Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 45 - 28: Turbulent Times 1

Chapter 45: Chapter 28: Turbulent Times 1

Translator: 549690339

Time flies, and years pass swiftly by; in the blink of an eye, sixteen years have gone.

Those sixteen years, neither too long nor too short, but for ordinary people, enough time for the world to transform completely.

In those sixteen years, the era’s name changed thrice, from Kaihuang to

Renshou, then from Renshou to Daye. Yang Jian, the founding monarch of Great Sui, a formidable ruler of his generation, passed away in the fourth year of Renshou at Renshou Palace, aged sixty-four.

In the same year, in July, the crown prince, Yang Guang, ascended to the throne, initiating the Daye era—thus, he became Emperor Yang of Sui.

After Yang Guang’s ascent, he unified the north and south; domestically he constructed the Grand Canal, established the Eastern Capital Luoyang, and indulged in the utmost luxury. Internationally, he waged war frequently, conquering the Tuyuhun and launching campaigns against Ryukyu, and even thrice against Goguryeo. This led to harsh levies, and the common people could hardly bear the burden, with untold suffering, igniting the flames of war throughout the land.

As a result, by the twelfth year of the Daye era, uprisings were rampant everywhere. Moreover, four major noble families, the ‘five surnames and seven hopes,’ divided territories to declare themselves kings. The empire was in a downward spiral, barely holding on—the world of Great Sui was on the brink of collapse, and the common people suffered immensely, with their lives withering away and hardships mounting.

But in these times, the land of Xuzhou was…

“Buns, fresh out of the oven! Thin-skinned, meaty, big pork buns, bursting with oil and fragrance!”

“Medicinal plaster, a family heirloom! It works wonders for headaches and fevers with a sinqle application.”

“How novel indeed, that someone has come here to hawk medicinal plasters?” “What, can’t I sell medicinal plasters in this area?”

“It’s not that you can’t sell them; it’s just that they won’t sell. Didn’t you ask around when you came here? Do you know whose territory this is?”

“Whose territory is it?”

“It’s Security Hall’s territory. What, you don’t know about Security Hall? Then surely you must know about our city’s number one divine doctor, Xu Qingyang, who revives the dying, heals the wounded, and is known as ‘Yanluo returns

“Doctor Xu is here!” “Good day, Doctor Xu!”

“Greetings, Mr. Qingyang!”

“Doctor Xu, come try these pears, just picked this morning, absolutely fresh.”

“Doctor Xu, my child celebrated his first full month yesterday. I didn’t dare disturb you because you were so busy, but please accept this basket of red eggs. Never mind, you’re busy; I’ll deliver them to Security Hall for you!”

A man approached, dressed in plain blue, dignified and composed, radiating an effortless elegance from within. Though young in appearance, he carried the presence of a grandmaster, inspiring respect and a sense of closeness in those around him.

As neighbors on the street saw him, they all greeted him warmly, and he responded with friendly banter. He arrived at a bun shop and said, “I’ll take fifty meat buns.”

“Doctor Xu, they’ve been prepared for you already.”

The shopkeeper greeted him with a smile, handing over a wax paper bag: “Here you are.”

Xu Yang nodded, accepted the wax paper bag, and handed over some small denominations of silver.

Upon seeing this, the shopkeeper quickly waved his hands: “No, no, you can’t.

It’s my fortune that you eat buns from my shop. I cannot accept this money.” Xu Yang smiled, said nothing more, put down the silver coins, and turned to leave.

Watching his departing figure, the plaster seller stood dumbfounded for a moment before returning to his senses.

“He… is that the Doctor Xu?” “Who else?”

“Is his medical skill that high?”

“It’s not about whether it’s high… Let me tell you this, ever since Security Hall opened, those sixteen years ago, there hasn’t been a patient that Doctor Xu couldn’t treat or save!”

“Really? He’s so young; can he really have such medical skills?”

“What do you know? ‘Aspiration isn’t relegated to those with age.’ Doctor Xu is a prime example of this.”

“No matter the illness, be it minor or complex, as soon as they come to Security Hall and see Doctor Xu, the ailment is sure to be cured. Even if it’s an incurable terminal illness, he can ensure a painless, peaceful parting. He’s recognized as not just Xuzhou’s, but the world’s number one divine doctor!”

“Well, okay, even if his medical skills are really that high, his consultation fee must not be cheap. We’re all common folk here—the headaches and fevers can be managed, but going to his Security Hall or buying my medicinal plasters seems more sensible.”

“What do you know? Years ago, Doctor Xu started providing free medical service. He doesn’t charge us common people, and he even gives away medicines. Moreover, he has taken in over a hundred disciples and almost a thousand students, all from impoverished backgrounds, including many orphans. Everyone praises him as a Bodhisattva reincarnated, a Buddha in human form!”

“This… don’t trick me. Not charging for consultations and giving away medicines? And with over a hundred disciples and almost a thousand students to support, what does he live on, the northwest wind?”

“You just don’t understand. Although Doctor Xu doesn’t charge us commoners, he doesn’t lose a penny from the wealthy. You’ve heard of the Iron Palm Gang, right? The so-called number one gang in Youzhou came to seek Doctor Xu’s help because their gang leader went crazy practicing martial arts. Guess how much they paid?”

“How much?”

“A full thousand taels of gold, ten pearls from the East Sea, and a ginseng from

Mount Changbai for medicinal use.”

“So, you tell me, what does Doctor Xu live on?”

“That’s… But wait, are those big shots really so easy to deal with? Willingly handing over a thousand taels of gold, pearls, and ginseng as if they were simpletons? I’ve heard of that Iron Palm Gang, and they’re nothing but a bunch of vicious demons.”

“I don’t know about that. But I do know that ever since a few years ago, when Doctor Xu started holding free clinics, there haven’t been many daring to make trouble at Security Hall. Those few blind to the facts get chased out by club-wielding doctors… Wait, where are you going?

“To seek apprenticeship. By the way, how do I get to Security Hall?”

Let’s not dwell on their discussion. Elsewhere, Xu Yang, holding the buns, had already returned to Security Hall.



“Good day, Doctor Xu!”

“Greetings, Mr. Qingyang.”

Over the past decade and more, Security Hall, now extensively enlarged, is home to many disciples and students, and hosts numerous medical visitors. Upon seeing Xu Yang’s return, they all showed their respect.

Xu Yang passed through the outer hall and entered the inner chamber, where he was met by a tall, broad-shouldered man with a square face, who did not look at all like a doctor: “Master!”


Xu Yang nodded, sat down in the armchair, opened the wax paper bag, and began to eat the buns.

The man also brewed a cup of tea and offered it, then stood by and opened a booklet, “The leader of the Sea Sand Gang, Han Gaitian, has sent someone here, specifically requesting Master to go and treat him, offering a consultation fee of one thousand taels and ten Sea Bright Pearls!”

While eating his steamed bun, Xu Yang did not even look up, “Not going.”


The man nodded, made a note in the book, and continued, “The leader of the Jukun Gang, Yun Yuzhen, has set the date for the 16th of the sixth lunar month to come for a consultation, offering a consultation fee of 100,000 taels of silver, and will present the qinggong technique, Bird Cross Skill, secret manual! ”

With an unchanged expression, Xu Yang said indifferently, “Have Xiao Shijiu handle it.”


The man nodded and continued, “From the court’s side, the new governor has not arrived yet, but it is heard that it is a person from the Yuwen Sect; they have already sent someone to deliver a greeting card, and it seems there is an implication for Master to go to the Eastern Capital.”

“Not meeting!”

The informant from the Dongming Sect has arrived to convey that, starting with the next batch of soldiers’ armor, the price will increase by thirty percent.”

“Buy as usual, until Refinement Edge Number can be self-sufficient!”

“The Great River Association has taken action, seizing three of our salt ships, demanding a ransom of 100,000 taels of silver!”

“Send Azure Dragon to deal with it!”

“Smoke signals are rising again throughout the lands, and many rebels have raised their banners against Great Sui, with the most prominent being Li Zitong, proclaimed as the King of Chu!”

“News from Luoyang, Emperor Yang of Sui is once again on tour, preparing to travel south to Yangdu, Yangzhou.”

“Rumors in the Martial World, the present inheritor of Mercy Sailing Temple is about to step into the martial world, leading the Righteous Path, and selecting an emperor on behalf of heaven!”

“Word on the street is that the Taoist Treasure Book—Longevity Jue—has been acquired by Yangzhou’s number one expert, Push Mountain Hand Stone Dragon!”

“The four great experts of the Yuwen Sect, under the lead of Yuwen Huaji, the commander in chief of Emperor Sui’s guards, have already reached Yangzhou, seeking to snatch the book and present it to Emperor Yang of Sui!”

Xu Yang sat on the master’s chair, eating steamed buns and savoring fine tea, while listening to reports and giving out instructions.

And so, in a short time, all affairs were settled, the man turned and left, leaving Xu Yang alone.

Swallowing the last steamed bun, the grease on his hands naturally dissipated, Xu Yang lifted his head, gazing outside the hall, and murmured, “Sixteen years, it has finally come!”

Amid the murmur, the interface quietly opened.

Xu Yang

Lifespan: 28/300

Cultivation: True Gang Realm Skills:

Butchery (Butcher’s technique)

Eating (Daily Devour One Ox, Strengthening Body and Health, Prolonging Life)

Sleeping (Pacifying Mind and Nourishing Soul, Stabilize Foundation and

Cultivate Essence, Prolonging Life)

Breathing (Qi Blood like Tide, Stabilize Foundation and Cultivate Essence,

Prolonging Life)

Medical Skills (The magic hand rejuvenates, Medicine cures diseases, Golden needle crossing acupoints, Transferring Qi through the palace, Yanluo returns life)

Walking (Swift as Flying, Traveling Thousands of Miles)

Archery (Never a Missed Shot, Nine Stars in a Row)

Reading (Never Forget After Reading, Infer many things from one case)

Teaching (Earnest Teaching, Mutual Learning, Leading by Example, Spreading

Martial Arts Throughout the World, Everyone Like a Dragon)

Practicing Martial Arts (Diligence Makes Up Sabotage, Cleansing Marrow,

Eternal Youth, Martial Path Communicates with God, Founder of Martial Scripture)

Like the world of Great Zhou, this world also has a time flow difference from the main world of one to three hundred sixty-five; one day in reality is one year in this world, and the difficulty of practicing skills and brushing traits is far lower than in the real world.

Thus, with the accumulation of potentiality from the world of Great Zhou, the aid from his original body in reality, and sixteen years of hard work and training, and Divine Soul transmission, Xu Yang finally transferred and mastered his main skills from his original body.

Now, he had regained his cultivation to the True Gang Realm of the Martial Path Three Realms and, with the trait “Martial Path Communicates with God,” he was whollv canable of rivaling the masters theoretically within the

Four-Realm Condensing Spirit.

Just that the time was too short, and the foundation of his power and the strength of his Divine Soul were not enough, far from the substantial accumulation of the three hundred year reign of Great Zhou; therefore, he still couldn’t attempt a breakthrough. If it were possible, he really would have liked to accumulate another few decades, or even a hundred years.

Unfortunately, this ‘if’ does not stand, as the world will fall into chaos, and a great era is coming.

What is a great era?

A great era is a great conflict, the struggle of a great era, an era of great strife!

Putting it in a way that modern people can understand better, it’s about one word—competition!

Either you outcompete others, or others outcompete you; there is no third option.

After all, with his current magnitude and strength, he has long been under the scrutiny of various forces; continuing to lie low, looking on from the sidelines for opportune gains is impossible.

No one is a fool; before the clam and crane battle, they will surely drag the observer who is a fisherman into the water too.

So, whether Xu Yang likes it or not, willing or not, the flames of war in this troubled world will reach him.

If that’s the case, then so be it!

Xu Yang has never been one to fear trouble; lying low to build up silently was only a temporary measure, not the ultimate goal.

A true man, born into this world, can lay temporarily in waiting but cannot hide from life forever; there are things worth fighting for, and no matter what, they must be fought for!

He…. is ready!

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