Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1237: myth

Chapter 1237: myth

Chapter 1237 Myth

Chen Fei opened his eyes and looked around cautiously, seeing a deserted scene.

The practitioners who were around him before disappeared without a trace at this moment, and they didnt know where they went. Even Li Song, whom Chen Fei deliberately protected behind him, disappeared without a trace at this moment.

On the vast land, Chen Fei is the only one left here.

The strange words that echoed in my ears just now no longer ring, everything is like an illusion.

"Road to Road, very Avenue"

Chen Fei thought of the first sentence he heard just now. It didn't sound like the cultivation method in the Guixu Realm. Instead, it reminded Chen Fei of his previous life, a world without extraordinary beings at all.

But it is clear that there is no extraordinary, but there are countless legends of fairy tales left in history.

According to Chen Feis mainstream statement at the time, the so-called fairy tales and myths and legends were nothing but compiled by the ancients yearning for eternal life.

Or it is a reverence for nature, imagining various natural phenomena as being controlled by special gods.

Afraid of this power, and thus yearn for these powers.

But the fact is, is this really the case?

Chen Fei didn't know about it before, but he has never seen extraordinary power in real life. He has gradually recognized this statement. At most, he only occasionally thought of it in his heart.

But since the soul inexplicably traveled to Pingyin County and walked all the way to the Endless Sea, under the special power of the mind, it actually condensed the Xuanyuan Sword.

Chen Fei's view of his past world has undergone a huge change.

Xuanyuan Sword turned out to be real, and it was condensed into a true spirit by Chen Fei. Although it was only an extremely thin true spirit, its power was surprisingly great.

But after arriving in the Guixu Realm, Xuanyuan Sword fell into silence, and its true spirit collapsed, leaving only a trace of its true spirit in Chen Fei's mind.

Just now, Xuanyuan Sword actually fluctuated. This was something that had never happened before.

Chen Fei raised his head and looked into the distance. The traces of Xuanyuan Sword were still in silence at this moment, just like those weird murmurs just now, like an illusion.

Chen Fei's eyes swept and his brows suddenly frowned slightly. It was not because of Xuanyuan Sword or those babbles just now, nor because he couldn't find other practitioners.

But at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly discovered that he could only sense a little of the various rules in the space.

When he was in the world of mind and deceit before, although the contamination of the power of mind and deception hindered Chen Fei's perception, it only compressed the range of perception to a few hundred miles.

Within the range of hundreds of miles, Chen Fei could still sense the rules very clearly, resonate with them, and exert his due power.

But here, the rules are still there, but these rules are wrapped in a very strange energy, which is very similar to the vitality of heaven and earth, but there are many differences from the vitality of heaven and earth.

It is precisely because of this energy package that Chen Fei cannot clearly sense the rules, let alone resonate.

Chen Fei slowly clenched his right hand. His cultivation level was still there, but without the resonance of the rules of heaven and earth, his strength was naturally much weaker.

Chen Fei tried to absorb the strange energy, and he was able to absorb it, but it was a little difficult to refine it.

Where is this place?

Chen Fei initially thought that he had fallen into another weird body.

After all, in the world of mental weirdness, apart from those resentful spirits, there are probably all kinds of weirdness.

In the drowning abyss where he was just now, the power of the heart and mind was completely accumulated, and Chen Fei would not be surprised by any weird things that were born.

But Weirdness must also follow the rules of heaven and earth. If he is in the ninth-level Weirdness body at this moment, it can indeed block Chen Fei's perception of heaven and earth.

But that was complete shielding, not what is happening today.

The most important thing is that Chen Fei's talent is endless and he can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth in the void. At this moment, Chen Fei cannot sense the gaps in the void.

Chen Fei's endless talent has failed in this desolate place.

Chen Fei took a deep breath and suppressed the doubts in his heart. No matter how much he thought about it at the moment, it was useless because no one would give Chen Fei the answer.

On the contrary, it is more important to understand this place as soon as possible and find a way out.

Chen Fei's figure flashed and disappeared from the same place. When he reappeared, he was hundreds of miles away.

Chen Fei did not rush as fast as he could, fearing that he would not be able to react in time if something unexpected happened. Hundreds of miles traveled in an instant, which was just right for Chen Fei.

At least Chen Fei could clearly see everything he saw, so he wouldn't be caught off guard.

This desolate land is very large. Chen Fei has flown tens of thousands of miles, but the surrounding scenery has not changed much.

The sky is filled with yellow sand, and there are no plants on the ground. Although it is not like the world of the Heart, which is only black and white, but after staying in this place for a long time, I still feel depressed.


Suddenly, the yellow sand below suddenly exploded, and a huge black shadow rose into the sky, its ferocious mouthparts moving towards Chen Fei's position to devour it.

The tearing force spread around Chen Fei, blocking Chen Fei's actions, and there was also a weird power of rules pressing on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei's brows moved slightly, looking at the bitten mouthpart, he twisted his body and swept the edge of the mouthpart with a whip leg.

"Boom!" The black shadow's mouthparts exploded instantly, and its huge body drew a parabola, and then fell into the yellow sand.

Dark green juice filled the air, exuding a corrosive sour smell.

Beneath the yellow sand, Chen Fei had vaguely sensed the existence of some creatures before, but Chen Fei had no intention of going deep into the yellow sand and digging them out.

After all, he didnt understand the situation here, and Chen Fei didnt want to make extraneous matters.

However, when this dark shadow came to the door, Chen Fei naturally had nothing to be polite about.

This black shadow looks like an earthworm head magnified countless times.

That huge mouthpart occupies more than 90% of the monster's body. The body behind the mouthpart is very short. It looks not only ferocious, but also extremely weird.

The smell is somewhat similar to the smell of insects in the swamp before, but it is completely different in many details.

After being kicked by Chen Fei, most of the insect's mouthparts exploded, but instead of weakening, the aura on its body began to rise significantly.

Furthermore, the injured mouthparts are recovering at an extremely alarming speed. If Chen Fei doesn't stop it, the insect's injuries will be fully recovered in maybe ten breaths.

If it is in the Guixu Realm, Chen Fei's kick will bring the power of rules, and the power of rules will attach to the opponent, continue to strangle, and prevent the opponent from recovering from injuries.

The same is true even in the world of mind and tricks, because although the world of mind and tricks is special, it is still within the scope of the entire Guixu world. It is just that the vitality of heaven and earth has become the power of mind and tricks, but the rules are still the same.

But here, Chen Fei couldn't resonate with the rules. After the attack was fired, the subsequent suppression became very low, and he couldn't let the vitality of heaven and earth amplify his attack.

As for the elemental energy attached to the insect's mouthparts, the insect used the special energy here to smooth it out and remove it.

In this desolate land, Chen Fei is an outsider, and this insect is the master here.


This insect was severely injured by Chen Fei's kick. At this moment, it finally came back to its senses and roared crazily at Chen Fei.

Countless sharp teeth in the mouthparts are intertwined with each other, and there are hundreds of layers on top of each other. Any creature that falls into it will be ground by these hundreds of circles of sharp teeth.

Chen Fei's body flashed and appeared above the insect. Amidst the sound of the Qianyuan Sword, a huge sword shadow flashed from the Qianyuan Sword, and then slashed into the insect's body.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the insect's body could not withstand the sharp edge of the Qianyuan Sword, and it was cut into two pieces without any resistance.


Suddenly, countless amounts of dark green juice shot out from the insect's body, which had been broken into two parts.

This is no longer a corrosive sour smell, but Chen Fei's field of vision is completely surrounded by this dark green juice, with no room for dodge.

The insect was broken into two parts at the same time. Countless white threads sprouted crazily at the broken position. The white threads of the two fragments of the body were entangled with each other, and then they were forcibly pulled to sew the fragments back together.

Moreover, the broken mouthparts that seemed to take more than ten breaths to recover just now have recovered to their original state without knowing when.

Chen Fei felt a little surprised when he felt this scene. The vitality of this insect had reached an incredible level.

Chen Fei's sword just now didn't just cut open the insect, the majestic sword element also rushed into the insect's body.

But now, the destructive effect of those sword elements is actually not as good as the recovery power of the insects.

Chen Fei turned the Qianyuan Sword and cut away the dark green juice in front of him. His body flashed and disappeared, and then appeared in mid-air, looking carefully at the roaring insects below.

Chen Fei's two attacks just now, although they did not reach the level of Creation Realm, were encountered at the peak of Open Heaven Realm, and they died one after another.

Now that it fell on this insect, it seemed that the two sides had never fought at all. Both sides were unscathed, except for the extremely strong sour smell in the air.

The insect's huge mouthparts pointed at Chen Fei, then suddenly turned around and rushed toward the sand below.

Even though the two sides looked at each other at the moment, the insect knew in his heart that he might not be able to defeat this strange creature.

In this case, it is better to escape quickly to avoid getting out of hand in the end.

This insect's spiritual wisdom is not low, or rather very high. It is no different from ordinary practitioners. It can judge the situation and knows how to advance and retreat.

The insect jumped out very quickly just now, but now it rushes back even faster.

Just before the insect really touched the sand, Chen Fei's figure appeared in front of the insect.


Like before, another whip kick kicked Chongzhi's body into the air, and Chongzhi had no time to react.

Moreover, this time, 80% of the insect's mouthparts were broken into pieces, and the remaining 20% were still rapidly festering.

After figuring out some of the characteristics of this insect, Chen Fei naturally used some of his real power. At this moment, the mouthparts of the insect are still festering. The reason is also very simple. He can defeat all methods!

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