Daoist Master of Qing Xuan

Chapter 379: Suli

Chapter 379: Suli

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was not easy to find Mount Shouyang. Even if one knew of its actual location, it would not be easy to access it.

Even Yuming the Honored Celestial had to spend a full day to calculate and find the entrance.

He was dressed casually. He wore a black set of royal ceremonial robes and gave off the solemn vibes of the chief of a reputable sect. After entering into the celestial environment, he was greeted by three flying waterfalls. The waterfalls were flowing in reverse – from the ground towards the sky. It seemed to defy common sense and was a shocking sight to behold.

The waterfalls extended all the way up till the depths of the clouds, at which they had disappeared without a trace.

As the waterfalls rolled, the Qi of vitality in the mountain put into motion and nourished the plants. The plants blossomed and produced strange fruits and flowers. Spiritual beasts were playing around, and the animals loitered around carefreely.

The inverted waterfalls went beyond the peak of the cliff, which highlighted the majestic state of the celestial environment.

Yuming the Honored Celestial walked along the mountain path and came across an abode of immortals not long after. It was shrouded in purple air; the Purple Palace was just as what Daoist cultivators imagined it to be. A set of couplet was found above it.

‘He who observed the world in detachment, Taishang Wangqing the Honored Saint.’

Each stroke was demonstrated the Way of Dao, and one would find one’s attention inevitably drawn to it.

A boy was waiting outside of the door. He stood proudly. After noticing his arrival, he said loudly, “You, are you Yuming?”

Yuming the Honored Celestial felt anger welling up from within. He thought that even if he were to meet with the boy’s respected Dao master, he would be his equal. To think that he was being treated so disrespectfully by a mere boy! Even though he came to ask for a favor, he was not about to be taken so lightly.

He remained calm and gestured respectfully. He spoke as he bowed, “I’m Yuming, and I’m here to meet your respected Dao master.

Yuming was one of the few immortal Zhenrens in the world. It would not be pleasant to be on the receiving end of his respectful salute. At that moment, the boy felt a crushing pressure being applied to him, pressing him tightly against the stone wall. Inch by inch, as though he was about to be crushed into powder.

However, the pressure was too strong for him to even do anything.

Right at this moment, a voice came from within the abode of immortals, “Young boy, how dare you receive Brother Yuming’s respectful salute. Hurry up and pay him your respect.”

The voice that came from the abode was akin to the wind in spring. Gently, it dispersed Yuming the Honored Celestial’s absolute mana. It did so gracefully, without a hint of worldly desires.

As the pressure receded, the boy had no choice but to kneel and salute Yuming.

Since Yuming the Honored Celestial had shown the boy his place, he was not about to press the matter further. With a wave of his hand, he stops the boy from saluting him. At the same time, he was impressed with the capabilities of the respected Dao master of Taishang Daoist Sect. Just one move, he was able to tell that he had strong mana. Moreover, he predicted his arrival, which showed his high level of attainment.

The Daoist child led the way for him. It did not take long for them to arrive at a scenic pavilion surrounded by waterfall and mountains.

A young man sat in the pavilion. The young man noticed his arrival and greeted him with a bow. He smiled, “My place is rural and detached from the rest of the world, please pardon the child’s insolence earlier.”

The young man wore a head-kerchief and was dressed in grey Dao robes. If he was in the mortal world, most would probably think that he was a poor and miserly Daoist who failed the Imperial Examination. Moreover, his facial features were not striking. He looked very plain.

However, as he bowed, he moved with such indescribable grace. Not even the royals and Dragon Kings from the four seas could compare with him.

After his earlier encounter with the boy, Yuming thought that the Taishang Dao master was going to be a cocky person as well. It was only when he met him that he realized how wrong his assumption was.

At the same time, he was reminded of Shen Lian, and how both of them shared certain similarities.

Yuming replied, “Dao master, you are too polite. Taishang Daoist Sect being one of the four main Daoist sects commands great respect.”

The young person smiled, “Fellow Daoist brother, please stop addressing me as Dao master. I am afraid that I do not deserve the title. I am Suli, and my Daoist name is ‘Wu Chenzi’. Years ago, my celestial teacher had passed on. That was the only reason why I have inherited the Dao orthodoxy of Taishang. I myself am not capable, ever since I have taken over, I have been living in caution.”

Yuming sighed, “I do not know enough about your sect and am not privy to most details. After seeing how good you are, your predecessor must be the role model and aspiration of the cultivation community. It is a shame that I did not get to meet him. I have a Yin and Yang bracelet here, please take it as my humble gift to you. Consider it as my respect to your late teacher.”

He fished out a jade bracelet; it was half black and half white and was clear as water. The Qi of Dao within it was palpable. It was obvious that this was not an average item.

Suli looked at the precious jade bracelet and said, “Fellow Daoist brother, you are not burdened by worldly possessions. You could let go of such precious item so easily, it is no wonder that Guangqing Celestial Sect enjoys its current status. However, one shall not accept an undeserving reward. You have come so far for a reason, and you must be facing some sort of difficulties now. Even though I am not very capable, but I am willing to help in whatever ways that I can.”

Yuming casually laid the jade bracelet down on the stone table. He sat next to the young Taishang Dao master.

He sighed, and his demeanor suggested that it was difficult for him to start talking.

Suli spoke, “Fellow Daoist brother, what are the difficulties that you are faced with? Why don’t you share it with me? Even if I could not be of much help, I can at least offer some opinion. It would still be better than keeping it to yourself.”

Yuming the Honored Celestial thought Suli must have known why he was here. Though, since he had put on a show, he decided to stop dragging the matter on. He spoke, “My junior apprentice-sister, Lingguang accepted Zhenren Shen’s invitation and visited Qing Xuan as his guest. However, Zhenren Shen is young, and he got too full of himself. He detained my junior apprentice-sister by force, and announced to the world that she is now Fairy Ziling’s servant. My junior apprentice-sister is an immortal herself, to think that she is humiliated by Zhenren Shen in this manner! Besides Guangqing’s reputation, his act tarnished every Daoist’s reputation. Fellow Daoist brother, don’t you think so?”

Suli replied, “I heard that Zhenren Shen behaves like the spring breeze and summer rain; I did not expect him to act in such a frivolous manner.”

Seeing how Wu Qingzi of Taishang Daoist Sect was captured by Shen Lian as well, Yuming the Honored Celestial found it odd that Taishang Dao master did not say anything about it.

He replied, “Fellow Daoist, you probably formulated your opinion based on what Fellow Daoist Wu Qingzi has told you. I heard that he once shared a close bond with Zhenren Shen. If he is still around, why don’t you invite him over to join us?”

Suli spoke, “My senior apprentice-brother, Wu Qingzi was killed by Zhenren Shen. You were there that day and you saw it with your own eyes. What is the point of you probing around?”

Yuming the Honored Celestial spoke darkly, “Fellow Daoist, what is the meaning of this?”

Suli replied, “Fellow Daoist brother, little did you know that as much as I want to avenge my senior apprentice-brother’s death, I do not have the right to do so.”

Yuming the Honored Celestial replied, “Why is that so? That day, Zhenren Shen was overcome by greed after seeing the treasure. Because of that, he harmed Fellow Daoist Wu Qingzi. Even though I did not see it for myself, but I deduced as much after arriving there. Moreover, Fellow Daoist Green Bull from your sect knew about what happened as well.”

“Fellow Daoist brother, please do not be impatient. Ten thousand miles westward from here, there is a ridge named White Tiger Ridge. There is an ancient corpse demon within it, who cultivated an impressive set of demon arts and has great mana. A few hundred years ago, she dealt grave injuries to Fairy Ziling. Fairy Ziling had no choice but to recultivate after being reincarnated. She found out that Fairy Ziling was about to attain Dao the other day. She knew that Fairy Ziling held a grudge against her, and if Fairy Ziling were to attain Dao, she would definitely come after her. Hence, she decided to strike first.

My senior apprentice-brother made a mistake during his cultivation. His demonic thoughts were incited by the corpse demon, which had led him to steal the Tower of Black Heaven and Yellow Earth in the abode. On top of that, he stole my founding master’s mount. This was what really happened that day.

I knew that this was going to happen, but I also knew that he had no chance of breaking through the whims in this life. Hence, I did not stop him and allowed him to go ahead. Even though it was a big trial for him, it was also a good chance for him to be reincarnated and start from scratch. Through that, he will be able to attain much in his next life.”

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