Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 704 Sheng Jiang's Disclosure

704  Sheng Jiang's Disclosure

Sheng Jiang turned to the woman and asked with a dark look. "What are you doing here, Qingxue?"

"Hey." Sun Qingxue snorted at his question but immediately frowned when she saw Zheng Mo completely naked, especially when she saw the black handprints on her neck. "So it's true that you have darkness energy, huh?"

Sheng Jiang's face darkened instantly after his wife said that. "What do you mean by that? Have you ever seen me use darkness energy before?"

"It seems that you have become senile now and have forgotten about my innate ability." Sun Qingxue then pointed at Zhang Mo's neck. "See that? Isn't that the result of your darkness energy?"

"Hmm?" Sheng Jiang turned to Zheng Mo and frowned for a moment. At first, he thought that no one would find out about his actions, for no one had ever entered the room before, so he felt that everything would be safe, but he did not expect that Sun Qingxue would manage to find his secret room.

"Do you still want to deny it?" Sun Qingxue coldly asked.

"Why should I deny it?" Sheng Jiang replied as he faced his wife again. "Tell me, how did you find this room?"

"I won't tell you." Sun Qingxue then asked him. "Since when did you team up with the demons from the northern continent?"

"Hmm?" Sheng Jiang's expression was shocked upon hearing that. "What do you mean by that? Why are you accusing me of cooperating with those demons?"

Sun Qingxue shook her head at him. "If you're not cooperating with them, why are you together with Sapphira, the Demon Emperor?"

"How did you know about that?" Sheng Jiang asked back.

"So it's true that you cooperate with those demons, huh?" Sun Qingxue's eyes became sharp. "Back then, Ling'er told me that you have darkness energy, and she also heard you say that you wanted to use her as your cultivation furnace. But I never believed her words, for I loved and trusted you too much. However, things have changed now, and I regret not trusting her."

"I see." Sheng Jiang nodded in understanding after hearing that. Since she always thought Sheng Ling was weak and useless, she never suspected her eldest daughter, but he didn't expect that she already knew everything. "No wonder Ling'er Master gave her that artifact, and I couldn't do anything to her because of it."

"I'm really disappointed in you! You already know that my family was massacred by those demons, and you're cooperating with them now." Sun Qingxue shouted at him. "In that case, I will divorce you from now on!"

Sheng Jiang's face darkened even more upon hearing that; he immediately rushed toward Sun Qingxue and strangled her neck. "Who do you think you are to dare divorce me?"

"Ugh! Let me go!" Sun Qingxue said as she punched her husband's hand repeatedly, but she suddenly felt her energy being absorbed by Sheng Jiang. "What are you doing to me?"

"Heh! Did you think I would let you go after discovering my secret?" Sheng Jiang asked as he snorted at her. "Since you already know everything, I'll tell you another truth. The people who killed your family weren't those demons, but I was the one who killed them because they refused to hand you over to me."

"What?" Not only was Sun Qingxue shocked upon hearing that, but even Zheng Mo was shocked by the truth.

Sheng Jiang smirked, seeing his wife's expression. "Hahaha! Are you shocked to hear the truth? Back then, I saw you with your lover, and you have a good physique to aid my cultivation. Unfortunately, your family insisted on rejecting my proposal, so I decided to slaughter them, and I also killed your lover. Since no one knows I have darkness energy, you and others think the demons killed them."

Sun Qingxue's body trembled violently upon hearing that, she never expected that it was her husband who massacred her family, and the truth hit her hard.

After Sheng Jiang absorbed almost all of Sun Qingxue's energy, he directly sealed her cultivation, tore off her dress, and tied her wife beside Zheng Mo. "You better stay here and watch me dual cultivate with this old woman. Oh, sooner or later, I will definitely use our daughter's body as my dual cultivation furnace."

"No!" Sun Qingxue shouted at him. "You can do anything to me, but don't touch Ling'er!"

"Haha." Sheng Jiang laughed at that. "Do you think I will follow your words? I have waited too long to practice one of my techniques, and I can only practice it if I dual cultivate with Ling'er, for her body is best suited for it."

"Please! Don't do anything to our daughter!" Sun Qingxue still didn't give up and tried to beg her husband.

However, Sheng Jiang paid no heed to Sun Qingxue, and he took another cloth and covered her mouth with it. "This way, you won't bother me to have fun with this old women, and I'll have fun with you afterwards."

Sheng Jiang then stood in front of Zheng Mo and smiled evilly, and he rubbed his dick against her pussy before theusting it all at once, causing her to whimper in pain.

'Fuck! Whatever happens, I will definitely kill you!' Zheng Mo swore in her heart as she glared hatefully at Sheng Jiang.

On the other hand, Sun Qingxue didn't care about Zheng Mo, and she kept worrying about her daughter. 'I'm sorry, Ling'er! I hope you give yourself to Xia Tian soon to be safe from your father.'

Wasting no time, Sheng Jiang began to dual cultivate with Zheng Mo and continued doing so without mercy.



Meanwhile, while they were busy with their business, a gigantic red bird with four enormous wings flew swiftly towards the Seven Star World. However, it was no ordinary bird, and its body was more like a fish's.

Several similar birds were flying after the giant red bird, but they were much smaller than their leader.

If Xia Tian saw them, he would definitely recognize their identities instantly, for they were the Kun Pengs.

"Lord Ye, are you sure that Ye Qingyue is on that mortal planet?" One of the birds asked.

The big red bird was Ye Nantian, Ye Qingyue's uncle. "Yes, I've been looking for Qingyue for so long and finally found her on that mortal planet. However, you guys should be careful; I got some information from Xie Yuwen that some cultivators from the Five Divine Heavens live on that planet."

"Huh? Why did they go there?"

"You know that the situation in that place is unstable, and various riots are happening in various places, so many cultivators have decided to leave to avoid trouble." They nodded to him, and Ye Nantian continued. "However, Yuwen doesn't know the identity of those cultivators, but he does recognize one of them."

"Who is that person, Lord Ye?"

"Ran Qing, the princess of the Arcane Elf."

"Huh?" They were shocked to hear that. "As I recall, Arcane Elves disappeared long ago, right? How could their princess suddenly appear on that mortal planet?"

Ye Nantian nodded to them. "Although Ran Qing is their princess, she is unique because she is Long Tian's sister-in-law."

"What?" They exclaimed loudly upon hearing the name. "Wasn't Long Tian dead more than a hundred years ago?"

"Even though Long Tian died long ago, many cultivators are loyal to him, and some of them protected Ran Qing, even Lord Qian Du did not dare to disturb her." Ye Nantian then said to them. "Let's go, we must move quickly, or Ye Qingyue will notice our arrival."





Meanwhile, Ye Qingyue opened her eyes and asked the woman who suddenly appeared before her. "Who are you? Why did you break into my private place?"

"Princess Ye, you don't need to be so suspicious of me." The woman answered as she smiled. "I am one of the cultivators assigned by the Oracle to protect this planet, and he predicted this day would come, so I came here to warn you."

"Hmm?" Ye Qingyue was surprised to hear that; she didn't expect the Oracle to send someone to meet her.

The woman immediately explained to her. "Princess Ye, you should leave this place now, and it would be best if you go to Immortal Long Tian's place now."

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Qingyue asked with a frown.

The woman sighed softly. "Currently, Ye Nantian and a few of his men are on their way to this planet, and they want to capture you."

Hearing that name, Ye Qiangyue's expression filled with rage, and she clenched his fists tightly.

However, the woman hastily calmed her down. "Princess Ye, I know that you are furious with Ye Nantian, but the current you won't be able to defeat one of his men. So I hope you don't act rashly and meet Immortal Long Tian as soon as possible, for only he can protect you now."

Hearing that, Ye Qingyue immediately took a deep breath to calm herself down and stood up from her seat, and she then said to the woman. "All right, I will follow your advice and go to Young Master Xia's place."

"That's good." After the woman disappeared from her cave, Ye Qingyue immediately walked out and flew up into the sky, she then transformed into the Divine Kun Peng and shot away at top speed towards the Holy Central Continent.


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