Cursed Immortality

Chapter 366 In Dire Straits! (3)

"You'll regret it!"

When Ellie abruptly cut off the call, Jacob's expression warped because this didn't go as he expected it to.

"That bloody tramp!" He cursed furiously before a bitter expression appeared on his face. His luck was getting worse ever since he had come to the Epic Plains, and he started to doubt that it was all the result of that good luck in the Rare Plains.

Nevertheless, he quickly calmed down and started to think about how he should proceed now with the bombshell Ellie just dropped on him.

The first thing he did was stowed away his Star Watch in the pendant since he wasn't sure anymore about not being monitored, especially when he thought about those Star Hackers he learned from Captain Free Sword.

As for calling Lucy to reconcile, he was not going to do it since it might expose his whereabouts. He was just bluffing to get some sort of reaction out of Ellie, and he even thought it was her who was going after his life under the pretext of Lucy.

But it doesn't go as he planned, and now he can only presume and prepare for the worse.

"Come on damn it, what are you so afraid about? Remember, Epics won't stand a chance against your hexes anymore?" Jacob chided himself in a loud voice as he didn't know why he was feeling so afraid of those Epics.

But he knew it was all because of the phycological effects those damn Uniques had left on him, and he was now afraid of everything.

Jacob's biggest trump card against the epics was his Extraordinary Rank Hex Magic Core and the three innate Hex Spells he has acquired from it in the Rare Plains.

Slumber Hex, No Agility Hex, and Powerless Hex!

After traveling for over three years, Jacob was fully familiar with his magic abilities.

With the 25 cubic meter worth of Hex Mana in the Infinity Pedant, he can use any hex on 100 Common Rank Dark Beings, 50 Rare Dark Beings, 10 Extraordinary Rank Dark Beings, and 1 Epic Rank Being (Any Tier). As for the time limit, it was now 3 hours for any rank being.

Right now, what limits Jacob the most is the mana limitation because the book he took from the graveyard also required a tremendous amount of Hex mana to open it.

Jacob has once tried to open the book, but even with every ounce of mana, he had, he couldn't only lift the cover by a few centimeters before all the mane ran out. So, he had no choice but to give up on studying the book for a later date when he had more mana.

The only way to increase his mana was to increase the space of the infinity pendant, which he could only do by making progress. That was what he was planning to when everything starting to derail after he bumped into the star pirates.

Now he was hearing the news that one of the three bosses of the Epic Plains wanted him dead at all costs, so it was only natural that he would act like this.I think you should take a look at

Jacob then quickly calmed his mind and put those star pirates back in his head since they were no longer his concern, and he was far away from them now. His sole focus became the Epic Plains and how to reach it in one piece.

Furthermore, the moment Jacob's thoughts become clear, and a clear goal appears in his mind, he regains control of his body again.

With a tranquil expression, he looked at the surrounding calm waters. A flash of killing intent surfaced in Jacob's eyes, 'Since everyone here wanted to push me around, I'll make damn sure to let them know I'm not a pushover!'

Jacob activated all the stealth features of the ship and approached the lands of Epic Plains.

Three hours later, Jacob finally saw something else besides the water. A massive fleet was lined up in a formation, blocking off the passage toward the Epic Plains, which were now vaguely visible under Jacob's eyes, but they were still far away.

It was just that their size was simply too massive, so it was quite hard to miss them even from this distance.

But those fleets were clearly not there just for show, and he spotted a golden symbol imprint on those fleets. It was a golden bull head with a white blazing sun shining between the bull's horns. It was the well-known symbol of the Universal Zodiac Taurus Bank!

This also proved that Ellie was speaking the truth about Lucy being bloody for him, and those fleets were all Epic Treasure Ships. He could even tell that the commanding ship of this fleet was in no way inferior to the ship he was controlling right now.

If Captain Free Sword knew that there was such a welcome waiting for Jacob just at the entrance of the Epic Plains, he might've never selected Jacob for this job at all.

Jacob stopped the ship a few miles from that perimeter as he didn't think for a second that those guys won't have powerful scanners to pick up on his ship. If Lucy was investing so much to get rid of him, then he needed to think like she was coming at him with everything she had in her arsenal!

Then Jacob took out something from the Advance Epic Grade Space Ring he was given by Captain Free Sword, which contained all the things prepared for him just for this endeavor, and its space was 250 cubic meters which were larger than the Basic Epic Grade Space Rings he got from A-0.

What he took from it was a black Zenati suit which looked extremely normal and nothing but a plain thin fabric. If Jacob wasn't told that it was an Advance Epic Grade Skin Body Armor, he might've thought that the Captain was duping him.

When Jacob undressed and tried to wear it, he was astonished because the moment the body armor draped over his body, a cold sensation suddenly rose from the cotton-like fabric, and it started to shift over his body, making itself fully attached to his skin.

Before he knew it, the armor was completely wrapped around his body like his skin, and the next moment, it started to change color, and under Jacob's astonished eyes, it turned just like the color of his skin!

Now no one would be able to tell if he was buck naked or wearing advanced epic-grade armor, no one but Jacob himself!

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