Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Chapter 118

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Why did Woods start the coup? Why was he so heartless? It remained a huge mystery in Leon’s heart all this time.

In his impression, this uncle of his was a knight whose martial art skills were not too shabby. He was brave in wars. His personality was not highly noble, but it was of normal standard. His desire for the throne was not even worth mentioning... whether it was the hierarchy of inheritance or his martial powers, it would be impossible for him to inherit the throne. It was not even under consideration. So why would he desire it?

The weirdest part was, Woods’ coup came without any signs. But when it started there were so many followers, it was simply incredible!

This manpower did not just fall from the sky. Woods’ forces were actually pretty elite at the time. Where did these men come from?

After the Woods coup was enthroned, a lot of ministers and nobles expressed surrender to him. That was highly unreasonable; the governing body of the Eagle Kingdom was comparably loose as a whole. Even though the king had the highest power, he could not exactly command the world with nobody defying him. As an insurgent of the coup d’état, Woods did not have the given legitimacy and holiness. Why did the nobles with army forces surrender to him? There was no reason for it!

These questions had bothered Leon for a long time, even though he had been searching for information all the while. He had been using his power and position to gather related news, especially after reviving Garth City. The amount and diversity of news he gathered could almost fill up a bookshelf. He felt he could almost guess the answer; but until he found Woods to ask him clearly, he could not remove the thorn stuck in his heart.

Sui Xiong called this situation “an idea not fulfilled.” Leon thought the phrase was very appropriate. If he did not find out the answers himself and kill Woods with his own sword as revenge, his idea would probably not be fulfilled anyway.

That was why, even though it was very dangerous, he decided to make a trip to the Eagle Kingdom.

When he mentioned his decision, Carissa was of course very unwilling. She cried until she was almost soaked in tears. She had clearly heard the words of His Highness Steel Lion and knew how dangerous it was for Leon to go. It meant he might have to fight the immeasurably strong Orc emperor, Junero Tiger. It also meant that... things would most likely end badly.

And yet, Leon still went.

When a man made the decision to do something, no woman could stop it.

All she could do for Leon was prepare the best equipment possible and give him a sufficient food supply.

When it was time for Leon to depart, he brought along a full set of extravagant equipment: a magic full body armor named “Void Guardian,” a magic cape “Starry Night Over the Sea,” a magic pendant “Fountain of Life,” a magic ring “Lucky Star,” and a “Space Anchor.” The most important of all was the two-handed sword called “The Holy Avenger.” Sui Xiong had spent almost a year’s time collecting precious materials from many worlds to create it.

All of these items were kept in his personal realm. That personal realm did not need any prop to open it up. It opened with a magical sign engraved on his soul. As long as he was still awake, he could take out or put in any items at any time. Within that personal realm, there were also many types of food prepared by Carissa. That amount of food could last a group of high-level adventurers fighting above the sky and underground and everywhere around the world for one and a half years.

If it were not for the limited space, Carissa might have stuffed the entire army storage of Garth City into it.

Some of Leon’s equipment came from the secret vault guarded by the Riley family; some of it was a gift from Storm Sea; some were things that he exchanged with other legendary experts. But the two most important things came from His Highness Void Mask, the God that he believed in.

Sui Xiong decently made the full body of armor, using the painful thoughts he conjured after he died battling hard with the Sea Marine armies. Later on, when Sui Xiong’s experience and abilities increased, he added even more precious materials to greatly reinforce it. When he put it on Leon could barely feel its weight. It was so strong it could withstand the attack of a siege. Any magical weapon that was not at a high enough level could not even break its attached protective field. It came with a myriad of magic to neutralize any positive or negative effects from any spells that Sui Xiong could think of. This included controlling, cursing, enchanting, weakening, etc. It also had great reduction effects when faced with all types of injuries. It even provided multiple assistant abilities that could be activated or canceled. The person who wore the armor could be dubbed a Star Wars fighter; one could really even fight in outer space while wearing it if they needed to. There would be absolutely no problem in surviving or moving around.

Yet, when compared with the two-handed sword, the full body of armor was rather insignificant. The two-handed sword did not have many functions. There were basically three. Firstly, it was super strong and sharp. Armed with a strong magical enchantment, even a young child could use it to cut iron blocks easily; he just needed to shove the iron block onto the blades. Even Leon used it during his free time to practice slicing mithril and carving gold flowers. It was very convenient, except for its slightly big size. Secondly, it could break any magical effect that Sui Xiong could think of when the sword hit the target. Even physical immunity spells were not exempt. Thirdly, it could sense danger in its owner’s luck and could give an early warning of it. If necessary, it could even fly on its own to fight in the battle.

To create the entire set of full body armor, Sui Xiong had sent out clones to numerous worlds to collect materials. To create that sword, he mainly collected supplementary materials. The main substance was part of the body of the God of Storm, which he devoured once but could not completely digest.

Regarding these two pieces of equipment, Morani (who was an expert in the same field and whose clergy included metal-smithing) commented, “It was just a show off of materials.” Yorgaardman who was a poor man commented instead, “Why had I not met such a generous big brother back then?” The Goddess of Wealth had estimated the cost to a shocking number, exclaiming that the deacon of Void Mask Church was wearing the worth of two countries on his body...

Of course, Leon could not wear this glamorous armor into the city. It would be equal to putting three hundred spotlights on his head. It was not suitable for his plans of moving in and taking action secretly. So he chose to hide in the end.

He changed into undistinguishable grey leather armor, and let the people from the Association of Thieves disguise him into a young thief who was smart and brave. He put on a pair of short swords commonly used by thieves, inserted a dagger into his boots, hung a foldable short bow around his waist, and tied a round of arrows to both his legs. He did not look anything like the “King of the Seaside” from Garth City. He looked like a young elite man from the Association of Thieves.

He walked towards the portal, getting ready to go to Eagle Wing City, the capital of the Eagle Kingdom. Carissa, who came to see him off, ran over to him suddenly and hugged him from behind.

“Come back alive!” she said in a tearful voice.

Leon smiled. “Sure thing. I am only going to tie up some unfinished business. The future is more important to me.”

“If you die, I will die as well.” Carissa’s voice was alarmingly calm and determined. “I had already prepared my will.”

After she said that, she loosened her arms and didn’t block his path anymore.

Leon’s body was stunned for a while. He was quiet before he said, “I will not let it be used!” At the same time, he stepped into the illuminating portal.

A few seconds later, a young elite thief appeared beside the portal outside of Eagle Wing City.

The portals going to Void Mask’s Theme Park were valued by every country. There was usually a small troop guarding almost every portal. It was obvious that this thief was a smart and worthy one, so an old soldier who came over to him immediately to ask what he was doing there.

Once he heard that the thief was there to try his luck upon seeing the conscription order, the old soldier laughed. He patted the young thief’s shoulder in a friendly manner and encouraged him to work hard.

The thief smiled and nodded, and walked ahead.

Once he walked far enough, the old soldier sighed and said to his partner, “Another one came to look for death!”

“Actually, it is difficult to say. Who knows who will succeed?” the partner guessed. “There are many good men who came this time. Who knows if someone might make a great contribution?”

“It also depends if the Eagle Kingdom still exists. Only then can they be rewarded,” the old soldier said pessimistically. “Do you think our kingdom can hold off the Orcs this time?”

The soldiers all sighed deeply. The mood was a bit low suddenly.

After a while, the captain thought of something to cheer them up again. He said to everyone, “Actually, it’s okay if we lose. As long as we don’t die on the battlefield, we might just get violated by a group of bunny girls... come to think of it, that does not seem so bad.”

The soldiers all laughed suddenly. The pessimistic and sad mood disappeared within a short while.

Similar conversations happened between many of the Eagle Kingdom soldiers. But little did they know, Emperor Junero Tiger was looking at a document in his Emperor’s tent in the Orc army, smiling with satisfaction.

“The Eagle Kingdom’s soldiers are losing their morale,” he said, “because we changed our ways this time. Many soldiers were talking along the lines of ‘we could always surrender, and would only get raped by bunnies; men would not be disadvantaged’.”

“This is a good thing!” the elder of the holy church said with a cold smile. His face was so old with wrinkles it could press mosquitoes to death. “If that continues for several generations, the Eagle Kingdom will have no more humans. Only half-Orcs with rabbit bloodlines.”

“Yes. By then they will be loyal people to our empire, purely producers. We will not have to worry about their rebellion forever,” the emperor laughed while saying. “Tragic Wind Big Druid’s idea was actually very useful!”

“Speaking of being at peace with oneself, that woman was really great! Before, she was one of le-Peyroux’s military advisors. But because she kept thinking humans should use love and understanding to communicate with each other, she ended up splitting up with le-Peyroux.” The elder’s words were full of sarcasm. “Even though she is old, even though her powers are strong, she is still a naïve woman at the end of the day!”

“There is nothing bad about being naïve. Her naivety has helped us a lot!”

“Oh yes. The more naïve people there are, the better!”

The two highest level persons in the Orc Empire army looked at each other and laughed within their own thoughts.

From their points of view, this war could be announced as over already.

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