Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 232 – ‘Helping a Friend’

Chapter 232 – ‘Helping a Friend’

Shadow Passion explored the Umbra Fox's body, but no matter where she touched the Umbra Fox, there was no whimper of pain.

The Shadow Passion was emboldened to find anything or any kind of place that would hurt the Umbra Fox.

She gently cupped her breasts and she was immediately shocked by their softness.

She explored more and more, her thoughts drifting away from her original intention.

The Shadow Passion gently touched the Umbra Fox sacred cave and the Umbra Fox could not bear it any more.

"Mhm." A sensual and enchanting moan escaped the Umbra Fox's lips.

The Shadow Passion stiffened and put her hands away immediately, but something inside burned scorchingly hot.

She had to rub her ears to calm herself down.

The Umbra Fox was aroused by that bold exploration, but seeing that incredibly cute expression; she decided not to reprimand the Shadow Passion for stopping.

"See, I'm alright~" The Umbra Fox spun around easily, as if she was light as a feather.

The Shadow Passion blushed even more, now her face resembled a tomato. She wanted to avert her gaze, but she was unable to do so...

"A-are you really alright?" The Shadow Passion was concerned about the Umbra Fox's health and mental state.

"Yeah." The Umbra Fox nodded. "The Grandmaster might whip us harshly, but it's still beneficial, as we can see the fruits of our hard labour the next day." She was incredibly happy and thankful for her Mistress that she was able to receive tutelage from the Grandmaster.

"Grandmaster...?" The Shadow Passion didn't understand what the Umbra Fox was talking about.

"How about the Heavenly Fox...?" The Shadow Passion couldn't help, but to ask.

The Heavenly Fox was the nickname for a Fox who trained other Foxes in seduction, sex, and anything associated with it.

He was mostly residing in the Shadow Peak, but he would go around other peaks to train others too.

Nobody would be able to avoid him and he loved to 'teach' others. He was a harsh teacher who was able to empty your Stamina after a few simple thrusts...

The Shadow Passion’s body always ached after that...

"Who is that?" The Umbra Fox genuinely didn't know, as she was always able to avoid any erotic training.

Moreover, now that she was with her Mistress; she was even exempt from those sorts of things!

The Shadow Passion stared blankly. "Elder that teaches sex...?"

She couldn't understand why the Umbra Fox didn't know about him.

"Don't know about him. I haven't had sex yet." The Umbra Fox tilted her head cutely.

An arrow pierced the Shadow Passions hard. The Umbra Fox was cute, but that didn't lessen her confusion.

"You have never been taught?" The Shadow Passion felt that it was impossible and that the Umbra Fox was trying to lie with a cute face.

"I always avoided it." The Umbra Fox confessed honestly. Normally, if this was reported, she would get severe training, but she trusted the Shadow Passion.

But, even if Shadow Passion did decide to out her, it's not like anything could be done as she herself had significant backing that none dared to offend.

"But once you form a team, you are subjected to group training..." The Shadow Passion hated those, since she felt like some kind of doll...

"Ah..." The Umbra Fox smacked her forehead and the Shadow Passion thought that she finally understood. "I don't have to participate in those." She smiled from ear to ear.

The Shadow Passion completely froze. "Huh?" She stared blankly at the Umbra Fox.

"Because of my Mistress, I'm exempted from it." The Umbra Fox gently smiled.

The Shadow Passion was frozen in place. She could not understand what words were leaving the Umbra Fox's mouth.

Someone was able to avoid that horrible experience...?

The Umbra Fox was worried since she felt like she was the cause of Shadow Passion's abnormal expression. Soon, even tears rolled down the Shadow Passion's cheeks.

The Umbra Fox panicked. She noticed the Shadow Passion's abnormal and fleeting eyes, but she would not allow her to run away.

She gently hugged Shadow Passion's body and she could feel that it stiffened even more.

The Shadow Passion wanted to cry, but she was suppressing that feeling.

"It's okay to cry, you will feel better." The Umbra Fox comforted the Shadow Passion.

A quiet whimper escaped the Shadow Passion's lips.

At that moment, the Umbra Fox felt something ripping inside her. She felt infuriated, but she still managed to gently caress the Shadow Passion's back and hair.

Shadow Passion cried open and the Umbra Fox was comforting her.

If Aiko was around, she would be shocked by the completely livid expression that the Umbra Fox had on her face for the first time.


The crying stopped after some time.

The Umbra Fox did her best to calm and hide her turbulent thoughts.

She did not notice that the Shadow Passion was wrapping her hands around her waist, but even if she knew; she would not stop it.

The Shadow Passion was comforted by this abnormally soft and warm embrace.

If she was troubled... She was always alone... She...

The Shadow Passion smothered her own face on the Umbra fox's breasts.

The Umbra Fox had a gentle smile as she caressed her head.

"Feeling better?" The Umbra Fox asked simply if her voice was raspy, which caressed the Shadow Passion's ears.

The Shadow Passion was shy, embarrassed by this embrace. She gently nodded.

"That is good..." The Umbra Fox said gently and helped the Shadow Passion to nestle on her breasts.

"But just because you are alright, doesn't mean you will skip bathing!" The Umbra Fox nudged the Shadow Passion threateningly, but it was more of a teasing than anything else.

The Shadow Passion couldn't help, but giggle. At this moment, she simply felt amazing...

"I won't avoid it if you help me..." The Shadow Passion's voice was hoarse from the crying, but that didn't mean she would not be at least a little bit bold.

The Umbra Fox didn't mind, since she knew that even Aiko had problems dressing up. It was natural that other Foxes would have other weaknesses.

She completely misunderstood the Shadow Passion...

"Sure." The Umbra Fox didn't mind helping, unaware of the Shadow Passion's intentions...

The Shadow Passion blushed again. She didn't think that the Umbra Fox would willingly agree.

'No, wait! I'm not ready!' The Shadow Passion was yelling in her mind, startled by the assertiveness of the Umbra Fox.

The Umbra Fox slowly took off the Shadow Passion accessories.

The Shadow Passion blushed red, not just her face, but also her ears and neck felt hot and they were very red.

The Umbra Fox suddenly paused.

'The water will be cold...' They purchased a few Warming Stones.

The Shadow Passion was confused at the sudden pause. 'Maybe she is finally embarrassed...?' This put a smile on her lips, but that same smile soon changed.

She saw the Umbra Fox dumping Warming Stones into the pond without a second thought.

The Shadow Passion's lips naturally twitched at this wanton display of wealth.

"It's not good if it's cold..." The Umbra Fox murmured and the Shadow Foxed choked.

"You are using precious Warming Stones to heat up the water?!" Her inner thoughts leaked.

"Yes." The Umbra Fox smiled gently.

The words that the Shadow Passion wanted to tell the Umbra Fox were stuck in her throat. She could not reprimand someone so innocent, but god-damn was she jealous!

Warming Stones were usually used as a means to combat Cold Qi. They were indispensable for normal Cultivators, much less for Foxes, as some Foxes were bad against cold...

The Umbra Fox nodded happily after testing the water. "Nice and warm~" She hummed happily as her world was already distorted by Aiko's spending...

The Shadow Passion pursed her lips. She will be teaching her about wealth later so they won't go bankrupt once they-

'What am I thinking?!' The Shadow Passion's eyes shook from her own thoughts.

The Umbra Fox stood up again and placed her soft warm hands on the Shadow Passion's hips.

That warmth spread in the Shadow Passion's lower body and burned scorchingly hot, making her fidget.

"If you won't stop squirming, I might touch you inappropriately." The Umbra fox licked her lips and threatened the Shadow Passion.

'Touch, touch all you want!' Was what the Shadow Passion wanted to scream, but she was like a powerlifter, holding two strings of reason together so they wouldn't snap.

The Umbra Fox smiled at the Shadow Passion, she was much more fun to tease compared to Aiko.

She took off the Shadow Passion's outer cloak, which was not a normal cloak, but it felt more like a holding place for the hand.

Some designs even Umbra Fox could not understand...


All the unnecessary outer layers were removed and all that was left was the tighter-than-necessary bodysuit.

This was the first time the Umbra Fox appreciated the old suit, but the moment she thought about that, she immediately scolded herself. 'What am I?! Some kind of pervert?!' Her mind paused. 'Well... Nononono, she asked me to help her, restrain yourself, you pervert!' She beat herself up in her mind so that she wouldn't just molest the Shadow Passion.

'Ugh.' The Umbra Fox averted her eyes, confusing the Shadow Passion.

'I might have a nosebleed if I continue staring...' The Umbra Fox thought as she covered her nose with her hand.

She breathed in and out, calming herself, but that body... That perfectly curvaceous body that she so loved and adored was still in front of her...


Before she could take the bodysuit off, she needed to remove the 'convenient windows' as the Elders called it...

The Umbra Fox was sickened at those thoughts, but she did not let it see on her face.

She gently removed the clips that held it in place and removed the rough and uncomfortable fabric.

It was bound to happen and the Umbra Fox steeled herself for it, but the spilled breasts still shocked her, but not for their beauty...

They were bite marks, claw marks and scratches, blue-purple spots, you name it...

The Umbra Fox was completely livid and her face distorted.

The Shadow Passion was worried about what the Umbra Fox would think. Will she scorn her body? Will she hate it? She held her breath until she saw her livid expression.

The Shadow Passion wanted to hide, but she noticed that she... didn't feel uncomfortable by that expression? How was that possible? She even felt warm??

The Shadow Passion was confused and the Umbra Fox was breathing hard to calm down. She was not strong enough to challenge the Mirage Fox head-on, but she would ask her Mistress for help. Fuck the whole 'You should do it alone' thing!

The Umbra Fox removed the lower window and her face distorted even more, not only were there the same marks, but her labia were also torn.

The Umbra Fox could not imagine the amount of pain the Shadow Passion was experiencing by wearing that filthy and rough cloth.

The Shadow Passion gently caressed the kneeling Umbra Fox's hair. She felt all light and warm that someone would get so angry in her place... this likewise never happened...

The Umbra Fox didn't want to take the bodysuit off... She knew that she would lose her reason the moment she did, but seeing the gentle expression from the Shadow Passion...

The Umbra fox did her best to calm herself and slowly took the rest of the bodysuit...

She immediately snapped and wanted to tear that bastard apart, but a soothing voice interrupted. "Thank you..." It was a soft, yet fragile voice...

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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