Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 287

Chapter 287: Chapter 157

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

According to the voting results from all the gods, the King of Order split the position of the Sun God into three parts—the main part went to the God of Fire Element, dawn and dusk went to the Goddess of Twilight, and the remaining one-third was waiting for anyone suitable to take it.

The Goddess of Twilight was excited as she had expected to gain nothing; the God of Fire Element was more or less satisfied. For those who had reached the realm of the sun, the pending one-third of the position was like the carrot hanging in front of a donkey, inducing the latter to be determined to strive for it.

After the distribution had been announced, the Sun God’s body shook fiercely, and a golden light slowly floated upwards—the physical form of the position of the “sun” with which one could be the new Sun God.

Seeing this, the crowd of gods couldn’t help but expose their thirst, though none of them really thought of grabbing it.

Unlike jewelry or diamonds which were owned by possessing, obtaining priesthood not only required the profound understanding of the corresponding fields but also ideologically agreeing on the position.

Besides, if the priesthood was that easy to take on, the God of Light might have grabbed it though making no use of it by himself. After all, it would do no harm to add a Sun God to the human god system!

Nobody else was capable of taking on this position apart from the God of Fire Element and the Goddess of Twilight so far.

In theory, the position could also be split into several minor positions so that more gods could be able to take on a part of them. However, this was a difficult decision to make for the God of Light to split such a position; the Sun God role had combined a wide range of minor positions through a long period of time and great efforts by the Sun God.

In fact, it had been surprising to hear the King of Order propose to split the position of the Sun God.

Was the Great Divine Power so powerful that it could finish such a difficult task with such little effort?

It was interesting to see how the King of Order would split such an agglomerate position as the Sun God.

With a silver flash, the King of Order came to the position of the Sun God. He slowly raised his hand into that golden light.

Almost instantly, the King of Order took back his hand along with a soft golden light inside.

In the meantime, the golden light was split into two parts, with the proportion of one to three in size for the two parts. The two parts of lights flew out separately. The bigger part went to the God of Fire Element who opened his lizard-like mouth to swallow the light. The smaller part went to the Goddess of Twilight who took it with her hand; it melted into her body.

Then the two lights rose up from these two gods, raising their breath substantially and their seats in the pantheon temple also changed accordingly. The God of Fire Element was now the God of Fire Element and the Sun God while the Goddess of Twilight had become the God of the Rising and Setting Sun.

It was all simple and easy.

Of course, there would be other subsequent changes. For example, the two gods would send over oracles, and their churches and followers would hold grand celebrations and even... In theory, as a god was promoted, the origin of the world would change somehow, as well as the surrounding environment.

But actually, nothing happened. It was all quiet.

The young gods didn’t come to realize this, while the senior ones already paid attention to the King of Order. Things were not going as expected, and the only reason was that the position split and replacement had been carried out by the King of Order.

Did it suggest... that the origin of the world was also charged by “order”?

The God of Light was still standing there, but his face under the helmet had become dismal. His previous pride for beating the Sun God had disappeared.

The King of Order was far more powerful than he had expected or even imagined!

The God of Light was silent until all the gods had left. He then started to collect the body of the Sun God and was about to leave.

He looked cold and hard as ice, and determination and confidence returned to his eyes.

There was a long way to go... for himself and the human god system!

After the new Sun Gods had assumed their post, the sun shone brightly again, less formidable and more violent than before.

The God of Fire Element was different from the former Sun God in terms of his philosophy and characteristics; that reflected in many aspects including the sunshine.

In the Kingdom of Holy Angels, clergies were upset as they had completely lost connection with their gods. They noticed the shifting of their beliefs and at last, all their beliefs had been cut out brutally.

The followers of the former Sun God had been taking charge of the state churches, but the new God of Fire Element and the Sun God did not want any of them!

It was a nature god, not a god of belief. It had no problem with its own followers, but it would not accept the followers and organizations of the former Sun God.

Before cutting out the old followers’ belief in the former Sun God, it left them the last Oracle, asking them to think about and understand the essence of “fire” and “the sun.”

It didn’t know how many of them could learn to switch their beliefs to its own through thinking and exploring. In fact, it didn’t even bother.

Such attitudes of the new Sun God had made the followers of the former Sun God panic, and many of them had even brought an end to their lives in depression. But fairly speaking, the former God of Fire Element, today’s God of Fire Element and Sun God, was open-minded compared to the other nature gods. Some nature gods had a hatred for belief and even refused to respond to their followers’ prayer or receive the power of beliefs as if they had no followers. The extreme ones would ban belief and even beat their followers if they prayed to them.

But that happened a long time ago. Today, most of the nature gods still dismissed their followers, but they did not beat them anymore.

The reason was that those that had beat their followers had been deprived of their positions by the King of Order. The lucky ones had made use of their saved energy to turn into devils while the unlucky ones died.

At this time, the sun came out again and shone in the sky when the fiercely battling humans and Orcs both recalled their last troops from the battlefield. This was seen as an auspicious sign, and many even cried with joy. It may have just been a coincidence though.

Years later, it might become a story told by bards from generation to generation. And this legend might even help to prevent wars and bring peace between the Empire of Orcs and the Eagle Kingdom.

But this was something the future generations had to do. For the Orcs, the problem they were facing now was to return these captives, whether they be soldiers or civilians. For the humans, all they wanted was to have their new king ascend the throne as soon as possible.

The Orcs’ concern would be easier; it was only a matter of time and labor. The goal of the humans would be more difficult to achieve because Leon refused to ascend the throne and become the king of the Eagle Kingdom.

The ministers were all confused. The only thing they were worried about before was pleasing the new king and fighting each other for power and their own interests. But nobody had ever imagined that Leon wouldn’t want the throne!

“I had agreed with someone to go back after the Wood issue was settled,” Leon said calmly. “Since my business is done now, I should go back.”

“Where are you going to! This is your home!” a white-haired minister said in tears. His sad and angry face would make one surprised to know that he had also been the first one to announce his support to Woods ascending the throne.

Leon smiled and dismissed him—an old minister putting on different faces, unfortunately, didn’t work on Leon. Leon took off the Eagle Clothing which had changed into its original form and put it on the throne next to him. He also took off the Eagle Crown from his head and put it on the armor. At last, he put the Eagle Sword down next to the crown.

He was now in black armor, feeling as relaxed as he had been when he first met Sui Xiong.

“I’ve got to go. It’s up to you to select someone to take the throne. It’s no problem with me,” he said. “If someone wishes to learn the Eagle Sword, just come to me in Garth Town.”

“Garth Town?” A young minister frowned and thought for a while before he screamed, “You mean... you are ‘the King of Seaside’ of the Garth Town?”

Leon laughed. “My friends were just flattering me by calling me ‘the King of Seaside.’ In fact, I am the Archbishop of the Church of Void Mask. You see, isn’t it ridiculous for a clergyman to be a king?”

The ministers couldn’t believe their ears. The Archbishop of the Church of Void Mask? That was the chief of the Void Mask Land—much greater than the master of the Garth Town and probably nobler than the king of the Eagle Kingdom!

The Void Mask Land was the top entertainment venue on the main plane, the most secure refuge and the most advanced cultural center. Owning such top-status land and having two real gods at the back, it was not hard to imagine how lucky this Prince Leon had been and how many miracles had happened to him during these past thirty years!

Not to mention, he was also a peak, legendary master who might be reaching the demigod level soon after to have immortal life. He might still remain young and handsome till the last day of the Eagle Kingdom!

Indeed, such a person would not limit himself to a throne.

They gave up and saw Leon off though unhappily. But they didn’t forget to keep reminding the prince that this was his homeland and asked him to come back whenever possible.

Leon smiled and agreed. He launched his long-distance transportation scroll and soon returned to the portal of the Void Mask Land.

Casari was sitting nearby on the bench designed for tourists to rest and was staring at the portal. Upon seeing Leon appear, she stood up quickly with surprise.

However, she was not stable due to sitting for so long and fell down on the spot. She fell into the arms of Leon who rushed over right away.

“My lord, I didn’t expect such welcome for me.” Leon smiled.

Casari didn’t reply. She raised her head and looked up at Leon with concerned. “You are back? Are you leaving? To be the king of the Eagle Kingdom—?”

She talked so quickly that she choked and finally had to stop talking to a cough.

Leon laughed and patted her on the back to calm her down.

“Relax, I promised you, didn’t I?”

“You are not leaving again?”

“No! I am back here already.”


“Don’t worry!”

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