Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 99 A War Goddess Appeared In The Audition

Ran Xueyi nodded her head and an agent from the director's side came forward. Realizing that the agent was going to take the paper where the scene and number was written, Ran Xueyi touched her pocket to take it out, but when her hand was already inside the pocket, she realized that it was empty.

What happened? Where did the paper go? Ran Xueyi frowned and her expression turned dark.

"What's wrong?" Director Zheng had his attention focused on her and noticed a strange look in her eyes.

Ran Xueyi was about to reply when the door was pulled open and a staff member from outside said, "Miss Ran, did you drop this?"

In the hand of the staff member was the familiar looking and small, rectangular paper. It was the audition scene number.

How did she drop it? Ran Xueyi wondered while frowning. She was sure that it was inside her pocket. Then, why was it in the hands of the staff member?

Nevertheless, Ran Xueyi put on a smile and thanked the staff member, "Thank you, I was about to look for it."

The staff member was momentarily blinded by her smile. Those red lips that looked like ripe cherries were too attractive that he stared at them for a few seconds. By the time he recovered, Ran Xueyi had already taken the audition scene paper from his hand and heard her speak to him, "Where did you find it?"

The staff member scratched his temple and answered honestly, "No, it's not me. It was Ran Yue who found it. She only told me to give it to you since you might need it. Anyway, I already gave you the paper... you should thank her later."

Ran Xueyi didn't respond and the staff member already turned around, closing the door behind him. Looking down at the paper in her hand, she noticed that there were signs of it being crumpled up before it was straightened back again.

With her eyebrows furrowed, Ran Xueyi checked the audition scene and paused.

Sure enough, the audition scene was changed.

Ran Xueyi stared at the words written on the now crumpled paper. Her eyes were extraordinarily cold. Ran Yue must have been really scared and nervous when she received the audition scene she was assigned to. It was no wonder that Ran Yue was fidgeting and sweating in her seat since the time she got her audition scene.

So, it was because of this…

Ran Xueyi thought it was funny. However, this wasn't a laughing matter. The audition scene was suddenly changed and it was also the most difficult scene to perform. If it were someone else, they would be scared shitless and would forfeit before they could even perform the scene they were supposed to act in.

However, Ran Xueyi was different. The more challenging it was, the more excited and determined she became.

Without changing her expression, Ran Xueyi handed out the paper to the agent, who took it back and went to the side of the director and gave it to him.

Director Zheng tossed the paper on the table and didn't look at it anymore. Before the actors and actresses were called to come inside, the directors and producers already knew what scene they were assigned with.

"Let's start. You can perform the scene now." Producer Hu announced.

Ran Xueyi nodded and started to perform. The scene was no longer the protagonist meeting the male lead. It was now the protagonist fighting with several hungry and bloodthirsty assassins chasing after her.

In this scene, one must need an extra to act as an assassin and assist the actor to perform the fight scene. However, Ran Xueyi started to act without any help from anybody.

Twisting her body, she started to show several martial art skills in front of the crowd. Raising her hand, she struck the air in front of her. The crowd could almost see the spot where she struck, being sliced through as the wind whizzed.

But Ran Xueyi didn't stop.

As if there was really assassins in front of her, Ran Xueyi continued to dance in the battlefield. Her hair danced along with her. Her feet was quick and swiftly kicked the air. Her hands extended fast as she punched, sliced, and struck the image of an assassin playing through her eyes.

It was no longer a simple performance. Ran Xueyi was dancing to her heart's satisfaction.

This was a war dance.

And she masterfully executed everything.

The crowd turned silent. Their eyes were stuck on the figure dancing in the center of the room.

Suddenly, the normal looking room slowly warped into a scene that they never thought could appear in front of their eyes. Ripping through the world was a darkness that wrapped their hearts, crushing their souls as the room turned into a battlefield in the middle of nowhere.

The trees swayed as the wind grew stronger. Screams echoed as the lone figure in front of them was no longer alone. Men wearing black robes and masks on their faces surrounded the woman; the sinister looks in their eyes were focused on her as they raised their hands to strike her down.

The crowd witnessing this scene gasped loudly. Some of them even screamed and closed their eyes, fearing the blood would splatter on them. However, they couldn't help but peel their eyes open and stare at the woman.

Inside their hearts were tumultuous waves of emotion they never knew they could feel until this very moment. Because towards this unknown and unfamiliar woman, they felt worry, sadness, and pain. Their thoughts were united as they only thought of one thing: they wanted to help and save her.

But before someone could act, the lone female on the battlefield moved again. Ran Xueyi twisted her body and spun in circles as she slashed the enemies in front of her.

Slowly, the assassins who came to take her life dropped to the ground, their eyes lifeless and empty.

However, the show wasn't finished yet.

The most important scene was yet to be shown.

In this scene, the protagonist would fight and defeat the assassins. However, what came into her view after the assassins dropped one another on her feet was something that would traumatize and awaken the void inside of her.

Ran Xueyi stopped moving, just as the protagonist did, their bodies intertwined into one as if they were one entity. She looked up ahead and her eyes widened. Then, tears slowly pooled in her eyes as she saw an image of her adopted father being beheaded right in front of her eyes.

Ran Xueyi screamed. "No!"

Her loud cry pierced through the sky.

There was a silence that seemed too deep and impregnable. It took several minutes for this unordinary phenomenon to end.

Then, as if someone snapped their fingers, the dreamlike… No, the nightmare that everyone saw in front of their eyes disappeared and they all returned to reality. All of them were in a trance, some of them were even holding back their tears.

Only Ran Xueyi acted normal as if everything that she did in front of the small crowd was just nothing to her.

Then, she showed a hint of embarrassment on her face as she turned to the director and producers who were all staring at her. "My performance is over, thank you everyone." She showed them a gentle smile.

The crowd had yet to recover from her shocking performance when Ran Xueyi spoked to them. And so, they couldn't give her any response.

Thankfully, Director Zheng was quick to recover unlike the producers and agents inside the room. He tapped the table and inhaled deeply.

He had heard about Ran Xueyi long before.

Five years ago, Ran Xueyi dominated the country through her acting and fame. But at that time, Director Zheng was out of the country and was working with a director from Hollywood. He didn't get to meet her nor work with her. But he was able to watch her movies and dramas as requested by his assistant when they were picking for an actress to play a role in his movies.

Unfortunately, Ran Xueyi pulled out of the limelight and announced her long break from the entertainment industry. And Director Zheng didn't get a chance to work with her, and he had to look for another actress to act in his movie.

Originally, Director Zheng was only going to accept Ran Xueyi into the drama as one of the second female leads, not the female lead. Though he was friends with Song Yu Han, he wouldn't blatantly abuse his authority as a director and let her in through the backdoor, hence, the reason why he made her come to the audition site.

He wanted to test her and see if she still had the skills to act like she did five years ago.

But alas, her performance just now blew him away. And it wasn't only him who was stunned and surprised by her. Everyone was rendered speechless by her seamless and perfect performance.

Director Zheng stared at her for a long while before he finally said, "Thank you for your performance..." Director Zheng paused and turned his head to the producers sitting next to him, they all showed a dazed expression on their faces. He chuckled and said, "Your performance was perfect. You can go home now and we will contact you once we have our meeting and discussed everything."

Ran Xueyi politely nodded and smiled at the people present inside the room. Then, she turned around to leave the room.


Author has something to say: QAQ

Ps. The scripts that were mentioned here and their storylines were taken from my old novels which I didn't publish yet in this account.

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