Date The

Chapter 119: An Email of Affection

Chapter 119: An Email of Affection

De La Lune specialized in French cuisine. 

Their dining areas were divided into large halls. All the round tables and chairs had been covered with white cloth. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, providing most of the lighting. Lamps hung on the walls for additional luminosity. 

People occupied half of one hallway. They spoke in hushed tones so other tables wouldn't be able to hear them. Staff workers stood near the walls and hallways, always ready to be of service to their assigned area.

The atmosphere simply screamed elegant and refined.

"Why don't we start out with salads, hm?" Avery suggested, looking through a menu. It had a red velvet casing. "I am suddenly craving for some Caesar salad. I could taste the dressing."

"Oh? No escargots for today?" Jackson teased from her left. He held a glass of scotch in one hand as he read his own copy of the menu. "That's your favorite appetizer from this restaurant."

"It still is but I feel like eating some greens for today."

"Escargots are snails, right?" Eve asked without thinking. She tried not to read the prices. The more pages she flipped, the higher they seemed to rise. Although she couldn't pronounce most of the names, each dish had a short description in English and French. 

Ambryan looked up at the sound of her voice. He found her staring at the menu intensely. "Yes, the dish is made of snails. It's a delicacy."

"Do you want to try it, Evangeline? We can order as many as you like. Don't hesitate for a second."

Eve tensed. She peeled her eyes off the menu and glanced around the table. Her companions waited for her response. "I-I uh, I have heard about it but I also prefer a salad right now."

She wasn't mentally prepared to try the dish. Maybe she'd give it a shot next timeespecially if the snails were out of their shells and no one told her what it was. That was the only scenario she could think of how it would happen.

Avery's violet eyes lit up, glad to have her input. "Salad it is then! The vegetables are always fresh around here. It almost seems like they were just picked from the farm seconds ago."

"I'll be looking forward to it then."

"Then, instead of Caesar salad, can we have a salad with lean protein?" Ambryan cut in. He caught Eve's gaze before he could turn away. "Do you want chicken or fish?"

"Uh" Eve blinked in surprise. "Chicken, I guess?"

"Chicken sounds good," Avery affirmed and moved on to the next course. She said her choices out loud. Jackson grunted in between sips of his scotch. Nothing in particular held his interest.

Ambryan browsed through the available dishes. He made comments here and there about the components. His mother only spoke about the flavors and the tastes. It was his job to make sure they weren't heavy meals.

Eve remained silent. Her eyes flickered occasionally to the right. She and Ambryan hadn't really talked during the car ride. His remark had really dampened her mood. It was getting a little old.

'Had I gone too far?' She wondered, remembering the incident again. Was she really wrong though? She had been so ecstatic at her success and wanted to share it with him since he was the one who taught her. But instead of that, he spoke about a topic they had several times before. 

The concern was there. Except, the actual topic was becoming annoying.

Or maybe that was a sign that her period was coming.

"How about desserts then?" Avery's enthusiasm broke Eve out of her daze. "Souffls? Crme brle? Riz au lait? Anyone craving for anything? Oh, how about a piece monte?"

"Piece monte?" Eve questioned, checking her memory if she had seen it before. 

"It's usually at French weddings and banquets. Others have it as a decorative centerpiece, not meant to be consumed. It could be made of anything but this restaurant uses croquembouche."

"Croqusounds interesting," she decided to say. She already forgot what the word was within a second. 

"That settles it then! Oh, waiter!" 

While Avery recited their order, Jackson put his menu down. He leaned back and crossed his legs. His right wrist twisted, the ice inside the glass clamoring against each other. His teal eyes regarded the main guest of the evening.

"So, Evangeline, is modelling your full-time job?" He began. Now that things settled down, he could finally talk to her. Hundreds of questions circled around his head.

'And so it begins' Eve gulped down her drink of water. She clasped her hands together and placed them on her lap. She gripped them tight as her lips smiled politely. "I also do online tutoring during weekdays."

Jackson knitted his eyebrows. "I can't imagine that pays a lot. Are you living by yourself?"

"I currently live with my bodyguard, Nanzie. I'm only starting out so I thought online tutoring is the most flexible job in case I suddenly need to go for a shoot. I can also do it at the comforts of my home and find it convenient."

It was sort of trueif she took modelling seriously. 

Jackson pressed his lips together, assessing her situation. He took one sip of scotch before continuing the interrogation. "How did you meet my son then?"

"Haven't I already answered that question?" Ambryan frowned.

His father gave him a pointed look. "You did but I'd also like to hear it from her."

"We met through Aunt Avery," Eve said. A chuckle flew out of her lips as memories played in head. "She insisted that we talk. Then, she insisted we go on a date. Ambryan really wanted to make her happy so we agreed to have one date. It turned out much more fun than either of us expected. The rest became history."

"Oh, it did make me very very happy." Avery raised a glass and grinned at her son. It was the second time she heard it but the impact was the same. The story was well-crafted as expected from the couple. 

Ambryan merely stared back. His left temple throbbed. His mother was clearly having fun. She probably told her inner circle about it, taking all the credit for her matchmaking. He shifted his attention towards Eve.

She picked up the bread in front of her plate and buttered it. Then, she took a bite, filling her mouth and puffing out her cheeks. He couldn't help but smile.

Jackson folded his arms on the table, fully invested in the story. The account was almost the same as Ambryan'sjust delivered differently.He appreciated how open Evangeline was compared to his son. A smirk blossomed on his lips. 

"Who confessed first?"

Eve started coughing.

Ambryan reached for her water and handed it to her. 

When she felt better, she sent a silent look his way. They had overlooked this topic. If she didn't say anything soon, they'd seem suspicious. What was more believable? That it was her? Or that it was him? 

'Come on, think, Eve. Think! What was the timeline again?' 

After that skating rink, she and Ambryan talked about the label for their relationshipsomething he had initiated. So they should say it was him, right? But would he agree to it?

"It was me," Ambryan answered for the both of them. He rested his arm on the backrest of her chair. His gaze stared straight into his father's eyes. "I had asked her to be my girlfriend."

Eve was glad that her airway was free. Or, she would have choked a second time. 

For the first time that evening, Jackson became surprised. His mouth hung slightly open. "Pray do tell how this happened. Was it after the date? Was it at the party? Do share the details."

"I messaged her about it."

Jackson raised an eyebrow. "Messaged her?" 

"That is correct."

Avery smacked her husband's arm. "Why are you shocked? It's our son we're talking about. He has no romantic bone in his body. That would have been my first guess, to be honest. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he sent it through email."

Eve threw her head back and laughed. Then, she covered her mouth at how loud it was. She apologized to anyone who glanced at their table. The imagery was so vivid in her head. She could actually see it happeningincluding the sentences and tone Ambryan would have used. 

It would seem more like a business email than a romantic one.

Just the thought of it had her cackling again. With her hand over her mouth, the vibrations went to her shoulders. She bent forward and bowed her head. Why did she find it so funny?

"Well, you seem to be in a better mood," Ambryan remarked. 

Eve showed him an ear-splitting smile. Her eyes had turned into slits. "I can't help it! It sounds so like you. Now, I feel bummed that I didn't get that email. It would have been a great memento."

Andie would also have a blast reading that email.

While Evangeline recovered, Jackson thought about what to ask next. There were so many. He arranged them according to priority. If this truly was a real relationship certain measures should be taken. 

For instance...

"Have you met her parents yet, Yan?"

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