Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 706 Capture Ye Nantian

Chapter 706  Capture Ye Nantian

"Shall we welcome them?"

"No. If we show up now, Ye Nantian will run away, and Old Tian will blame us." Han Shuo then took out two rings and gave them to Ren Yao and Huang Xiaoyin. "Think of them as your wedding gifts."

Ren Yao smiled bitterly after hearing that, for he still felt annoyed that he dual cultivated with Huang Xiaoyin under her coercion. However, he didn't dare to say anything and put on the ring directly.

On the other hand, Huang Xiaoyin smiled with satisfaction looking at the ring, especially since it was Immortal Grade. She immediately put it on her ring finger as she said. "You are indeed worthy of your title as the Blacksmith Immortal, Uncle Han!"

Han Shuo then took out a golden net, startling Ye Qingyue. "Don't worry, I will capture your uncle, and you can avenge your father's death."

"Yes." Ye Qingyue nodded to him.

"Hey, activate your rings right now." After they activated their rings, the three instantly disappeared from Ye Qingyue's sight, but Ren Yao and Huang Xiaoyin stayed by her side to protect her.

As for Han Shuo, he moved up and waited for Ye Nantian to arrive at their place.

After waiting for a while, they finally heard the screeching of birds, and they could see Ye Nantian, still in his giant red bird form, flying very fast toward them.

Seeing them, Ye Qingyue's expression became extremely ugly, and her fists clenched tightly; even killing intent leaked from her body.

However, Ye Qingyue was startled by a hand that suddenly touched her shoulder from behind, but before she could turn around, Xia Tian had already told her through a voice transmission. 'Relax, it's me.'

Upon hearing Xia Tian's voice, Ye Qingyue heaved a sigh of relief, and she felt fortunate that her late father's good friends were around her. 'Father, you have such loyal friends, and they also care a lot about me.'

Before long, Ye Nantian and his people had arrived before Ye Qingyue and returned to their human forms.

"Hahaha!" Ye Nantian laughed with satisfaction after he saw his niece's expression, and he said to her. "You don't have to look at me like that, Qingyue, I have been looking for you for a long time, and I will capture you today. After that, I will bring you back to the Thousand Beast Realm and use you to subdue those damn elders who were still loyal to your dead father."

"Bastard!" Ye Qingyue's anger exploded the moment Ye Nantian mentioned her father. "My father was always good to you, but you conspired with my brother to kill him instead!"

"Haha." Ye Nantian paid no heed to Ye Qingyue's words. "So what? Your father is an idiot! He never even noticed the changes around him, so he deserves to die! Moreover, Lord Qian Du has already promised me many interesting things if I can take over our realm from your father's hands, and everything will soon come true."

Hearing that, Ye Qingyue was about to draw her sword, but Huang Xiaoyin immediately grabbed her hand. 'There is no need to be provoked by his words, for he will definitely fall into your hands today.'

After she said that, Huang Xiaoyin immediately lashed her whip towards Ye Nantian people's necks, and the whip tightly tied their necks, rendering them unable to speak.

Ren Yao also moved behind those people, using his soul technique to control their souls.

They purposely did that not to alert Ye Nantian, for they knew that the Divine Kun Peng Race had an escape trick, and they wouldn't be able to stop him if he used it.

Ye Nantian was still unaware of his situation, and he said to her. "You better come with me, or I'll take you back by force, and you definitely won't like it."

"Really?" Ye Qingyue asked with a faint smile when she heard a voice transmission from Han Shuo that he was already behind his uncle.

"Hmm?" Ye Nantian raised his eyebrows after he saw the change in Ye Qingyue's expression. 'What happened? Why did she suddenly become calm?'

However, Ye Nantian was shocked when he looked back, for Han Shuo had already appeared before him, and he immediately used his golden net to capture him. 'Fuck! How did this person come to be in this world?'

"Are you surprised to see me, Little Nantian?" Han Shuo asked as he smiled and immediately sealed Ye Nantian's cultivation.

'Shit! I didn't expect that they had prepared a trap for me!' Ye hell? Why are they all here?'

Nantian was cursing in his heart, but he was even more shocked when Ren Yao and Huang Xiaoyin appeared before him. 'What the hell? Why are they all here?'

"Haha." Ren Yao laughed at his expression, he then flicked his finger at Ye Nantian, and a ball of energy entered his body through his chest. "This way, you won't be able to contact Qian Du and the others, and you can feel the wrath of your nephew."

'Damn it!' Ye Nantian could only continue to curse in his heart, but his eyes suddenly widened in shock as he saw his people's heads being severed from their bodies, and their blood was gushing out in a torrent. 'Who is that young man? How can he do such a thing with just a single slash?'

"Hey, Nantian! Back then, I wanted to kill you with my own hands, but Ye Han kept begging me to spare you." Xia Tian coldly spoke to him. "Honestly, I regretted it to listen to his plea back then, and I should have killed you right away that day."

"Who... who are you?" Ye Nantian asked tremblingly, especially when he saw the Qingfeng Sword in Xia Tian's hand. Although he had not seen that sword for a long time, he could still remember it clearly, for it almost sent him to death.

Xia Tian immediately took the phantom mask and put it on; he then returned to his old form, causing Ye Nantian to tremble even more. "Do you remember me now?

"Immortal... Long... Tian...!" Ye Nantian was terrified after he saw Xia Tian's old face, and cold sweat started to roll down his body. "Impossible! You should have died a hundred years ago! And your soul should have been annihilated by now!"

"Well, you were right about that." Xia Tian replied as he floated towards Ye Nantian, pressing the Qingfeng Sword against his neck. "Unfortunately, you were also wrong about that, for Fate was still being kind to me, and I was able to reincarnate."

"Impossible!" Even though he had seen the facts before him, Ye Nantian still tried hard to deny it. "You should be dead already!"

Xia Tian chuckled upon hearing that; he then turned to Ye Qingyue. "Honestly, I would like to kill you with my own hands, but Qingyue has more right to do so than I do."

However, Ye Nantian snorted at him. "If you kill me, then the people of the Eternal Night Race will find out about my death, and they will descend here and destroy this planet."

"Hmm?" Xia Tian raised his eyebrows upon hearing that; he then turned to one of his best friends. "Hey, Old Yao! Use your soul domain."

"Rogers!" Ren Yao immediately activated his soul domain, and the souls of the five of them instantly emerged from their bodies, but they were shocked as soon as they saw Ye Nantian's black soul. "Hey, Old Tian! How can his soul be this black? I've never seen anything like this before."

"Big Brother Tian! What does this damn man mean with the Eternal Night Race? Hasn't that race disappeared long ago?" Huang Xiaoyin asked in confusion.

Han Shuo directly said to her. "Xiaoyin, that race has not completely disappeared, and they have been hiding at the ends of the universe for a long time. However, they have resurfaced, and some Immortals like Qian Du have joined them."

"What?" Huang Xiaoyin let out a loud scream, and her eyes widened in shock upon hearing that.

On the other hand, Xia Tian kept observing Ye Nantian's soul, and he sighed heavily. "Qingyue, I'm sorry, but you can't kill your uncle now."

"Hmm?" Ye Qingyue frowned upon hearing that. "What exactly happened, Young Master Xia? Would people of that race really descend to this planet if I killed him?"

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded and explained it to her. "I'm not exactly sure what happened to his soul, but I killed one of that race in the past, and he has a black soul just like him. Shortly after I killed that person, several people of that race immediately appeared before me, and I was forced to run away from them; their strength was powerful. So if you kill Ye Nantian now, I have no doubts that those people will immediately appear before us, and it will harm the inhabitants of this planet."

"So what should we do? I really want to avenge my father." Ye Qingyue asked as she clenched her fists tightly.

Xia Tian sighed softly. "I know how you feel, but you also have to think about the fate of the people on this planet. Although you can't kill Ye Nantian, you can torture him to your heart's content, and I won't let him die."

'Fuck! He's still as cruel as ever!' Ye Nantian cursed in his heart.

Ye Qingyue took a deep breath and nodded to him. "All right, I will follow your plans."

- To Be Continued -

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