Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 10: New recipe

Chapter 10: New recipe

Chapter 10 New recipe

Chen Fei has already practiced the Jishan breathing method to the state of Dzogchen and has mastered it. He can even reduce some steps based on the original breathing rhythm.

Although it was fused with Feng Xuan Jin before, after the fusion, there was just a new Feng Xuan Breathing Method. This does not mean that Chen Fei has forgotten how to use the Jishan Breathing Method.

At this moment, as Chen Fei continued to use the Jishan Breathing Method, the experience value of the Fengxuan Breathing Method began to rise continuously. The insights about the Fengxuan Breathing Method emerged in his mind one by one, making people involuntarily immersed in it.

An hour later, Chen Fei looked at the panel and couldn't help but smile. The experience value of Fengxuan Breathing Technique had increased by more than a hundred. According to this rhythm, as long as Chen Fei works hard, he can master Fengxuan in about two days. Breathing techniques elevate you to a state of perfection.

Even for Dzogchen, it only takes less than a month. During this period, Chen Fei's progress in cultivation will continue to accelerate, reaching its peak in one month.

Perhaps the time to break through to the meat training realm will be reduced from more than five months to two to three months, or even shorter.

Panel, simplify Qingshan Sword!

"The Qingshan Sword is being simplified...simplified successfully...Qingshan Sword Jishan Fist!"

Looking at the information on the panel, as expected, it was simplified into Jishan Fist, and Chen Fei couldn't help but grin.

If this is the case when simplifying the exercises in the future, then try to cultivate each exercise to the state of Dzogchen, so that you dont have to make any detours.

Chen Fei murmured in a low voice, stood up and started playing Jishan Fist.

Straight forward, Jishan Quan does not have any complicated changes in strength. What is sought is a powerful force, which is focused on reducing ten levels with one force.

In just a moment, the sound of howling wind could be heard in the house, and the experience value of Qingshan Sword on the panel was also rising.

More than twenty days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chen Fei's life was relaxed and comfortable. Refining several batches of Qi and Blood Pills every day, and then taking the time to go out and stir-fry pork liver to blind those who are still following Chen Fei.

In his spare time, Chen Fei didn't go anywhere else, he just stayed in his room and practiced the exercises.

Fengxuan Breathing Technique and Qingshan Sword have both been perfected, and are still a little far away from the Great Perfection. However, Chen Fei has benefited a lot from just the two skills at the perfect state.

Relying on the perfect level of Qingshan Sword, it is now difficult for ordinary warriors of the same level to be Chen Fei's opponent. Even when facing a warrior in the flesh-training realm, Chen Fei is not without any backhand power.

This is the power of the perfection technique. After all, not all warriors have the talent to practice a technique to perfection, let alone the state of great perfection.

Mastery level is the current status of most warriors.

As for Chen Fei, as long as he works hard, he can achieve Dzogchen. In this case, how could Chen Fei not work hard?

And as his cultivation continues to grow, the burden placed on Chen Fei by the mark on Chen Fei's hand is gradually lightened.

The wages were settled a few days ago, and Chen Fei's wages shocked many people.

I dont know if the medical clinic did this on purpose, but Chen Feis salary of more than fifty taels a month shocked many people.

Actually, with this amount, there are only a lot more alchemists in the medical center. Chen Fei can only refine Qi and Blood Pills, which is still relatively small, but he can't stand the comparison with others.

Think about what Chen Fei was like a month ago. He was a low-status handyman in the hospital. Anyone who was unhappy could be beaten, scolded and punished. His monthly salary was less than one tael of silver.

As a result, now, not only has the status become higher, but the income has also increased by dozens of times, how can we not make people envious and jealous.

Chen Fei was not unambiguous. He spent ten taels of silver to treat everyone in the hospital to a restaurant for a meal. Zeng Defang and Cui Sanjie also went out of their way to support him, which eliminated the jealousy of many people. At the same time, more and more people began to fawn over Chen Fei. They had recognized the fact that Chen Fei was no longer the little handyman he used to be.

A few days ago, Chen Fei had already practiced Qi and Blood Pills to the state of great perfection. Chen Fei specifically asked Zeng Defang for several more pill recipes.

Although Zeng Defang felt that Chen Fei was a little too hasty and should have thoroughly absorbed the Qi and Blood Pills first, he did not completely reject Chen Fei. He still gave Chen Fei several pill recipes to let Chen Fei gain some knowledge.

Zeng Defang treats Chen Fei as if he were his own disciple. If Chen Fei has any doubts, he can come to him. The several elixir recipes presented this time were all carefully selected.

Beauty pills, detoxifying pills, root and bone pills and healing pills.

The beauty pill is just like the name. It has the effect of preserving and nourishing the skin when taken for a long time. It is quite popular among some women, so it is expensive. When it is usually sold, it is much more expensive than the Qi and Blood Pill.

Detoxification Pill, which can relieve the effects of ordinary small poisons, is a necessary elixir for many warriors when they go out.

Gengu Dan is a type of elixir specially given to children who have not yet practiced martial arts.

There is an age requirement for practicing martial arts. You should not be too young, because your roots and bones have not yet grown. Practicing martial arts too early will be harmful rather than beneficial. Taking Gengu Pill every day at this time can improve a person's Gengu talent and make the path to martial arts smoother.

Obviously, this kind of elixir is prepared for the children of those aristocratic families. Because it costs money, it is difficult for ordinary people to eat meat, so how can they have the money to buy this kind of elixir.

As for the final healing pill, as the name suggests, after an injury, taking it can relieve or even directly treat the injury in the body. Even if it cannot be cured, it can still suppress it.

Different from the previous conventional prescriptions, these prescriptions have a lot of written notes on them, allowing beginners to get familiar with them faster.

Chen Fei did not learn all four kinds of elixirs, but chose the antidote pills and the healing pills to learn first.

The money problem has been solved for the time being, so Chen Fei's study of elixirs is more to serve his future martial arts path. After all, only by mastering powerful power can many things be truly protected.

"Jiedu Dan is being simplified...Simplified successfully...Jiedu Dan Fried yam!"

Healing Pill is being simplified...Simplified successfully...Healing Pill Fried Chicken!

Yam clears away heat and detoxifies, and chicken is high in protein. The simplified version is quite reasonable. Well, probably.

Chen Fei touched his nose, and now he somewhat understood the principle of panel simplification. The simplified recipe is still stir-fried, which saves Chen Fei a lot of work.

Chen Fei originally wanted to integrate Dzogchen's Qi and Blood Pills with the new pill formula. In the end, he succeeded, but the new pill formula seemed a bit nondescript.

After all, Qi and Blood Pills are used for cultivation. Detoxification Pills and Healing Pills have different effects. The fused new elixir seems to have two functions, but it actually weakens the direction it was originally good at.

Even if this kind of elixir is refined, it is probably not easy to sell, because others can buy targeted elixirs and take them.

Finally, Chen Fei took the newly integrated Danfang apart again, and then simplified them separately.

After getting the new recipe, Chen Fei once again devoted himself enthusiastically to the process of improving his proficiency. In addition to practicing the unshakable Kung Fu and refining Qi and Blood Pills every day, the rest of the time is spent cooking.

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