Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 148 – Allowed and Gentle Lady

Chapter 148 – Allowed and Gentle Lady

The duo looked at the awkward Aiko and the completely naked Inscription Saint.

"This is what happens when you don't knock." He tried to sound tough, but that red face was not doing him any favours.

The Blood Fox chuckled. "Don't worry, there is not much to see." She said sarcastically.

The Umbra Fox nodded slowly, even the smallest ones back on the Shadows Peak were bigger.

He choked at those words. "Get out, you ungrateful children!"

"We are of similar age." The Blood Fox chuckled but closed the door so he couldn't poison Aiko's eyes.

The two stared at the awkward little Aiko.

Aiko coughed and walked away into the nearby waiting room, but her ears were red. She didn't expect that bastard to have a bath in the middle of the day!

She sat down and snatched some snacks from the table to munch on something, so she could calm down.

The duo didn't like her reaction, but at least she wasn't ogling him with lust. They would have to fight him if that was the case.


Half an hour later he came into the room, spotting them.

"You are still here?" He thought that they would storm away.

"We need some accommodation before we finish the mission." Aiko said slowly, but soon after she stuffed her cheeks with more snacks.

His lips twitched. "And that's why you barged into my room?" He stared at the small Fox, who was avoiding his gaze.

"What kind of bastard bathes during the day..." Aiko clicked her tongue and munched on another snack.

He paused, but glared at her soon after. He was upset that he was disturbed when he was taking a nice bath.

"What is your mission?" He asked passively.

"Investigate the Princess." Aiko didn't conceal it, since he couldn't really stop them.

"The one from the fallen kingdom?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yup." Aiko nodded.

He fell into deep thought.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" He probed.

"No, but I want her treasure and information." Aiko said.

"Treasure..." He tapped the nearby table with the tea tray. 'If she had some kind of treasure on her, it would explain a lot of those odd situations, but I could not see where that treasure is...'

He stared at the little Fox, trying to probe for more information from her etiquette, but she was so engrossed in eating that she ignored him.

"If you can meet her, what will you do?" He suddenly asked.

"Extract that treasure." Aiko said with a smile.

"You don't want to kill her?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Too much work." Aiko shook her head. Sure, the mission was an investigation and she could kill her, but that was just too much work. She wanted that treasure and investigation could be done afterwards.

"Alright. I'm going into the palace tomorrow, so you can join me, but I wish to appraise the treasure." He said.

"As long as you don't take it from me, I have no issue with that." Aiko said.

"That will depend on its rarity." He said slowly.

"Then you can forget about it." Aiko shrugged nonchalantly.

"Do you believe you can come and go into the palace?" He scoffed.

"Yes." Aiko smiled gently and munched on another snack.

He stiffened, he couldn't understand where this confidence was coming from.

"Fine!" He ruffled his hair. He couldn't figure out where that treasure was or how it was used, so it was better to at least know what kind of treasure that was.

Aiko smiled gently. "Don't forget to swear on Heaven and Earth."


He was sipping his tea when Aiko said that sentence and he sprayed his tea around the room.

"Ew." Aiko said, hiding from the spraying tea.

*Cough Cough*

"You little rascal, you really are taking advantage of me!" He cursed her.

"What's there to take advantage of?" Aiko stuck out her tongue, angering him in the process.

"I will have you know that I'm dubbed as the most handsome Inscription Cultivator!" He defended himself from Aiko's gaze.

"Those people must've lost their minds!" Aiko exclaimed. "Oh right, maybe they couldn't evaluate everything..." Aiko stared at a certain place on his body.

"You shameless little-!" He glared at the mischievous little Fox.

"What?" Aiko tilted her head. "Oh?" She made an expression like she understood. "You invited them into the bath so that they could thoroughly evaluate you, right..." Aiko nodded like she nailed the reason for such a high evaluation.

He turned completely red and threw his cup at Aiko, but he didn't use his full strength. Yes, he was angered badly, but that didn't mean he could take it out on someone who could possibly surpass him. That was just asking for trouble, but that also didn't mean he would take it lying down!

"Come here, you rascal! You need some basic education on etiquette!" He proclaimed righteously.

When Aiko heard the word 'education' she immediately booked it away from him.

To his surprise she was pretty quick, but nothing he couldn't catch.

"You can also follow." He smiled sinisterly. "The more students, the better."

The duo wanted to beat him up, but when they saw his speed surpassed Aiko’s even without using Runes or anything visible... They were concerned about Aiko's mouth.


"Lady Liu, my apologies for interrupting your rest." The Handsome Youth smiled at the elderly lady.

"Isn't that little Chen boy?" She smiled gently.

"Yes." He cupped his hands.

"And who is that little cutie?" She narrowed her eyes. "You know that I taught you not to kidnap children." She had a stern expression.

"She is a rascal that is cooperating with me, but her mouth is..." He didn't know how to correctly describe it.

"Grandma save me! He is a bad person!" Aiko struggled the moment she met her eyes.

Lady Liu giggled. "Come here."

"Lady Liu..." The Handsome Youth was concerned that she would be deceived by this little rascal.

Aiko skipped a few steps and grasped Lady Liu's sleeve.

"You are very cute." Aiko suddenly said. She liked the kind-looking elderly the most.

Lady Liu smiled. "I don't see any issue with her. Sure, she could use some etiquette, but she is quite lovable." Lady Liu caressed Aiko's hair.

She looked very old, her hair was white and she had a small and fragile build. Yet her body was exuding an air of nobleness that couldn't be ignored.

"How long will you be staying here?" She gently pinched the little girl's cheek.

"For a few days." Aiko had trouble speaking, but she didn't mind that, as this person looked kinder than that Chen Youth.

"Hmmm... There is not much time." She shook her head. "Where are you going next?" She asked with a smile.

"To the Heavenly Mountain Empire." Aiko smiled back. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she sealed the deal with the devil.

"Then you can come with us, right, Chen boy?" She smiled towards the Youth.

He didn't want to leave this place, but since his teacher said so, he could only oblige. "Of course, Lady Liu."

"Good. We will take our first etiquette class." She said. "Unfortunately, I don't know much about Foxes, so I can only teach you the Human etiquette and body language."

The team stiffened and went on guard, but Lady Liu just giggled.

"The way you walk indicates that there is something heavy behind you." She gestured. "But you don't have anything like that on your back, so you could only be a Beast." She then said slowly. "The only ones that obtain a human form so soon are the Foxes, and this little cutie here must be very talented to get one so soon." She stared at the little Fox.

"Oh..." Aiko was taken aback that there were other ways to be found out.

The duo was still on guard.

"I mean no harm. I like Foxes for their fluffy tails." She said with a smile. "If you were a lizard..." She narrowed her eyes, remembering that rascal. "You would have a harder time with me, but I'm ultimately a Human, I can't hurt you." She giggled.

"You are not a Cultivator?" Aiko tilted her head.

"En." She smiled and petted the little Fox.

"But your face..." Aiko stared at it for a long time, but she couldn't find any wrinkles on her face.

"If you take care of your body properly, it will reward you." She smiled.

"So that hair isn't a fashion choice?" Aiko stared at her white hair that reached the ground.

"Of course not." She laughed. "That's the only thing I can't control and it would be troublesome to colour it every few months." She liked this outspoken girl, so she would like to help her.

"I see..." Aiko nodded. "But it's still oddly pretty?" Aiko didn't understand, but that hair was oddly alluring with her demeanour.

"That is because of etiquette." She giggled. "If I do this..."

"Old ha-" Aiko stopped herself this time from saying the word hag, but she was so shocked by the sudden change of air and visage that it almost slipped out of her mouth.

Lady Liu laughed loudly, this little cutie would be fun to teach, she liked the fact that she was an honest girl. She wondered how she would talk if she was angered, but considering that little Chen had to bring this little Fox to her, that would mean it was pretty bad.


"Now, little Chen, you can go." She dismissed him as she was more interested in the young blood.

"They are still-" He tried to warn his teacher, but he only got a glare in return. "They won't hurt me." She sighed, shaking her head. "I have no hostile intentions. Beasts, unlike Humans, are very sensitive to those things. They have no need to harm me since I'm not a threat or not directly endangering them." She explained her reasoning. "Which reminds me you will need more-"

"Ahaha, look at the time Lady Liu. My apologies, but I will have to excuse myself as I still have some work to do." He made up an excuse since he didn't want to go through those hellish etiquette lessons again.

Lady Liu sighed. "You were much cuter when you were younger." She shook her head, but still waved him away. Lady Liu now had these cuties to teach, which more than made up for the lack of their interest.

She... often felt lonely, so she taught others to fill up that void, but it was simply not enough. After a few classes with her, the people tried to distance themselves from her, saying that was enough to appear noble.

She could only sigh and let them go, since she wasn't a Cultivator, she couldn't contend with them or make them stay.

They did promise to visit her later, but later for Cultivators might mean a few dozen years. She couldn't live that long...

Lady Liu was an unfortunate Soul who was stuck in this vicious cycle, unable to break through and escape it.

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