Cursed Immortality

Chapter 400 First Auction Post (2)

Chapter 400  First Auction Post (2)

Jacob looked at the bidder's ID with scrutiny because he felt like he had seen this Star ID somewhere, and with his excellent memory, it won't take long for him to remember where he had seen it.

In fact, he still had a document saved in his personal data, which he had bought from the Star network, and the owner wrote that document had that exact Star ID!

'Now, this is out of my expectation. I had bought the information on the Killer Skull Society's brain chips from this guy's article in the common plain. But I never expected him to be from the Epic Plains, and he was even the first person to join my star server.

'Furthermore, he hadn't sent me any messages yet; he appeared to be quite rich. This could only mean he's not a 2-star privilege holder or not after me like the others…' Jacob thought as The Society Killer greatly interested him since he seemed to have quite a deep enmity with the Killer Skull Society to have that kind of name.

Nevertheless, he won't be going to seek him out to quench his curiosity because if the Society Killer wins the bid, then he can chat with Jacob using the star server inbox.

Once the bid is concluded, Jacob will receive the final bidding price, which will be automatically deducted from the bidder's account.

The Star Network didn't just allow anyone to bid, as one could only bid the amount present in their zodiac accounts, no more, no less, and the moment the auction is concluded, that amount will be directly transferred to the item owner.

However, this didn't mean the owner could then run away with that money, not by a long shot. Because, just like the bidder, the post owner's account was connected with the Star network as well.

Once the auction post owner receives the money, the star network will give a grace period after calculating the distance between the bid winner and the item owner. Thereafter, the owner has to deliver the item to the bidder within that period. Fail to do so, and the item owner would be in massive trouble.

Because despite receiving the amount, the post owner can't use it or transfer it to another account before delivering the item.

If the item failed to reach the bidder within the grace period, then that amount would be automatically returned to the bidder with an extra 10% penalty equivalent to the final bid.

If the owner can't pay that penalty, then the Star Network will make that person a Class-1 Star Criminal, which will make that person's life very difficult.

Because a Class-1 Star Criminal can no longer purchase, send or receive any kind of call or message until that person pays the penalty with an extra 40% on top of the actual penalty!

That's why no one dares to mess with the Star Network because becoming a Star Criminal would directly strip them away from the ability to buy or contact everyone, not to mention it was just the punishment for a Class-1 Star Criminal!

Like if a person is found to be affiliated with a Star Hacker in any way, they will directly be climbed to be a Class-4 Star Criminal, which will make life a living hell because the Star Network will do anything to hunt that Star Criminal down and the only way to get rid of that status is a guarantee from a very high star privilege owner and a hefty penalty!

That's why the moment Jacob put that post, he needed to be able to deliver the Atomic Grenade to the winner, or he would be losing a large amount of ZC.

Nevertheless, the Star Network also had a measure placed just in case the bidder deliberately tried to cheat the system by claiming it hadn't received the item, and that's why Jacob started this auction.

If anything, Jacob was quite impressed by the Star Network's strict rules and regulations, and countermeasures when it came to the Business type Star Server and was no longer worried about getting found out.

Although it was still dangerous, at least not as much as he had to leave the Vile Witch Valley, and now that he was hiding in plain sight, he would be fine even if someone found clues of his whereabouts!

After the 40 million ZC bid from the Society Killer, no one followed suit, instated some of the bigwigs were flooding his inbox.

Since there were still a few hours before this post would be over, Jacob decided to close the server and check once there were only a few minutes left.

All in all, his online industry was a massive success, and he wasn't going to just stop with one atomic grenade.

'Excluding the raw plutonium I have, with just the weapons I had created in the rare plains, I'll be a billionaire in no time. Thereafter, I can make far more improved versions of those atomic weapons with this workshop. I'll have them know just who they have provoked.

'But first, I should be focusing on assimilating the Rune Artificer knowledge until my stash from the Rare Plains runs out. Also, now that I'm in the epic plains, I need to figure out how to open those nine locked space rings I got from the clown society's dog. Maybe that guy might know how. Well, I'll only decide after this bidding is over…'

Jacob decided as he quickly started to revise the knowledge of the magic runes in his possession while Sofie was collecting the tools and materials he needed.

Over five hours passed in a flash as Jacob stopped his revision and then opened his star server as there were only two minutes left before the bidding would be over. He had received a ton of notifications at this time, but he had ignored them all.

Looking at the top bid, he was surprised.

"Reaming Time before the auction end: 00H:01M:12S

"Current highest Bidder: Anonymou500 (Star ID: Rich Winter Lady)

"Bid from Anonymou500: 46,980,001 ZC"

Jacob couldn't help but sigh ruefully, "I guess I had underestimated these guys' wealth, especially this bitch from the bank. Nevertheless, let's see if you can buy all of my weapons!" He snickered darkly.

However, just when a few seconds remained, a new bid appeared!

"New Bid from Anonymous…"

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