Cursed Immortality

Chapter 465 The ATLAS Council

The ATLAS organization was the most mysterious organization after the Dark Cities. 

But unlike the Dark Cities, the ATLAS was only known to the upper echelon of the three hegemonies. The common public only knows about the Star Hackers and how they should never associate with them. 

The ATLAS ranking structure was quite straightforward and solely based on achievements. The head of the organization was given the title of the Star-Lord, and the successor of Star Lord was the Vice Star Lord Rank. 

Below these two highest ranks were the Star Numbers, starting from Star1, and they go on as more people join in. The lower the star number, the higher the member achievements, and there was a unique system in place that couldn't be cheated. 

If someone makes an achievement befitting the position of Star1 or even the Star-Lord, no one can rob that person of their rightful position, and everyone has to obey. 

As for how this system works, it was still a mystery that even the Star-Lord wasn't aware of, and the member section was also done mysteriously. No one can recruit anyone, and members were selected by a unique method of the ATLAS. 

That's why no one has any control or monopoly over this selection system because no one knows when or how a member will be chosen to be part of the ATLAS. 

Then, there was the Atlas Council built upon five councilmen, and only the Star-Lord and the Vice Star-Lord were aware of their existence. However, they don't know their identities and any major movement related to the organization has to be approved by the Atlas Council. 

The Atlas Council's job was to make sure the Star Lord wouldn't use its authority to endanger the origination, and as long as they had proof, they could easily strip the Star Lord of its title. 

Today, in the hidden base of the Atlas, in masks, the Star-Lord and Vice Star-Lord were standing in front of five large screens, projecting five dark silhouettes. They were the councilmen of the Atlas Council! 

"Star-Lord and Vice Star-Lord, you both have our condolences for your children!" A mechanical voice rang from the central screen. The gender of this person was unknown, but it was the First Counselman! 

Star Lord's eyes were raging with killing intent behind his mask as he replied, "I don't need your sympathy! If you're really empathic, then you wouldn't have stopped us from searching for them!"

"We gave you two months, and I think it was enough to comprehend the situation. Anymore, and we were at risk of being exposed. So, you have to understand our plight better than anyone. Personal feelings have no place in our organization. We've told you this long time ago." Another mechanical voice rang from the Third Counselman. 

"Still, we let you do as you please for two months because of your achievements, which is enough empathy from us." The second councilman spoke, and its voice was the same as the others. 

The Vice Lord finally couldn't contain her fury as she retorted, "Don't make me laugh! You guys stopped our search before we could even confirm whether our children were alive or dead or who killed them. If you had allowed us to use the S-Augmented Reality Lane, we could've easily discovered the killer's star ID. Yet you guys!" 

"Humph, do you even hear yourself? That thing can only be used three times, and you want to waste it to solve your personal matters? I know you're angry, but don't get blinded by it. We are protecting you both from ruining yourselves. It's not like you can't make more children!" The fifth councilman sneered, and despite its emotionless, mechanical voice, the disappointment in its voice couldn't be hidden. 

"You bas…"

"That enough!" 

Before the Vice Star-Lord could complete her sentence, the Star Lord strongly pressed his hand on her shoulder and stopped her. Although he wanted to tear apart the fifth councilman's mouth, he knew better. 

They had indeed lost their children, but they couldn't lose their position in their fury because as long as they had their positions, they at least got a chance to get justice. 

The Vice Star-Lord also knows that as she is even more astute than the Star-Lord, it's just that as a doting mother, she has lost her rationality for a moment and suppressed her raging emotions. 

"Let's not discuss my children anymore. It is best for all of us." The Star Lord coldly uttered while suppressing his rage, "I want your opinion on the Void Star Server Extermination Plan. You should've received the documents I've sent you all." 

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and the first councilman spoke, "That is indeed an excellent plan. But how confident are you that you can pull this off?" 

"About 50%. Even if it failed, we won't lose anything." The Star Lord stated, "But if we manage to pull this off, I don't want anything but the chance to use the S-Augmented Reality Lane. I think this sort of achievement is enough for a single use, no?" 

The councilmen didn't reply instantly, and the Star-Lord and Vice-Star-Lord waited patiently. They were aiming for this exact thing, for this was their last hope, and they no longer cared about anything else but taking revenge for their children. 

The first councilman finally spoke, "Are you sure you don't want to go into the higher plains? You always wanted it, if I recall correctly. If you missed this chance, your lifespan would be over before you could pull something like this again." 

The Star Lord replied without hesitation in an icy tone, "We indeed wanted to go to the higher plains, but we were doing it for our children. Now they are no longer here, what's the point in going to higher plains? 

"As a parent, it's our duty to protect our children, but since we failed our duty, we at least want to avenge them as their parents. Furthermore, even if this mission fails, I'm planning to aim for the trial plain sole champion position, which should be sufficient for the same reward." 

The second councilman spoke, "Sigh… you guys are really determined this time. But it would be a shame to let someone like you die since the organization needs you. Very well, if you can pull any of it, you can use the S-Augmented Reality Lane, and we'll also give you two tickets for the higher plains!"

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