Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 155 Unmovable Song Yu Han

Finally, Ran Xueyi and Song Yu Han arrived at their destination. In front of them was an ordinary looking brown door, however, she found that the door was made out of an expensive wood imported from a country rich in natural resources.

Naturally, the door was thick and made to block any noise from the inside to be heard from the outside.

And the crisp and clear sound it made when Song Yu Han's knuckles knocked on the surface of it was very pleasant to the ears.

Ran Xueyi stuck her tongue out and licked her lower lips; a habit she would always do when she's feeling very nervous other than biting her lips.

Soon, they heard the sound of the knob turning and not even a second later, the door was pulled open from the inside and an older man with gray hairs sticking out on his head was standing before them.

"Young master Han," said the elderly man with a polite tone.

"Butler Chen." Song Yu Han subtly nodded his head towards the elderly man before proceeding to ask, "Is my grandfather inside?"

The man whom Song Yu Han just called 'Butler Chen' nodded his head, but didn't step away from the door. He appeared to have been doing this since a long time ago and it became a muscle memory, and his reaction was dull. However, there was an explicable feeling of suppression once you stood before him.

Ran Xueyi guessed that the old man's duty was not only a 'butler', Butler Chen should also have the responsibility to not allow anyone to come through the door easily.

She also noticed that Song Yu Han didn't move nor found this unnatural or offensive. The two of them stood face to face and didn't say anything.

When Ran Xueyi thought that almost half a minute had passed, a deep chuckle sounded from inside the room, then a voice soon accompanied it.

"<anno data-annotation-id="be28d197-6381-ca11-6d4d-88629371c355">Xiao</anno> Chen, let them in."

Ran Xueyi: "..."

Butler 'Xiao' Chen didn't even blink nor change his expression when he heard this. Other than that, he took a step to the side and made way for the two.

He said: "Please come in, Young Master Han and Miss."

After saying this, he waited for them to fully enter the room and when they really got inside the room, he closed the door without a sound. Even Ran Xueyi thought that she had met a Humanoid because of how he was moving and talking, no emotion and expression at all.

But Ran Xueyi couldn't keep her attention on the old butler as her eyes immediately flew back to the center of the room where another elderly man was sitting behind the desk and had his chin propped against the back of his palms.

Old Master Song deepened his gaze upon seeing the two enter the room and thoughtfully stared at them.

Under his gaze, most men and women of any age would be so afraid that they would think of fleeing away or have thoughts that they had offended the old man. Even peeing their pants could be possible.

Song Yu Han, however, was unafraid and unbothered at how his grandfather was staring at them and even stepped forward to block his gaze directed at Ran Xueyi.

Seeing him make a move first, Old Master Song did not even hold himself back and laughed out.

He glared at Song Yu Han.

Then, he said: "You've grown a lot. Now, you know how to protect your people."

Ran Xueyi subconsciously tensed up while staring at the two. Though she didn't get a clear view of the two since Song Yu Han blocked her sight with his broad shoulders and wide back, she could still guess that the two were currently having a stare down with each other.

However, she slightly released a relieved sigh as she noticed that though Old Master Song's words were a bit harsh to the ears of others, she somehow could sense that there was no hostility nor animosity in his tone or voice.

Contrary to that feeling, Ran Xueyi realized that Old Master Song's tone even had this faint proud and boasting manner in them.

After a while, Old Master Song relaxed his gaze and leaned back to the cushion of the back of his chair. He was still staring at them, but this time, it was a bit softer and less intense.

"Stop glaring at me, child. Let me see the girl you chose to become your 'lover'." Old Master Song's eyes brightened up a bit and his lips couldn't help but raise a bit higher.

Song Yu Han didn't move and Old Master Song almost rolled his eyes at him. If one didn't know, others would assume that Old Master Song was trying to steal his lover from him and forcing them to break apart just looking at the way Song Yu Han was still standing there, blocking Ran Xueyi and Old Master Song from seeing each other.

Song Yu Han was a determined and persistent man who didn't like giving up once he set his mind on some things. Naturally, this also includes him choosing to protect Ran Xueyi, his wife, from anybody, and that includes his grandfather.

It must have been an effect due to what happened to him and to his mother in the past. Now, he met someone he liked and wanted to protect, he became a bit too possessive.

Ran Xueyi also noticed that Song Yu Han was acting strangely and she didn't know the reason behind it. Wasn't it just meeting her in-law and nothing else? What was there for him to become so possessive?

Though this act could be appreciated anytime, at this moment, Ran Xueyi didn't want to ruin her moment to formally meet the man who took good care of the man she married. On the other hand, she also wanted to find a way to calm Song Yu Han from his slightly erratic emotions.

Ran Xueyi raised a hand and poked his back with her finger. She could feel that his back muscles tensed at her touch, but he didn't move, thus it made her have the courage of a panther and slowly changed the way she touched him.

From poking his back with a finger, it turned into her hand fully touching his back and gently caressing it as though she was giving him comfort.

Ran Xueyi didn't know if this method would work, but she still did it.

And surprisingly, Song Yu Han slowly calmed down.

"It's alright."

Ran Xueyi softly told him while still patting his back. She didn't know what had come over him, but she thought that it was better not to ask him for now. She wasn't extremely curious about it nor was she demanding any answers from him.

It was better to wait for him to say it to her himself.

After he calmed down under her gentle touch, Song Yu Han's mind snapped into stability and the sudden cold pressure that he was producing seemed to have decreased by a lot. He didn't even realize when he had done it and he was feeling a bit daze after.

After returning back to normal, Song Yu Han pretended as if nothing happened and introduced his grandfather to Ran Xueyi.

"This is my grandfather, Song Yichen."

It was a very short and brief introduction.

It wasn't only Ran Xueyi who was waiting for him to continue and add some flattering comments about his grandfather, Old Master Song and Butler Chen was also expecting him to praise and add some <anno data-annotation-id="b6b19250-5a0d-decf-051f-a1bfd363a2c7">rainbow farts</anno> when introducing his grandfather to her.

But after waiting for such a long time, they really didn't get any other words from Song Yu Han and it seemed that his introduction for his grandfather was complete.

'That's it?'

'Aren't you belittling your grandfather too much?'

Both Old Master Song and Butler Chen were frozen by this. If this were to be done by others, they would surely input more effort into constructing a beautiful speech to heighten Old Master Song's glory and image to the listeners.

Sadly, this task of over-praising and complimenting others was not Song Yu Han's job.

"Ahem!" Old Master Song cleared his throat. He was slightly embarrassed at Song Yu Han's incapacity to make him look <anno data-annotation-id="f1d2ee8a-71e6-7f8e-12f0-4e7d6b4f7882">bigger</anno> to the other.

After this cough, silence soon followed it and it was really hard to break it.

Sweating a little bit, Ran Xueyi sighed and felt pity for Old Master Song. It wasn't her fault that her husband was too unkind to give others some face, it was just his natural personality and it couldn't be fixed.

Old Master Song's nostrils flared, but he slowly calmed down. He waved his hand and said, "We're missing some snacks and drinks in the room. Xiao Han, go and help Xiao Chen to get something for us to nibble on later."

Naturally, Butler Chen didn't express his doubts on Old Master Song's order, he was already making his way to the door. It was only Song Yu Han, who didn't move at all, looking like Mount Tai in the middle of the room.

Song Yu Han, of course, didn't move just because his grandfather told him to do that. He knew exactly what his grandfather intended to do when he left the room; thus, he made no other movement.

At this kind of situation, Ran Xueyi also realized what was happening and it became her duty to force him to go out and 'help' Butler Chen.

She told him, "Just in time, I'm also feeling a bit hungry and thirsty. <anno data-annotation-id="85542f6c-540c-f4d8-2101-dea5d0bfccd3">President Song</anno> can take his time to choose what kind of desserts and drinks to bring."

<annotations style="display: none;"><ol class="tinymce-annotation-container"><li data-annotation-id="85542f6c-540c-f4d8-2101-dea5d0bfccd3">Ran Xueyi called him 'President Song' here. Only because it was more proper to do this in front of Old Master Song considering that their relationship isn't 'officially' known yet. Calling him 'hubby' would be a bit too improper and startling.</li><li data-annotation-id="b6b19250-5a0d-decf-051f-a1bfd363a2c7">Rainbow Farts = Internet Slang for complimenting your idol's appearance. In this case, Song Yu han should be complimenting his grandfather in front of Ran Xueyi.</li><li data-annotation-id="be28d197-6381-ca11-6d4d-88629371c355">Xiao = lit. meaning 'Little'. In this case, Old master Song is calling Butler Chen in a very familiar and close way like a little brother.</li><li data-annotation-id="f1d2ee8a-71e6-7f8e-12f0-4e7d6b4f7882">Not bigger as in, in height, but in image/appearance/reputation/position.</li></ol></annotations>",

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