Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 642 Meeting Hua Xiangyue Again

"Looks like you completely forgot about it, Qilian." Yu Yunzhi said as she approached them with a smile.

Tian Qilian nodded in embarrassment; she had forgotten about Xia Tian's Ancient Sacred Realm. Since she rarely goes into it like his other women, for she has to take care of their daughter.

Mei Yun, who joined them, was clueless about their conversation. Actually, the main reason she decided to follow Xia Tian was that she was too curious about him, and secondly, she wanted to deepen the dao of the sword with him. Then she asked him. "Aren't you going to join one of the sects here?"

"Nope!" Xia Tian answered her with a smile. "Like the Star Moon Sect, all the sects on this continent are useless to me. I used to join the Star Moon Sect only because I needed dual cultivation partners and raw materials for pills and forgings. But now, there are my women who prepare them for me, so I don't have to join another sect anymore."

Yu Yunzhi snorted in annoyance, hearing why Xia Tian joined the Star Moon Sect in the past, but she couldn't deny that none of her former sect's disciples were comparable to him, and she was no longer surprised if he underestimated her former sect.

Feng Xian'er giggled at Yu Yunzhi's reaction; even though she had already decided to leave their sect, she still cared about them. "Then what about your partner over there, Tian? Yao Mei, Hong Xia, and Xue Ling are your partners, right?"

Xia Tian turned to Feng Xian'er and looked at her in amusement. "Honestly, they are just my dual cultivation partners and nothing more. So I don't think or plan anything for them. But-"

"But what?" Tian Qilian, Feng Xian'er, and Yu Yunzhi asked simultaneously.

Xia Tian laughed, amused by their reactions, then he replied with a smile. "But there are three female disciples that interest me."

"The first one is Yao Yin, and the second is Zhao Ying." Yu Yunzhi and Feng Xian'er weren't surprised to hear the first name but were surprised to hear the second name. "The third is Liu Meng'er, and she is more interesting than them."

"Liu Meng'er? Isn't Meng'er your distant cousin?" Yu Yunzhi asked with a raised eyebrow.

However, Feng Xian'er laughed at her reaction as she asked. "Did you forget about his other women, such as Liu Ying? Did you think Tian would let Meng'er off just because she is his cousin?"

Yu Yunzhi took a deep breath and nodded in agreement with her. "That's right, a wolf-like him will definitely not let her go."

Xia Tian just smiled at her words, he had thought about Yao Yin for a long time, but she wasn't too serious with him, for she was more concerned with her cultivation than romance. As for Liu Meng'er and Zhao Ying, he still didn't think much of them, for they rarely met and communicated to each other.

After that, Xia Tian led them into the shop, and he surveyed every side of the building's interior. After he confirmed everything, he then said to those women. "You guys can go back home first, and I'll go to see Xiangyue."

Before those women could answer him, Xia Tian had already used void breaking steps and disappeared from their sight.

"Apparently, our husband can't wait to meet our other sister." Tian Qilian said with a shake of her head.

Yu Yunzhi only smiled. "Since you've never met Hua Xiangyue, so you don't know about her yet. She is one of the sexiest women in the southern continent, so I'm not surprised that Tian can't wait to meet her."

"Well, that's true." Feng Xian'er replied with a nod of approval. "Many men tried to win Hua Xiangyue's heart in the past, but none succeeded, but she eventually fell under Tian's charm."

On the other hand, Mei Yun didn't say anything, but her expression showed a trace of jealousy, for she also knew Hua Xiangyue quite well.



A Mansion

"Young master, I saw four beautiful women in the area near our shop, and all of them are really beautiful, but one of them has already had a baby." A bodyguard said to a chubby young man playing with two women.

The young man stopped sexual activity with them and turned to the guard. "Is what you said true? Do you recognize their identity?"

"Young Master, it's my first time seeing them, and they seem to be newcomers to this city." The guard replied respectfully.

The man thought and glanced at the two women with him, and he snorted disdainfully. "Search for their information first, and report to me if you have obtained it."

"Yes." After that, his bodyguard immediately left the room, and the chubby young man continued his activities with the two women.



Sheng Imperial Sect

In a garden, Hua Xiangyue seemed to be daydreaming restlessly, and she was also constantly sighing. 'What's really going on? Why do I have a bad feeling these days?'

*Tap... Tap...*

"What's wrong with you, Xiangyue?" Qin Zheng asked as she approached her direct disciple.

Hua Xiangyue then turned towards her, and she looked at her but was at a loss to explain. "I don't know, Master. These past few days, I've felt very restless and feel like something bad will happen."

"Are you still thinking about what Sheng Jun said a few days ago?" Qin Shuang asked with a gloomy look.

Hua Xiangyue nodded to her. "What should I do, Master? I have repeatedly refused Sect Master's requests, but he always presses me and even starts to threaten me now."

Qin Zheng sighed heavily and asked her. "Do you want to return to the Southern Continent? I will help you if you want to return there, and you don't have to worry about me."

Hua Xiangyue shook her head at her Master. "You know that I can't escape the sect, Master. As you already know, Sect Master has planted a tracking mark in my soul, and he can track me wherever I go. So I don't have the courage to return to the southern continent, or he will hunt me there and kill my family."

Qin Zheng sighed again after hearing that; she accepted Hua Xiangyue as her disciple because of her talent. But she didn't expect Sheng Jun to fall in love with her, and he also dared to do everything to get her disciple. "I'm really sorry for you, Xiangyue. If I didn't bring you to this sect, your situation wouldn't be like this."

"Sigh, I am willing to become your disciple on my own accord, so you don't need to keep blaming yourself, Master." Hua Xiangyue then took Qin Zheng's hand. "I-"


Both women were shocked at the sound of a man's chuckle suddenly ringing in their ears, and they exclaimed loudly. "Who's there? Quickly, show yourself!"

Hua Xiangyue instantly fell into a daze when she saw Xia Tian, who appeared before them, and tears welled up in her eyes involuntarily. That face, and that figure, she had missed him for so long. But her situation did not allow her to return to see him; the Sect Master of the Sheng Imperial Sect had already planted a tracking mark in her soul. However, he suddenly appeared in front of her, and the intense shock made her unable to react long enough.

"Who are you?" Qin Zheng asked Xia Tian with great vigilance, as it was the first time that someone had been able to infiltrate their sect without anyone knowing. 'I can't sense this man's cultivation or feel his presence either.'

"Why are you crying? Aren't you happy to see me again?" Xia Tian asked with a smile as he walked closer to Hua Xiangyue, and he ignored Qin Zheng's presence. Arriving before one of his women, he gently wiped her tears. "It's been too long since you fled to this continent, and I came here to pick you up."

'So he is the man that Xiangyue told me about back then?' After hearing that, Qin Zheng didn't need to ask any further questions. Judging from the reactions of her disciple, she could already guess that Xia Tian was a man who lived in her heart.

"Why? Why did you come here?" Hua Xiangyue softly asked, but her expression still couldn't believe the presence of Xia Tian in front of her.

"To pick up my woman, of course." Xia Tian replied with a chuckle.

Hua Xiangyue softly sighed. "Unfortunately, I can't go with you, Tian."

"Hmm? Why is that? Do you still want to keep running away from me?" Xia Tian asked as he frowned, and he didn't understand Hua Xiangyue's attitude.

"She can't leave the sect." Qin Zheng finally joined their conversation.

Xia Tian turned to her as he frowned even more; even the look in his eyes also became sharp, and he asked coldly. "What do you mean by that? Are you going to stop me from taking my woman away?"

After asking that, Xia Tian released his killing intent, and he enveloped Qin Zheng with his extremely powerful killing intent, causing her to be frightened by it.

Qin Zheng broke out in cold sweat after she sensed Xia Tian's killing intent, and she felt short of breath as his killing intent was suffocating her so badly. 'Impossible! How can a 17-year-old youth have this strong killing intent?'

- To Be Continued -

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