Cursed Immortality

Chapter 149 Surfing The Star Network

Jacob tried activating the star watch of A-995 but was shocked because there was a red-letter message with a timer and an option in start watch at this moment.

"User 'Earth Slayer' life signal has vanished!"

"Please wear the Star Watch and 'Sign In' within 24 hours, or the Star Watch will be reset and any unsaved data will be gone."

[Time before the reset: 23:11:39]

"New Sign In"

Jacob's eyes narrowed and looked at the other three watches, and there was the same kind of message which made Jacob astonished.

'This watch might not be as simple as I thought it would, and I think it might not be traceable as I thought it was. These watches are even more advanced than the one I had and need information about killer skull society.

'They could tell I killed that orc, and this star network is the only thing that might help me!'

Jacob thought before he put on Earth Goblin's black Start Watch!

The next moment, a new message appeared on the star watch:

"New Life Signal Detected!"

"Sign In?"

"(Note: This device is already bonded with 'Earth Slayer' and it will be reset upon New Sign In)"

Jacob did not know what a life signal was, but he could tell it wasn't something that a dead person could emit, so he pressed the sign-in. He was more interested in this star watch and star network now.

The moment he pressed that option, a ten-second timer appeared which indicated the time it would take to reset it.

After the times ended, Jacob saw a colorful screen with a familiar notification.

'Welcome to Star Network!'

'Starting the Bidding process of Star Watch Model-A-11 with the user!'

'Select the Binding Process

'Old User'

'New User'

Jacob didn't see these options in his Model A-05, so he tried selecting the new user since he wanted to create a new account. Then the process was the same as the last one he had to speak for voice recognition.

However, the moment he did, another option popped up which made Jacob frown.

'Start the DNA Binding?'


Just like the last time, he felt a sharp perk on his wrist, right below the star watch screen.

A red scanner appeared at this moment.

'DNA has already been registered with the Star Network.'

'Please Select Old User to continue!'

Jacob's frown deepened when he saw the menu return to the first screen again. He reluctantly pressed on Old User then.

This time, the Voice Scanner and DNA Scanner were skipped since the data was already collected, and a new option appeared.

'Analyzed User Life Signal?'


'(Note: With Life Signal, the user account will be 100% secure and without the life signal, the device cannot be used!)'

Jacob's eyes narrowed when he read the note. Although he didn't know what this life signal was. But from the looks of it, it had something to do with security, and it was really secure.

This security function didn't exist in the old model of A-10000.

In the end, Jacob didn't skip it and chose to activate it. He was even more sure now that this thing wasn't hackable, but not 100% sure though.

Nevertheless, he no longer dreads this technology anymore because there was no more threat to Jacob's life in the uncommon region.

A green scanner appeared, and it remained activated for an entire minute before it vanished.

This time, another unfamiliar option appeared:

'Transfer Date from Star Watch?'


Jacob thought for a moment before he didn't skip this part as well. He still had a map in that star watch, so he didn't want to discard it just like that.

'Please place the star watch banded to you close to Model A-11.'

The star watch appeared in Jacob's hand, and the moment it suddenly lit up on its own when it came in the range of model A-11 detection, Jacob saw a transfer screen appearing on both watches before the date transfer was finished within ten seconds.

There wasn't much data to transfer, to begin with, so it went quickly.

'Profile has been activated!'

'Bank Account has been activated!'

'The Star Network is in sync!"

'User 'Faceless Ancient' welcome back to Star Network!'

After this series of notifications, the menu finally appeared, which had far more options than Jacob's old watch. He even discovered message and camera functions, which made him grimace. Because these two were not present in his old star watch.

At that time, he thought they were applications he would get in some app store, but now that he looks carefully, it wasn't the case at all.

'That bitch tricked me!' Jacob instantly guessed as he threw an icy glance at A-9999's stewarded body and sneered before looking at the star watch again.

This time, Jacob explored every function of the star watch so he won't get tricked by others in the future. It was just like a degraded mobile phone, but Jacob guessed that there might be more advanced star watches that have call functions as well.

Nevertheless, just this message function was enough for now, and he could even send an MMS and receive one.

However, when Jacob saw the price of just sending a single message without any attachments through the star network, he was astonished. Because it was a whopping 500 gold coins. As for an MMS, it was even more absurd: 10,000 gold coins!

'Is this some kind of joke?' Jacob couldn't help but cussed whoever set up this ridiculous price.

One had to know that with 10,000 gold coins, someone could buy the entire lion street of lionheart city!

In the end, Jacob didn't have anyone to who he wanted to send any message, so he finally opened the last application, which was none other than the star network, which was the main purpose of this thing.

A typical browser screen opened in front of Jacob. There was a search option, and other built-in options like, 'Star Information Sea', 'Star Market', 'Private Star Servers', and 'Star Bookmarks'.

It intrigued Jacob, as it was just like the internet with slightly distinct features.

Curios, he clicked on the star market, and a notification popped up. 'Your Star Watch model can only access the Rare Plains Star Market!'

Then a new window appeared in front of him. There were many options like search, materials, weapons, potions, firearms, and so on.

Jacob was started when he saw that message and then all those options. He couldn't help but open the firearms.

The next moment, a menu appeared, and on the very top of it was a long-barrel automatic rifle with its picture and price of 1 million gold coins and contact info of the seller.

There were sniper rifles, bullets, spare parts, and even RPGs.

When Jacob's eyes fell on a missile, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Which lunatic put this Cluster Bomb on sale?!"

He couldn't help but look at the price and took a deep breath. It was 100 million gold coins, and the seller was even selling 10 of them!

Jacob couldn't help but wonder if these rare planes were like a war zone or with no laws.

Despite that, he was still quite elated when he saw all those familiar weapons on sale, which means the rare region was like the modern world and looking forward to going there.

He then closed the market since it was useless to look since he couldn't get anything on the common plains even if he bought anything.

However, he didn't find any of these scanners or these liquid-type bombs on the market, which means they were not common and might be more precious than he thought.

Neither did he find any information regarding magic or any wand like the beanpole of A-995.

Then Jacob opened this 'Star Information Sea', which gave him the same notification that the information he could gain was only at the level of the rare plain here, not higher.

A panel appeared with only the search engine 'Star Information Sea', nothing else.

Jacob then tried typing 'Killer Skull Society. He was most curious about them since he came into contact with it the most, and was his enemy at the moment.

When the result came, many files appeared regarding the Killer Skull Society, and these files had different price tags, ranging from 1 gold coin to millions!

Jacob frowned when he saw so many files and wasn't sure if this organization was really secretive or not, since so many people have information about them. But most of it might be just random bullshit.

There was even an option to create his own information file and then release it in the Star Information Sea like a blog. He even has the option to release it for free or for money as much as he wanted.

Jacob instantly felt this site was a scam, but he still kept looking for something which might be useful in this pile of shit.

Then Jacob noticed a particular file that was free and posted by a person called, 'The Society Killer'!

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