Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 240 – Let’s deal with this Fox filth!

Chapter 240 – Let’s deal with this Fox filth!

Aiko returned to her 'camp' only to find an ongoing scuffle.

She turned into her pseudo-Human form and dressed with the Sect Token before approaching.

"I'm telling you, we don't have much time before they rob the graves!" The Mirage Fox shouted.

"We are not part of your team, if you wish to retrieve the bodies, do it yourself or wait for our Mistress." The Blood Fox calmly answered.

"As the Vicious Fox is not here, I'm not the leader of both teams and I will-" The Mirage Fox kept spouting nonsense which annoyed Aiko.

She was noticed by the Gluttonous Fox and Shadow Passion.

The Gluttonous Fox tried to warn the Mirage Fox, but before he could say anything Aiko already readied herself.

'Ready, aim, fire!' Aiko used her jump, with a double jump in tandem, kicking the Mirage Fox's vulnerable crotch.

"%@$#%" The Mirage Fox straightened his back as he screamed and foamed from his mouth before collapsing on the ground.

Aiko brushed her hands and cleaned her leg with a towel before throwing it away.

"This ought to do." Aiko nodded happily to be able to solve the situation.

""Mistress."" The duo bowed, while the Mirage Fox's team was still surprised by her actions.

Aiko nodded happily. "The Capital is a mess, but it was a successful find. I was able to gather quite a bit of information, but I can't take you with me." She sighed. "That place is like a fortress and they waste money to keep lights on at all times, so it's hard to sneak around with... large bodies..." Aiko stared at her team. She didn't want to admit that she was small, but in order to explain it to them properly she had to do something...

"We understand, Mistress." The Blood Fox nodded. "What should we do then?"

"I believe there will be chaos once I obtain the Princess and ro- *Cough* move any Treasures around, so it would be best to find a secret place?" Aiko didn't know if the last part was good enough, so she gazed towards her team.

The Blood Fox was thinking, while Umbra was still staring at the Mirage Fox. It didn't seem like Aiko would be able to get anything from Umbra so she gazed at her Blood Fox.

"I believe it's a good idea, but killing the Princess would make the extraction difficult..." The Blood Fox frowned and stared at Aiko.

"I don't have a way to transport-" Aiko suddenly ducked and a fist went just above her head.

"You damn dwarf bastard!" The Mirage Fox had recovered and was furious.

Aiko immediately changed her forms to become faster. She did not care about the Mirage Fox in the slightest.

The Mirage Fox created Illusions around him and the surroundings changed. Unfortunately, those were low-level Illusions and Aiko could see through them.

Aiko moved to a nearby pile of suspicious rocks, but she didn't dwell on it too much and used it as a repeater, throwing them at the Mirage Fox.

"Do you think a simple rock can hurt me?!" The Mirage Fox roared in anger as shiny armour appeared on his outer body. "You can't even put a den-"


"Ugh." The Mirage Fox staggered from the impact. He was uninjured, but the force behind those rocks was no joke even to him, moreover-!


That shitty little Fox kept dishing out rock after rock at him and he had no chance to retaliate! Moreover, his Illusions had to be maintained by him, the moment he lost focus would be the moment his Illusions would disappear.

The Mirage Fox used a Thunder Talisman in hopes of hitting the Vicious Cub, but the barrage of rocks blocked the effects of his Talisman! He was completely helpless against this brat!

Aiko kept throwing rocks before stopping. Until the Mirage Fox's armour started to crack.

"Screw you!" The Mirage Fox threw a Smoke Pill to blind the Vicious Cub.

It worked for a moment, but he met with yet another opponent!

A huge fist of blood quickly approached his body.

"You dare to stand in front of me?!" The Mirage Fox yelled speechlessly, he was much stronger than the Passion Fox. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to kidnap her!

The Mirage Fox smiled deliriously, but for some reason, the Blood Fist kept going?!

'Why isn't it stopping?!' The Mirage Fox was shocked as the Blood Fist crashed into his body.

'It's weak, but it still has force behind it!' The Mirage Fox glared at the Passion Fox who blocked his path.

"You dare-" The Mirage Fox wanted to use his ring and quickly shove the Passion Fox into his Storage Pouch that could hold the living.

Unfortunately for him, a whole ass boulder crashed into his back and he deflated like a balloon.

His armour likewise got destroyed and he crashed onto the ground, spatting blood violently.

'Fuck! Since when was the Vicious Cub so strong?!' His intel did not say anything about the Vicious Cub being so overwhelming!

And that was the fault of the speed of information in this World. While Aiko demonstrated her ruthlessness during the carnage and slaughter of the 'zombies'. This news did not spread just yet, or rather they were suppressed by the Royal Family as such an invasion would tatter their reputation.

The last information he got about the Vicious Cub's prowess was during her training time on the Shadow Peak, but Aiko was much more powerful now due to her better utilisation of Energy and more Skills.

As such, the Mirage Fox hit a metal plate for the first time in his life.

His body shined as new and more lustrous armour appeared on his body.

The Mirage Fox cursed the Vicious Cub for forcing his Soul to use that armour. It had limited charges and he would cry over each single one, yet he had to use it on a lowly Fox?!

He used the last bit of his wealth on the Sacred Treasure. He would be able to restrain the Vicious Cub for a few minutes, which would give him plenty of time to escape.

The Sacred Treasure hummed sinisterly as it targeted the Vicious Cub.

"Aiko run!" The Shadow Passion shouted even through the pain that the contract inflicted.

Aiko wanted to gut this bastard, so she did not run. Anyone who attacks her will get her tender treatment~!

The Sacred Treasure enveloped Aiko and the Shadow Passion gulped hard. She could not believe that Aiko was so easily controlled.


"ARGH!" The Mirage Fox screamed loudly. The Sacred Treasure on his finger violently exploded, taking part of his hand with it even through the armour.

The world darkened, and a low growl spread in the area.

Aiko's whole body was jet black, like a Beast from the darkest places. Yet above her stood an even larger and darker Beast. It was hard to say what kind of Beast it was since the only thing they could see was... Horror... Terrifying pressure...

They had the thought to kneel immediately and beg for forgiveness, none was excluded.

The Mirage Fox's eyes shrunk. He did not expect such development. Moreover, he also saw a familiar Ghost under the Beast's huge paws.

He gulped hard, but before he could think properly about what to do next, the large Beast slapped him.

It was his Soul against Aiko's and while he ate a lot of Souls, his Bloodlines could not compare to Aiko's. The Sacred Defensive Treasure shattered like it was made out of glass and he was blasted through countless trees until the mountain stopped his body.

He immediately lost consciousness from the impacts and pressure the Beast subjected his Soul to.

His eyes rolled back and he did not move any more...

"Mistress..." Aiko gazed towards the Blood Fox's pained expression.

"What?" Aiko tilted her head and the world turned back to normal in an instant. There was no terrifying Beast behind Aiko. There was no longer any pressure and everything returned to normal like it was some kind of dream...

Her team pursed their lips. Aiko's Divine Sense was so scary, so scary that it even affected the close proximity around her...

"Umbra." Aiko said with a commanding voice.

"Y-yes." Umbra stuttered since there were still some leftover effects after this experience.

"Tie that fuck and make sure he can't escape." Aiko then turned towards the Blood Fox.

"Pick up the Shadow Passion and we are running away immediately." After saying that, Aiko turned back towards Umbra. "Find us through the contract."

""Yes, Mistress!"" They both bowed, more than happy to listen to Aiko's commands.

"As for you..." Aiko paused seeing the Fat Fox. "Stay alive?" She snorted disdainfully before running away with the Blood Fox who was carrying unconscious Wanshu.

"What just happened..." The Gluttonous Fox could not understand it. While his team could not be considered a top team, it was still very high up on the 'Leaderboards'. Meanwhile, the Vicious Cub's team was not even on the 'Leaderboards', yet they were easily able to trash their team at will. "What am I going to do..." His mind was confused, but he couldn't think for too long.

"There is a fat Fox over there!" Someone shouted and the Gluttonous Fox immediately stood up and tried to run away...


Aiko kept running behind the Blood Fox to conceal the tracks with her tails. As she was faster, it was easier for her to do that.

"I hope Umbra will be alright." Aiko could not send the faster Blood Fox for the Mirage Fox, since she would be found out much easier, meanwhile, Umbra had the same Bloodline as Aiko and that was of the Shadow Fox.

It was not quite the same as Aiko had Fiend, but it was still a stealthy Bloodline, which should help her conceal herself and find them later.

They ran for a few days, just to make sure that there were no pursuers on their back and found a nice little meadow cave that they could hide in.

"Are you alright?" Aiko asked as she watched the Blood Fox pant heavily.

"It would be easier if I didn't need to carry her, but I'm doing alright." The Blood Fox's Stamina was rock bottom for the past few days, so her body ached all over, but she could not let Wanshu run on her feet since she was simply too slow for their pace.

"Rest, I will gather some firewood and we can set up a camp." Aiko nodded gently.

"Tie her up too, just in case." Aiko commanded the Blood Fox to tie the Shadow Passion.

Wanshu did not resist and understood Aiko's thoughts.

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