Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 273 “It’s Not Kidnapping… I’m Borrowing.”

After making his son happy, Song Yu Han looked up at the sky and thought that it was time to make him go back home. It will rain in a bit and it would do no good if they stayed outside for a bit longer.

However, when he told his concerns to the little boy, Xiao Zhanzhan's eyes reddened again and his tears welled up in his eyes.

He said, "You're leaving again? A'Yu, do you have something more important than Zhanzhan?"

The little guy felt threatened when thinking of his father having something more important than him. He watched on television that there were some fathers who left their children for another kid. No! He won't let that happen!

Xiao Zhanzhan started shaking, scared at the thought of it. Children at his age were already territorial enough, however, their perceptions and sensitivity was even more advanced than what most people thought.

Song Yu Han didn't know what had happened to his son. But he could tell that the little guy wouldn't listen to him and go back inside.


Tiny droplet of water dropped on his forearm as he reached for the little boy's head.

Frowning a little, Song Yu Han said, "Go back now. It's raining."

But Xiao Zhanzhan made no move at all. His small legs didn't move as if it was rooted on the grassy ground below him.

While Song Yu Han was still wondering what was happening to his son, he didn't have the time to keep thinking about this because the rain was starting to get bigger.

Without further ado, he grabbed the metal fence in front of him and propelled himself upward and climbed the tall fence. The way he jumped over it was truly a sight to see. Song Yu Han made a beautiful arc and effortlessly landed his feet on the ground next to Xiao Zhanzhan.

Song Yu Han hastily removed his suit jacket and put it on top of the little guy's head. Before the little boy could even react, Song Yu Han had already carried him in his arms and jumped over the fence once again.

When Guo Yun was waiting for his boss to come back while he stood on the porch, he never expected that Song Yu Han would carry a little thing in his arms.

"… You."

Guo Yun's words were stuck in his throat when he saw the cold and indifferent gaze that Song Yu Han had sent in his way. Nobody in this world could understand Song Yu Han more than Guo Yun when it comes to this kind of chilling expression.

The big boss was really mad.

But why?

Taking a quick glance at the small thing wrapped in his boss's suit jacket, Guo Yun was rooted in his place when he recognized the little guy.

Isn't that the boss's son?!

Then, a sudden and crazy thought appeared in his head. No way… It couldn't be, right?

"Boss, you can't do this. Even if you want to see you son, can't you just call Madam and talk it over? Why resort to kidnapping your own son?"

"What are you talking about?" Song Yu Han coldly glanced at him.

Guo Yun earnestly explained so his stoic boss could understand, "Boss, what do you think will happen once the young master was found missing? The madam will surely go crazy and look for him! Please, return the little master. There's still a better method to take so you can spend more time with him!"

What was his boss thinking? Didn't they buy this mansion that was right next to the madam's house so he could watch and be next to them without their knowledge? The big boss spent his only free time everyday going to that side garden just to see the young master too… So why did he suddenly kidnap the little master?

Big boss, aren't you scared of your wife that she might beat you up for kidnapping the little master?

"It's not kidnapping… I'm borrowing." Song Yu Han's face was frosty. "Besides, it's raining outside. I can't let him stay there."

"Isn't there a house he can go back to? Why take him here then?"

"Ask him." Song Yu Han no longer finds it necessary to explain it to Guo Yun. His secretary wouldn't understand anyway if he told him that his son threw a tantrum and wouldn't go back at all.

Even he couldn't understand why Xiao Zhanzhan suddenly acted like that.

"Have someone come over with warm water and prepare some clothes." Song Yu Han unhurriedly and suavely pulled down his tie.

Guo Yun asked cautiously, "Why?"

Song Yu Han furrowed his brows as he curtly said, "My son got soaked in the rain outside. Of course, he needed a quick wash and clothes to wear to avoid getting a cold."

Guo Yun finally understood. He quickly took his orders and stepped outside of the room. However, just when he took a step forward, he realized that he had just gone along with his boss's orders and forgot about the important thing — the young madam.

Ah! This was such a headache!

Thankfully, Ran Xueyi was not home right now. She was in the castle to participate in the Royal Court Masquerade that will take three days to end. Otherwise, his boss's effort in secretly watching over the young madam and little master will be all a waste!

God, please send someone to stop the young madam from coming home!

After earnestly and sincerely praying, Guo Yun did not waste anymore time to draw a warm bath and drove outside in the middle of a storm to buy some clothes for the little master.

At this moment, he treated this task very carefully as if he was ordered to carry a nuclear bomb in his arms.

One mistake, the bomb would explode from both his sides.

A little while later, Guo Yun arrived just in time when the water was completely drawn. He tested the water's temperature and only called his boss to come over when he thought it was right.

Song Yu Han nodded his head with satisfaction while carrying his sleeping son inside the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

After washing and changing their clothes, Song Yu Han hugged the little guy on his lap as he listened to Guo Yun's voice.

Guo Yun: "The screenwriter who you requested finally signed the contract. The director responsible for the drama is also ready to look for a suitable actress to act the leading lady part. Of course, I didn't forget to send the young madam's resume to the director but I'm sure that even with our intentions very clear, the director will accept the young madam as the leading lady through her acting skills."

"It's not enough to just speculate like this. Raise the investment money from YH Group." Song Yu Han gently patted his son's black hair with a towel.

Guo Yun sighed and reminded him. "We're already the biggest investor. Investing more will only make people suspicious of the young madam."

Though Ran Xueyi's value was already proved with the achievements she received from international award ceremonies, the people and media in Flower Country have different thoughts and views. There are still people who will throw dirty mud and water just to bring Ran Xueyi down from her spotlight.

That's right. The TV drama that the big boss ended up investing in was located and set to be filmed in the Mainland, Flower Country. The date for the start of filming was set for next month. It was getting closer.

Ran Xueyi's return to the Capital was also getting closer.

Song Yu Han pondered over it as well. He was actually not worried about what other people thought if he raised the investment funds for the TV drama. But what he worries a lot about is what Ran Xueyi would think when he does that. Surely, she would say a thing or two about him spending a lot of money when he meets her again.

Even though he really missed and wanted to see her scold him, Song Yu Han also didn't want to interfere much in her job as an actress.

"Then, what do you think I should do?" Song Yu Han asked.

Guo Yun said, "The director and producer actually wanted to ask something from you. Instead of more investment funds, they discussed that it was better to find an actor who can match with the leading male part perfectly as well as have chemistry with the actress for the leading lady. Even the screenwriter wanted to proactively get involved with the filming."

Song Yu Han showed a glint in his eyes.

"After saying all this… what exactly are you trying to say, Guo Yun?" Song Yu Han's sharp gaze hit him accurately.

Guo Yun nervously gulped but stood on his ground.

"Boss… everyone is asking for the actor, Yuhan, to play the male lead actor," Guo Yun emotionlessly said and blinked.

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