Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 116: Defeat

Chapter 116: Defeat

The next day.

“Waaaa… Lu Gege, don’t go… I heard that silver-armored demon is really fierce; you’ll surely die if you face it.”

Little Hu, barely over ten years old, clung to Lu Guo, sobbing.

“Be good, Little Hu. Your gege promises to return safely,” Lu Guo reassured him, his expression softening as he patted the boy’s head.

Turning around, he addressed a sturdy youth behind him, clad in coarse linen clothes with broad hands and feet, and striking features: “This is Little Hu from the Wang Clan. In the future, we’ll both be tenant-farmers here, so let’s get along well…”

“Don’t worry, Brother Lu, I’ll treat him just like my own little brother!” The dark-skinned youth responded cheerfully, exuding a sense of sincerity.

“Alright, follow me now, I’ll introduce you to our lord!”

Lu Guo nodded and led Hai Dagui, the broad-featured youth, towards Fang Xi’s grand residence.

“What a magnificent house! S-so huge… Even back home, landlords couldn’t afford such luxury…” Hai Dagui was initially awestruck by the exquisite beauty of the courtyard.

As they entered, he noticed vibrant peach blossoms scattered amidst the garden, where a white-clothed young man stood gracefully near the pond, his hands clasped behind his back, resembling a jade tree swaying elegantly in the breeze.

In the pond, upon noticing the newcomers, a massive azure carp rolled its dead-eyed gaze and bared menacing rows of teeth, displaying intimidation typical of a mid-tier first-rank mythical beast. This nearly frightened Hai Dagui, still at Initial Stage Qi Refinement, causing him to stumble.

“Whoa, what a huge fish…” he muttered, staring at the large blue carp.

It was Lu Guo who nudged him gently, “Haven’t you greeted the Master yet?”

“Yes, yes…” Hai Dagui seemed to awaken from a dream, hesitating between wanting to kneel yet fearing disrespect. “My name is Hai Dagui, greetings to the Master. I humbly request your shelter! I will surely work diligently on the fields…”


Fang Xi couldn’t help but chuckle at this fellow’s antics. However, recalling his earlier demeanor, filled with deeply ingrained humility, Fang Xi suddenly had a suspicion. “Were you born among mortals?”

“That’s right, my parents were fishermen… I’ve been helping them since birth, until I turned ten when an old Daoist appeared. He told me about having spiritual roots and offered to guide me in cultivation…”

Hai Dagui spoke animatedly before turning somber, ”…Unfortunately, not long after, my master passed away…”

Hai Dagui’s expression brightened momentarily before turning somber. “Unfortunately, my master passed away not long after…”

Fang Xi studied his face, feeling a sense of familiarity. After recalling for a moment, he asked, “Your father…was he named ‘Old Hai’? Did he live on a fishing boat with a scarlet red carp emblem?”

Surprised, Hai Dagui nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes! Could it be that Master knew my dad?”

“Just a chance encounter,” Fang Xi sighed.

When Fang Xi first arrived at Wan Island Lake, it was Old Hai who had ferried him across. He never expected that Old Hai’s child would possess spiritual roots and end up being brought to him. It seemed truly fated.

“To meet the descendant of an old acquaintance today is quite unexpected. Take this small token as a greeting gift.”

He rummaged through his bag of holding, found a hoe-like magical artifact, and handed it to Hai Dagui.

“Many thanks, Master! Many thanks!” Holding the artifact, Hai Dagui expressed his gratitude repeatedly. Upon infusing it with magical energy, he exclaimed in surprise, “It’s actually a mid-grade magical artifact?!”

Unnoticed by Fang Xi, Lu Guo’s expression turned grim, as if struck by a blade…

“Keep up the good work!”

Fang Xi completely disregarded Lu Guo and offered a few more words of encouragement to Hai Dagui.

Currently, his bag of holding no longer contained any low-grade magical artifacts.

Moreover, Hai Dagui differed from Lu Guo; there was no fatherly vengeance between them, only a fortuitous connection…

Whom to favor or neglect was entirely based on Fang Xi’s whims.

After all, isn’t the ultimate goal of cultivation for longevity and the freedom to act according to one’s desires?

Feeling disheartened, Lu Guo bid farewell and began to leave.

Just as he reached the edge of the formation, a sudden flash of red light appeared in the distance. A streak of escaping brilliance rushed towards them, revealing a crimson-clad maiden who shouted, “Fang Xi… come forth and fight me!”

“The crown princess?” Lu Guo murmured, hastily stepping aside.

Ruan Dan had diligently cultivated without respite these past years, breaking through to the sixth level of Qi Refinement. Yet, it seemed she had lost her mind today, challenging Fang Xi!

“Why does the crown princess insist on pushing so hard?” Fang Xi sighed, steering the Black Feather Boat out of the formation.

Hadn’t he clearly rejected her long ago?

Why would this young maiden take their three-year agreement so seriously? Her lack of composure was evident, betraying Ruan Xingling’s painstaking efforts to teach her restraint and breathing techniques!

“Enough talk, let’s fight!” Ruan Dan stood proud like a fiery phoenix, forming hand seals as she summoned a red ribbon. The ribbon gracefully danced in mid-air, resembling a crimson Dragonfish with wisps of scarlet spiritual energy emanating from it - unmistakably a high-grade magical artifact!

Fang Xi sighed helplessly, releasing his Green Turtle Shield. The turtle shell rapidly expanded, enveloped by a layer of water for added defense.


The red ribbon struck the turtle shell, eliciting a mournful sound under the immense pressure.

After all, the Green Turtle Shield was only a mid-grade magical artifact!


With a forceful shout, Fang Xi surged his blood qi, punching at the red ribbon and momentarily deflecting it. His eyes flashed like lightning as he charged towards Ruan Dan, drawing a mid-grade peach wood sword from his bag of holding, which streaked forth swiftly!


Ruan Dan pursed her lips slightly, casting a simple cultivation technique. A red mirror appeared before her, unleashing a torrent of flames.

The peach wood sword emitted a sorrowful cry, seemingly damaged in its essence.

“What a pity… I won’t get to witness Fellow Daoist Fang’s renowned close combat skills! And certainly not on solid ground!”

Ruan Dan’s fingers danced like plucking strings on a zither, manipulating the red ribbon with myriad transformations. It first ensnared the turtle shell tightly before surging towards Fang Xi.

Simultaneously, she uttered a sharp command, causing fireballs to burst forth from the mirror, transforming into agile firebirds!

“Princess, is this not taking it too far?!” A flash of anger crossed Fang Xi’s face as he tossed out a spirit beast bag.

Buzzing sounds filled the air as numerous blue and white tortoise beetles emerged, forming two dense clouds of insects. One swarm targeted the red ribbon, while the other headed straight for Ruan Dan.

Pop! Pop!

The blue and white tortoise beetles collided with the firebirds, creating bursts of sparks mid-air, followed by falling insect carcasses amidst embers.

“Insect Cultivator?!” Ruan Dan was startled; she only knew that Fang Xi excelled in close-quarters sword techniques but had no idea he also wielded insect control arts!

As she hastily retreated, several blue and white tortoise beetles reached her side, evading the mirror artifact and biting at Ruan Dan’s spiritual light shield.

A shrill noise echoed instantly.

“Ice Arrow Talisman!” Gritting her teeth, she produced a pure white paper talisman. Upon activation, a barrage of ice arrows shot forth.

Struck, the blue and white tortoise beetles turned into icy sculptures, crashing down from the sky.

Suddenly, Ruan Dan’s vision blurred - unbeknownst to her, Fang Xi had swiftly closed the distance, his fingers clenched into a fist!


The defensive shield was instantly torn apart.

However, in the next moment, a smile appeared on Ruan Dan’s face as she extended her pale jade-like hand, revealing two bells wrapped around her wrist.


The pleasant bell sounds resonated, carrying waves that targeted the mental landscape.

Fang Xi’s divine sense stirred, effortlessly neutralizing the attack. Yet instead of responding immediately, he feigned bewilderment.

Seeing this, Ruan Dan let out a sigh of relief and gleefully produced a flying sword, pointing it at Fang Xi’s chest. “Fellow Daoist Fang, can we consider me the victor now?”

As if awakening from a dream, Fang Xi gazed at the bells on Ruan Dan’s wrist, deeply moved. “I didn’t expect the Island Lord to pass you such a powerful magical artifact, the ‘Mind-Bewitching Bells’!”

He recognized this artifact well, as it was one used by Ruan Xingling herself. Its ability to assault a cultivator’s mental landscape made it highly troublesome. However, for someone with cultivated divine sense like himself, such an attack posed little threat.

“Let me enlighten Fellow Daoist Fang,” Ruan Dan said proudly, lifting her chin. “My master has already broken through the Late Stage Qi Refinement bottleneck, reaching the pinnacle of the tenth level. Naturally, she no longer needs this artifact.”

Feeling the humiliation from three years ago swept away, Ruan Dan’s mood soared with immense satisfaction.

“It seems I have lost!” Fang Xi sighed, turning to leave without delay. He carefully collected the remains of the golden beetles, his demeanor appearing dejected…

Within the underground cave:

“Supreme Unity infuses me; Azure Wood grants longevity!”

Fang Xi sat cross-legged beneath the Demon Tree, feeling the intensifying essence of plants and vegetation along with the power of cyclical ages within him. With a sweep of his divine sense, he observed numerous fragmented runes shimmering in shades of emerald green, interspersed with silver glimmers.

It seemed as though the forces of nature were spontaneously forming ancient runes within his body.

Even contemplating these incomplete runes brought forth profound insights and realizations.

“The Yi Wood Dharma Body is gradually coalescing…”

“Fascinating! This innate spiritual body appears to embody the intricacies of runes? Or perhaps…runes are tools developed by cultivators to simplify their understanding of the Great Dao?”

Fang Xi had a moment of clarity: “Acquiring this immense opportunity truly feels like sheer luck. Compared to this, what do reputation and the honor or shame from battle victories even matter?”

The ‘Longevity Technique’ alone was merely a bone of contention!

However, combined with the Demon Tree, it represented an unparalleled chance that not even Gold Core patriarchs or Nascent Soul great beings could attain!

After all, regardless of how formidable they might be at Core Formation or Nascent Soul stages, their influence was limited to this world and couldn’t extend into the realm of Great Liang!

Moreover, considering the extraordinary nature of the Demon Tree, there likely wasn’t another one like it in existence here.

Observing the formation of the Yi Wood Dharma Body from start to finish was also a significant gain for Fang Xi. Although he couldn’t fully comprehend it yet, he diligently stored these insights within his mind.

Perhaps only after reaching Foundation Establishment or even Core Formation would their impact gradually become apparent…

After completing today’s session of the Longevity Technique, Fang Xi waved his hand, causing the qi roots to retract back into him as he stood up.


With this simple movement, the temperature in the cavern surged dramatically, akin to an invisible furnace igniting.

“Hah…” As Fang Xi assumed a boxing stance, his blood qi intensified, generating a scorching sensation that made the surrounding Demon Tree roots instinctively retreat.

Gradually, his intangible blood qi transformed into tangible true astral energy, continuously expanding and coalescing behind Fang Xi, seemingly on the verge of taking shape…

“True Astral Manifestation, almost there!” Fang Xi murmured to himself.

With the daily amplification from the Demon Tree, one day soon, he would surpass the limits of Great Liang’s martial arts realm and achieve True Astral Manifestation!

This level equates to the fourth stage of techniques like the Myriad Beasts Body, comparable to an early Foundation Establishment cultivator!

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