Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 40: Entering The Holy Path

Chapter 40: Entering The Holy Path

Sometime later, the entire island can finally be fully seen.

When the people could see the island very clearly, a cry of shock was once again heard.

ALU who was also observing the island could not hide his admiration.

On top of that island, there were many mountains that were so large that even a Nirvana stage expert would feel extremely small when in front of each one.

What made people even more shocked was that the mountains were actually covered in quite a thick fog.

People wouldn't overreact if it was just an ordinary mist, but the mist on the island was definitely no ordinary mist.

Even though people did not come into contact with the mists, everyone could tell right away that they were actually condensed spiritual energy.

For the spiritual energy to condense and form such a mist, the amount of spiritual energy on that island was truly inconceivable. In reality, even the spiritual energy in the cultivation grounds that belonged to the strongest factions in the Holy Light continent did not form a mist as thick as the mist on the holy road island.

If the island wasn't a hidden place, even a Heavenly Nirvana stage expert would probably fight over it.

Who knows how fast someone would grow if they cultivated in such a place.

Not only could it help accelerate their cultivation, even their talents would increase if they purified the spiritual energy in that place.

No wonder no one wanted to retreat even though the place was so dangerous. That's because even if they don't gain anything, just entering that place is already very beneficial to them.

"Ha ha ha."

Warm laughter suddenly resounded from the middle aged man as people were looking at the holy path.

"This portal will only be open briefly, those of you who want to enter immediately enter." He said.

Hearing the middle aged man's words, the young people who were staring at the holy path stopped looking at him, and after that, they immediately jumped into the portal in front of them.

Whooss... Whooss... Whooss...

Everyone wanted to get in faster so there was some chaos.

"Once inside, you will no longer be able to leave. You can only leave after the sacred path is closed. And no one knows when that will happen."

"And those who meet the qualifications to join the Spiritual Academy will later be directly sent to the territory of the Spiritual Academy and those who fail will be sent back to their respective continents." The middle-aged man added as people jumped into the portal.

However because of the enthusiasm, no one paid attention to the middle-aged man's words anymore.

Alu, Roux and Reva also jumped towards the portal.

It's just that they are a little behind. They only entered the portal when almost everyone had entered the portal.

Coincidentally, they entered the portal together with the group from the Full Moon Temple.


Before entering the portal, Turi snorted coldly at Alu while rubbing his finger on his neck.

ALU is too lazy to look at Turi. He only looked at Elizabeth who was behind Turi's group.

When Alu looked at Elizabeth at this time, Elizabeth also looked at him.

Unfortunately they didn't have time to react because their bodies had already been sucked into the portal.


It is said that when people enter the portal to the holy path, people are immediately separated from one another and sent to different places.

Right after Alu entered the portal, Roux and Reva who were beside him and the people around him had disappeared from Alu's sight. What Alu saw at this moment was only a spatial vortex swirling toward the depths. And Alu was carried by that spatial vortex.

About three more minutes carried by the spatial vortex, Alu finally saw a light shining not far ahead of him.

And within a breath later, Alu had arrived at that radiant place.

When the light shone on his face, Alu couldn't help but close his eyes because of the glare in his eyes.

ALU doesn't know what's going on, but he suddenly feels his body spin.

And when his body stopped turning, Alu felt that his feet had stepped on something.

Alu then opened his eyes and found that he was standing on the rocky ground.

Seeing that, Alu immediately realized that he had arrived at the holy path.

ALU quickly raised his head and looked around.


Alu found that he was on a hill with many large rocks around it.

"So this is the holy path." Said Alu while looking around.

The hill where Alu is located is not the only hill there. Around, there are hundreds of other hills.

The hills appear to be climbing upwards.

And of course, as could be seen from the outside of the portal, the place was completely filled with a dense mist that emitted a spiritual aura.

Just breathing in the midst of that mist immediately made Alu feel very excited.

ALU has never really felt this good. Even Alu's cultivation that wasn't completely stable quickly stabilized when Alu inhaled the spiritual energy in that place.

And even though Alu didn't cultivate directly, Alu still felt as if he was cultivating.

Boundless spiritual energy entered his body, and the moment that happened, Alu could feel his cultivation increasing little by little.

Of course, the increase was still very small. But if he was outside, Alu would have to meditate carefully so that his cultivation could increase like that.


While Alu was observing the changes in his body, Alu suddenly heard an explosion sound behind him.

ALU immediately turned around and he saw large stones behind him thrown everywhere.

Alu narrowed his eyes as he stared at the origin of the explosion.


Something enormous suddenly jumped up from the place.

Boom... Boom... Boom....

Before Alu could see what it was, the same thing happened on several other hills.

"Mm, beasts." Alu said as he could see what was jumping from under the hills.


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