Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 221 - Chapter 91

Chapter 221: Chapter 91

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The giant dragon warship looked like the signature of the Viking pirates on earth. It had a raised bow and a fierce black dragon carved on it. The hull was not very stylish, but its length was shocking. It was like a huge poisonous snake with its head raised, poised in a threatening and offensive position.

There were no sails on the ship, but numerous long oars protruded from beneath the sides of the ship, moving swiftly as though they were centipede feet. Nobody knew if it was this rowing power that allowed them to fly through the magical turbulence present in the void.

This was the God of Battle’s proudest artifact. It was both a huge fortress as well as a peerless weapon. In the years that passed, it had ferried the God of battle to war countless times, killing countless enemies, clinching many achievements in battles for the war Gods, and winning prestige for them!

Today, its dragon head was pointed towards the Gods of desolation.

The warship was very fast. In the blink of an eye, it reached the Holy Kingdom of the Gods of desolation. Only after seeing it was about to make an impact did the Gods of desolation respond, roaring angrily and rushing back towards the Holy Kingdom.

The Holy Kingdom was everything to a God. It was where they stored up divine power, settled down believers, and cultivated oracles. Once a Holy Kingdom was destroyed, not only would the long-stored divine power of the Gods be destroyed; the entire cohesion and morale of the church would receive a lethal blow. Without the Holy Kingdom, there would be no oracles or Holy Spirit. That God would be reduced to having to rely upon the divine power stored up within his own avatars to fight, without the support of any subordinates or the ability to revive after death.

If one reached this point it meant they were at the end of their rope.

Whether it was out of sentiment or benefit, there was no way that the Gods of desolation would allow the God of Battle to destroy their Holy Kingdom!

The fastest reactions were from subordinates of the Gods of desolation, the Orc-like Gods of Warrior and Drinking, and the Silent Knights, created by the Monochrome Bearman as guards. They were the closest.

He who always squinted his eyes as though drunk, the stench of alcohol reeking off his body, suddenly snapped open his eyes wide. There was not a sign of drunkenness to be seen!

He let out a roar, and his body became taller than the highest mountain in an instant. Knife-like claws popped out of his thick black arms, furiously slapping towards the warship.

Although he was used to fighting with the knife at his waist, his semi-divine blade was useless against a weapon as enormous as the warship. It was far more reliable to use his body, which had been tempered through hardships!

The giant bear man’s iron palm slapped down against the tall dragon figure of the warship. It looked as though the dragon would be slapped aside, or even broken. But just as his bear paw was about to hit it, that black dragon head, which seemed to be a decoration, suddenly came alive.

The dragon head was a little smaller than the bear’s paw, but the instant it came alive it suddenly grew in size. It stretched out its neck and opened its bloody maw wide to bite down on the extended right palm of the bear man.

The Silent Knight’s tempered body was incomparably sturdy. He was still a battle God after all, with experience as a warrior. After he was raised to the rank of God, his body became stronger than steel. Yet under the teeth of this black dragon head, his iron palm felt as though it had become flesh once more. He was injured with a single bite and even had a large chunk of flesh ripped off, fresh blood gushing.


The giant bearman let out a tragic cry, but before he could react a battle God who had been standing on the front deck of the ship jumped out, piercing forwards with his spear.

His body was not intentionally enlarged. Compared to the silent warrior who had become a giant bear, he was like a knee-high dwarf. At first glance, the spear in his hands looked like a toy as large as a chopstick. But after he thrust it forth, the front end of the spear grew thicker and longer. By the time it reached the Silent Knight, it had become thicker than his arm, and so monstrously long that it could skewer the giant bear for a barbeque.

If this spear hit him, the Silent Knight would definitely become a silent barbeque!

At this moment, a giant shield came in from the side, deflecting the spear far away.

An armor-clad Morani had arrived, his left hand holding the shield, his right hand holding a war axe, looking powerful and mighty.

He did not become very huge. But with a wave of his war axe, razor-sharp blades of light burst forth, slicing apart everything in front of him. They revealed the edge of this weapon.

After using his shield to deflect the God of War’s spear, he did not waste time with small talk. He immediately started hacking away at the warship with his war axe.

Once again, the black dragon head came alive, trying to go around the axe to bite Morani’s arm. However, Morani displayed exquisite martial finesse, twisting the axe to chop the dragon head.

With a muffled sound, the black dragon head that bit off a huge chunk of the Silent Knight was smashed to smithereens. But it was the divine power attached to it that was broken. It once more became a block of wood; this time it was a wooden block that cleaved into two halves.

The God of War did not move just because his ship had been damaged. His face was concealed under his helmet, so no one would have been able to see if his expression changed. But he brandished his spear towards Morani.

Neither of them was loud-mouthed. What needed to be said had already been said earlier at the Pantheon Temple. As the saying goes, the end of the world lies at the end of the road; at the end of words is the sword. After saying all that had to be said, they let their weapons do the talking.

The God of War’s body was slightly thinner than the Steel Lion’s, but he was still robust. His spear was not the type designed to collide head-on in large-scale battles. It was a flexible and tough weapon suited for adventurers. This corresponded with his domain, where he was responsible for many small skirmishes, battles in which tens of people fought. In such battles, a spear with flexibility could display more tricks and be more suited to fully displaying the martial arts of the warrior.

One could only see his shadow in the void, his spear dancing non-stop, flying up and down. He was like a viper constantly circling around Morani and attacking. His spear was as fast as lightning. His footsteps left behind afterimages. It was clearly a fierce battle, yet one where onlookers could only sigh deeply at the beauty of the fight.

Morani’s martial arts were much simpler in comparison. He was an Orc soldier of ordinary origin who became a God through various circumstances and gained great strength. But his martial arts were the same old set. The shield on his left hand moved unhurriedly, blocking 70 to 80 percent of the spear’s attacks while he looked for opportunities to strike with the axe in his right hand. Occasionally he struck towards the long spear. Other times he would suddenly charge forward, hacking towards the God of War.

Of their martial arts, one was agile and had many forms; the other was steady and rigid. It was impossible to determine the winner in a short amount of time, and thus, a huge battle began on the outskirts of the Holy Kingdom of the Gods of desolation.

At this moment, the dragon head warship had once more begun to charge the Holy Kingdom of the Gods of desolation.

The right arm of the silent knight had become swollen. It was clear that the black dragon head harbored some fearful venom, injuring him heavily in an instant. Yet he had no intention of retreating and only shrank his body slightly. He actually drew his sabre, intending on continuing the fight left-handed.

The Silent Knight was originally a wandering half-Orc, his blade quick and swift. He belonged to the adventurer group just like the God of War, and attacking head-on was not his forte. The God of War had tied down Morani, who was in charge of being the vanguard. Now he could only brace himself and summon up his courage.

As for the bear swordsman who had experienced countless battles with his body, wielding a blade with his left hand was not particularly inconvenient. It was just that his sabre was less powerful than the dragon head warship of the God of War. If it weren’t for Morani cleaving it with his axe and weakening it, his semi-divine weapon would have been unable to put up a fight.

It was fortunate that the master of the warship had left and there was no one currently in charge. As a result, the fighting ability of the warship had dropped. Still, the Silent Knight was only barely able to stand up to it.

But anyone looking at his right arm swollen with fluid would have known that he was not fit for battle, and urgently required rest and treatment.


There was another loud roar, and a clay-yellow figure shot out from the Holy Kingdom of the Gods of desolation, heading straight towards the dragon head warship.

The figure looked like a frighteningly gigantic snake, but on closer inspection, it was actually a really huge earthworm. This was one of the subordinate Gods of the Gods of desolation, named Jogan, “The Abundant Wanderer.”

This earthworm was not very intelligent and did not have many believers. Coupled with the fact that it had no desire to improve, its abilities remained the same as when it had just set foot in the realm of the Gods. One couldn’t even call it a weak divine power. As for its combat prowess, how much ability could an earthworm have? All it could rely on was its large body and brute strength. Just like an uncultured brute, it could only charge and trample wildly.

Nothing was absolute. This style of fighting actually restrained the dragon head warship. The earthworm naturally had unparalleled vitality. The “earth dragon” from the abyss was pretty much immortal, being able to revive itself after being cut up into pieces. Jogan was no worse; it used its huge body to ram against the warship. Although it would be wounded heavily each time, its wounds would heal fully after each injury, so it could care less.

With support from his partner, the Silent Knight could finally retreat to the rear lines temporarily to focus on healing.

He tried to use divine power to dispel the venom and found that the efficacy was low. It required a long amount of time before it could fully purge all the venom.

Seeing the situation of the battle, the Monochrome Bearman thought briefly and made a decision.

He bit down on his scabbard. He raised his sabre with his left hand before cutting down, chopping off his entire right arm in one go!

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