle. The people inside blocked most of them. They had only captured a few from when Evangeline stood at the podium. 

Even then, a dirty blonde chick got in their way.

It didn't help that the staff refused to be interviewed.

That proved that there had to be a scoop. Evangeline's name had blasted through the internet. The subject in question had to be aware of it. They fought for any information, trying to be the first one to bring in the news. 

But, her side remained quiet.

It frustrated them. 

"One more step, sir, and you'll be removed," Nanzie warned a reporter. She and her team had lowered the security but no one else could enter the bakery besides the attendees. 

"Aw, come on!" He wailed. "What is going on here, lady? Is this some stunt Evangeline is pulling? Is she trying to look good for the camera? Spill the beans. We can pay you a handsome reward for any inside info."

The bodyguard bowed her head. Her cyan eyes peeked above the sunglasses she wore. "Ask me again and you'll lose your job."

"This is abuse of power. What? Is she overconfident now that she had Ambryan Hathaway? But she still wasn't satisfied, was she? Try as you might but nothing will keep us from exposing the truth!"

Nanzie gritted her teeth. She struggled to restrain herself. Her work experience included protecting people from their enemies but that hardly brought it reporters. Out of everyone she ever met, she could confidently say that reporters had to be one of the most despicable ones.

Her coworkers noticed her sudden change and took over the talking. They warned the reporter once more and extended it to the others. The reporters complained. The sight churned Nanzie's stomach.

They had been lenient, even allowing them to tail the car.

But, they still wanted more. 




"All done!" Eve announced. Every inch of the dough had rich chocolate chips. She and Eri spooned them one by one and shaped them into balls. They managed to fill in three trays with cookies. 

Then, they licked off the excess and ate it.

The others had also finished. 

Andie clapped her hands to get their attention, "Everyone done? The ovens are ready to go. Remember the labels on your trays. While we wait, you can watch the cookies while they bake but only for a limited amount of time.

Ede climbed down the chair and flexed her fingers. Sticky dough coated the palms of her hands. The batter had softened too much from overmixing. She turned to her right. "Eri, do you need to wash your hands? Cause I do."

Seeing her twin's hands, Eri checked hers. Butter had made them slippery. "Yeah, it's greasy."

"Let's go to the bathroom."


"Be careful!" Georgie reminded them before they left. She borrowed a rag and helped clean the tables while the staff took the trays. Any bags of ingredients left had been gathered together for future use.

"So, how do you think we're doing?" Andie asked, appearing on her best friend's side. She made sure to choose the spot that was closer to the window. Her face stayed hidden from the cameras. "And I don't mean the baking class, of course."

Eve spared the window a glance. The reporters remained active. "Seems to be going well. Now that you are here though"

She crossed her arms over her chest while her gaze narrowed, attempting to place Andie under pressure. They had to draw the line now before the situation escalated. And, she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"What?" Her best friend blinked.

Eve's voice dropped to a hiss. "You told Eri that I went on a date?"

"It was a joke!" Andie defended, feigning innocence.

"Does she know that?"

"Yes. I did tell her that. But, did she believe me? I don't know." She shrugged, unbothered by the whole ordeal. "Did she recognize you though?"

"I don't think either of them did but I can't be sure." Eve sighed. Her eyes shifted towards the restrooms. "I wouldn't be surprised if Eri faked it all this time. She was very open with me."

"Maybe it's her subconscious who recognizes you."

"I think she just has a good eye for people," her mother joined in. 

Georgie wiped her hands with a damp towel as she approached the two. "Try not to give the twins a heart attack if you ever tell them about this. They won't ever let it go if they failed to recognize their own sister."

"I'm actually waiting for the revelation," Eve shared.

She had faith that they would figure it out.




In the restroom, both girls rubbed their palms together. A sign for proper hand washing hung near the dryer. They followed it thoroughly without looking. Aunt Georgie often reminded them about proper sanitationespecially when working with food.

"Evangeline seems nice," Ede remarked after a while. The dryer whirled to life when she placed her hands under the machine. "Should we get her autograph? Maybe we can sell it online."

Eri knitted her eyebrows. "Hm. I don't know."

"Don't know what? She helped you, right?"

"Yeah, except something doesn't feel right," she continued. Ede stepped back and let her take her turn. "At the same time, I feel safe around her. Maybe she just reminds me of Eve since I miss her? What do you think?"


The twins exited the restroom as soon as they were done. The smell of cookies greeted their noses as soon as they stepped out. Their noses sniffed the air, craving for more. The scent enticed their taste buds and made their mouths water.

"Evangeline really is pretty though," Ede said. She caught a glimpse of the redhead and tried to follow it. Unfortunately, her choice led her towards a solid wall.

Or so she thought.

Gazing up, her brown eyes met a pair of violet ones.

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