Dark Blood Age

Chapter 784 Peak and Perfection

Chapter 784 Peak and Perfection

Translator: Doggotranslation

While talking to the Silhouette Being, Chu Yunsheng was trying to make a level three offensive talisman as fast as he could. After breaking through Yuan Tian stage one and reaching Yuan Tian stage two, the first thing he wanted to do was to have the most powerful attack method ready. This was the strategy that he had planned in advance. Talking to the Silhouette Being was mainly to distract him and buy time, but he didn’t expect that the Silhouette Being would suddenly ask him this question. Not knowing what he was thinking, he thought for a second and said,

“Okay, I’m also interested in her a little. But can you even defeat her? I doubt you can.”

The Silhouette Being ignored Chu Yunsheng’s mockery. He looked at him and said, “Don’t you want to ask me why?”

‘Who cares about why you want to do it. As long as you waste your energy on attacking her, there will be a chance for me to attack you from behind. At that time, I will definitely be able to kill you.’ Chu Yunsheng thought to himself while sneering at the Silhouette Being.

“You are planning to take advantage of the fight and then attack me from behind, right?” The Silhouette Being smiled coldly and said.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t deny it. He simply said, “You know what I am thinking in my mind, and I also know what you are thinking in your mind, so unless there is something wrong with our heads, none of us would be stupid enough to reveal our weakness. So stop this useless test. Moreover, it was you who said that you wanted to catch her, it was not me who asked you to do it.”

The Silhouette Being shook his head and said, “I do know what you are thinking, but you only know a little about what I am thinking.”

It was at this moment, Chu Yunsheng suddenly let out a confused noise, causing the Silhouette Being to stop talking and look at him. Seeing that Chu Yunsheng had just finished making the level three talisman, he frowned and said, “I know that you are still trying to kill me, but you should know that this kind of trick won’t work on me.”

When Chu Yunsheng was making the offensive talisman, he didn’t plan to hide it from the Silhouette Being. After all, with the Silhouette Being’s strength, he would not be able to hide it from him. The reason why he made a confused noise was that it was the first time he was able to make a level three talisman so smoothly.

The level three offensive talisman he was making was a fire elemental talisman. He had made this kind of talisman many times before. Although he was so familiar with its making process that he could even complete it with his eyes closed, he never had this kind of smooth feeling.

He ignored the Silhouette Being. With a twitch of his brows, his finger began to move quickly again. After completing a normal level-two talisman, he carried on making an even lower-level talisman, attempting to figure out why he would have this kind of feeling.

The Silhouette Being’s brows also frowned. Chu Yunsheng’s sudden concentration gave him a bad feeling. Although he didn’t know what happened to Chu Yunsheng, he instinctively felt danger.

He had to interrupt Chu Yunsheng’s concentration. And to do that, he had two choices, the first one was to use force to interrupt Chu Yunsheng, and the second one was to use voice, which was something that Chu Yunsheng always did to him.

Perhaps out of deep fear, the Silhouette Being eventually did not dare to interrupt Chu Yunsheng using force. Instead, he gave out a piece of important information that would require Chu Yunsheng’s full attention.

“Little Thing, if this artificially hybridized female creature is able to reproduce, then we will be in great trouble. Having the ability and technology to modify a species to this extent means that this creature or her species must have reached the level of the peak of Cardinal Source Gate. Their desire for the deityhood will also be the most extreme. So if they find out our situation, they will definitely want to kill both of us to get the deityhood.”

However, unlike what the Silhouette Being expected, Chu Yunsheng didn’t stop concentrating on thinking and then listen to him. He was still trying to figure out why he had this kind of smooth feeling.

Moreover, unlike the talismans he made before, the talismans he made now gave a feeling of completeness.

If Chu Yunsheng had to describe it, he would describe the talismans he made in the past as something that had been forcibly put together, but now it fully reflected the beauty and exquisiteness of industrial craftsmanship.

The funny thing was that Chu Yunsheng still couldn’t figure out the reason. The method and the energy used were exactly the same as in the past, but he still couldn’t understand why there was such a difference.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yunsheng felt that it either had something to do with the abundant Yuan Qi on this planet or the Deity Seal.

The Silhouette Being continued to distract Chu Yunsheng without giving up, “If you don’t know what I’m talking about then let me explain to you using a few examples. One of the most important factors to determine the level of a hybrid species is whether they can reproduce.

“In eukaryotes, there are Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, seven ranks. With the civilization level of the human race, which is the level below Cardinal Source Gate, the limit of your hybridization was at the Family rank. For example, mules or ligers. However, they all have a common feature, that is, they have no ability to reproduce offspring. Only the civilizations or creatures that reached the Cardinal Source Gate would have the technology or ability to grant the hybridized lives the ability to reproduce. However, they also have limits, and that was their ability was limited within the Order rank.”

He glanced at Chu Yunsheng, then looked at the winged humanoid creature that seemed to be negotiating with the natives, and continued, “Based on this, only the civilizations or creatures that have advanced beyond the Cardinal Source Gate can have the technology or ability to hybridize lives above the Class rank. That creature is clearly a female. We can use her to do some experiments. If she has reproduction ability, then our enemy might be a deity!”

Chu Yunsheng had already recovered from the deep concentration just now. The Silhouette Being had said a lot of things, but to him, whether it was the creatures or the civilizations with Cardinal Source Gate strength or beyond the Cardinal Source Gate strength, they were all the same. They were both very deadly to him. But his words reminded him of another thing. He couldn’t help but ask, “Do you remember the Fire Bug on earth?

According to what you just said, which level of beings or civilizations were able to create them?”

The Silhouette Being’s brows twitched visibly. He said reluctantly, “Did you not find that, individually, they are like animals, but they are shaped like insects, and their hive is a tomb-like creature that resembles a plant like a large tree. You have led them before, so you should know that their hives are also alive...”

Although Chu Yunsheng had thought of many possibilities and guessed the power of the creators behind the insects, he was still shocked by the words of the Silhouette Being. “Animals plus plants, you mean they are able to hybridize within the Kingdom rank? . The highest level!?”

The Silhouette Being shook his head and sighed, “I don’t know if it is the highest level, but in eukaryotes, they have indeed reached the peak of their creation-”

All of a sudden, the Silhouette Being stopped talking and frowned. Chu Yunsheng shifted his gaze to the place where the Silhouette Being was looking and also frowned. The winged humanoid being seemed to have finished discussing with the natives. The fight that Chu Yunsheng and the Silhouette Being had expected didn’t break out. After pointing at humans and nodding to each other as if they had come to some kind of agreement, they began to walk toward them.

The Silhouette Being glanced into the depths of the forest and said, “There are more of her kind in the forest. And they are being chased by another creature. I will deal with those hybrids and the natives, but you need to deal with the creature that is chasing them.”

Chu Yunsheng frowned and said, “I think it’s better not to do anything.”

The Silhouette Being sneered, “Then wait for your people to be killed by them one by one. You may have gained some of that little native’s sympathy, but remember, they are not humans, and you are always a tool for them.”

Chu Yunsheng looked at the Silhouette Being curiously and said, “When did you start to care about my people?”

The Silhouette Being said indifferently, “I don’t care about them, I just care about my own safety. Without them, no one would be able to stop you from harming me.”

Chu Yunsheng was a little speechless. The Silhouette Being was right. After thinking for a second, he said, “In this case, you can’t kill those natives either, I still need them to protect me from you. If you kill them, I will stop attacking that creature.”

The Silhouette Being hesitated and said, “I will try my best, but after I catch that woman with feathered wings, and if I can’t find any way to communicate with her, you will need to help me to test if she has the reproduction ability. You can let other male humans do it, but I suggest that it is better you test it personally. After all, she is a hybrid creature, other male humans might not have the ability to impregnate her.”

When the natives and the angel-like woman were walking towards the humans that they thought they had control over, they did not know that Chu Yunsheng and the Silhouette Being were discussing their fate....


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